Darren Rowse

Did I mention I’m Back?
For those of you who didn’t realize – I’m back from my paternity leave. I’ve been slowly getting back up to speed over the last three or four days and am getting to the point of catching up on a couple of weeks of unread emails and RSS feeds. A ...more
ProBlogger Site News

AdSense Updates Forums Help Pages
AdSense have updated their advice for publishers using their ads on Forums in their Help Center. Their update is pretty small – the changes in the heat maps from last time to this time are negligable (see below – the old version is on the left and the new one ...more

What do you think of Technorati’s Upgrade?
What do you think of Technorati’s upgrade? My first impressions were not that great but it’s growing on me. Their challenge is that they are now tracking a lot of information and a lot of blogs and to present it all in a useful and uncluttered way is always going ...more
Pro Blogging News

If I had to Start My Blog Again – Group Writing Project
Over the past two weeks I’ve asked 14 of my favorite bloggers what they’d do differently if they were starting their blog again today. Their responses were varied and left us with plenty of food for thought (see their responses here). As I’ve been posting their responses I’ve noticed quite ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Analyzing Influence and Popularity of “Blog Marketing”
Onalytica have posted the results to a study they’ve done exploring the question of Who are the most influential authorities on “blog marketing”? In their research they attempt to explore the difference between ‘influence’ and ‘popularity’. Perhaps it’s the fact that I’ve woken up with a migraine and that coffee ...more
Pro Blogging News

More on What Blogging is Buying Bloggers
Two days ago I linked to a couple of people who had written about what blogging had bought them and asked readers to tell us what blogging had enabled them to buy also. Little did I know what the response would be like – even though it is a weekend. ...more
Pro Blogging News

Sending Traffic Away or Keeping Traffic On Site?
Kevin at LexBlog has a post that has got me thinking. It’s called Best blogs send audience away. In it he refers to a post by Jeff Jarvis which talks about portals and how they try to lure you in to them and keep you there as opposed to what ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

digg Sports Launches
digg / Sports has just launched and sports bloggers everywhere are cheering!
Pro Blogging News

449 – 3 Day Professional Blog Design
Chris Garrett (not the Chris Garrett from Performancing… there’s two of them out there!) emailed me this morning to tell me about a new service he’s put together for his blog design business. It’s called 449 and is a service that promises to deliver you a professional blog design for ...more
Blog Design