Darren Rowse

Highly Effective Bloggers Project – More Submissions
The Habits of Highly Effective Bloggers Group Writing Project is coming to an end. Today’s the cut off date so if want to contribute something you’ve only got til the end of the day (I’ll accept entries as long as they were sent on a Friday 26 May – wherever ...more
ProBlogger Site News

How to Find Traffic for a New Blog
Yaro’s put together a good post on How To Launch A Brand New Blog that will be of use to PreBloggers wanting to think through their first day or two of blogging. Here’s part of his great advice: “One of the problems new bloggers of today face is the hype ...more
Blog Promotion

Engadget Runs ‘Post-Like’ BMW Ads
I just saw an ad that I haven’t seen before over at Engadget. It’s placed between the end of individual posts and the ‘recent posts’ section. The ad is labeled twice as ‘Advertisement’ but is also very well blended with the rest of the site with it’s heading in the ...more
Pro Blogging News

CSS tips
If you are a blogger who wants to learn how to use CSS (cascading Style Sheets) to modify the look and feel of your blog and you are after some tips you might want to check out the latest post over at Business Logs where Mike gives his 5 CSS ...more
Blog Design

AdBrite beta testing Mobile, In Video and Banner ads
AdBrite announced that they are accepting beta users for three new formats of ads. It was announced last week but escaped my attention for some reason. Mobile Ads – an Ad system for mobile content sites (WAP) Banner Ads – fairly standard banner ad options by the looks of things ...more

Habits of Highly Effective Bloggers – More Reader Submissions
The reader submissions for the Habits of Highly Effective Bloggers Group Writing Project have continued to come in over night – 13 more to add to yesterdays 16. Once again I’ve posted them all to the central page with yesterday’s submissions. I’m really excited by the quality of some of ...more
Pro Blogging News

Podcast interviews ProBlogger at Practical Blogging
Robyn Tippins has just posted a short podcast interview with me talking about blogging, now I got into it, how I transitioned into doing it for a living, how PR and marketing people should pitch bloggers, things I’d do differently and a few tips on blogging and monetization etc. Listen ...more
Pro Blogging News

Feedburner Updates Free Stats Package
Feedburner has announced a couple of updates to what they are offering in their free stats package including ‘Live Hits’ (the ability to see the last 25 hits via your feed (how long the 25 hits were over and what agent they used to read your feed) and ‘Yesterdays News’ ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

How to Recruit Bloggers
Chris has written a really useful post at Performancing on Recruiting Blogging Partners to write on your blogs. His tips are well thought out and very practical from someone who has some experience. I particularly like this: “I have found the best place to look for long-haul bloggers are blogs. ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips