Darren Rowse

Gawker Yahoo Partnership Terminated
20th of July 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Gawker Yahoo Partnership Terminated

Nick Denton has announced that the content sharing partnership that Gawker had with Yahoo has ended. The reasons – it didn’t generate them much traffic, didn’t seem to convert them many new readers, the demographics of Gawker and Yahoo didn’t really match up and Valleywag’s coverage of Yahoo Media head ...more
Pro Blogging News
Linkers Anonymous
20th of July 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Linkers Anonymous

A few weeks back I wrote a post titled No-one links to the linkers. It had quite a few comments left on it but one (it was one of the last ones left) caught my attention above the others and as I read it I knew instantly that I could ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
The Dawn of Professional Social Bookmarking
19th of July 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

The Dawn of Professional Social Bookmarking

Jason Calacanis has posted a post that could be the begin of professional social bookmarking (someone better register prosocialbookmarker.com). He’s offering to pay 12 or so top users from sites like digg, reddit, MySpace, Newsvine, Delicious and Flickr to submit posts to Netscape. Read about it at his post at ...more
Pro Blogging News
Speedlinking 19 July 2006
19th of July 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Speedlinking 19 July 2006

I’m not back yet from my couple of weeks off (the interview series and guest blogging will continue) but have started wading through my bloglines account to see what I’ve been missing. Here are a few posts that have caught my eye from the last week or so so far: ...more
Pro Blogging News
What would I do different if I had to start my blog over? – Wendy Boswell
19th of July 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

What would I do different if I had to start my blog over? – Wendy Boswell

The following is an answer from Wendy Boswell from Lifehacker, Snarky Gossip and Stewies Playground (just three of her projects) responding to my one question interview question of what she’d do differently if he had to start her blog over again. I wouldn’t worry about being everything to everyone. I ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Integrating Digg Within Your Blog Gets Easier
18th of July 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Integrating Digg Within Your Blog Gets Easier

Digg is making it easier to add ‘digg this’ buttons on your blog. I’ve not worked out how to do it yet but apparently you can set it up so that the number of diggs an article has can be shown and people can digg an article directly from your ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
The Podcast Network Selling Advertising Space on Ebay
18th of July 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

The Podcast Network Selling Advertising Space on Ebay

The Podcast Network has taken an interesting step and is auctioning advertising in their G’day World podcast on ebay. Three ads are up for auction – get the details of how it works here.
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
What would I do different if I had to start my blog over? – Mike Rundle
18th of July 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

What would I do different if I had to start my blog over? – Mike Rundle

The following is an answer from Mike Rundle from Business Logs and 9rules Network responding to my one question interview question of what he’d do differently if he had to start his blog over again. Well before I can really answer that question, I should probably talk about why I ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
What would I do different if I had to start my blog over? – Andy Wibbels
17th of July 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

What would I do different if I had to start my blog over? – Andy Wibbels

The following is an answer from Andy Wibbels from Six Figure Blogging and Blog Wild responding to my one question interview question of what he’d do differently if he had to start his blog over again. I would have been keen on keywords from the get-go. I sorta kinda knew ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips