Darren Rowse

Comment Spam – Is Akismet OK?
Is anyone else using the Akismet comment spam filter getting hit big time by spam today? I’m not sure if it’s down, whether someone’s found a way past it or whether I’m just getting a massive attack and the normal small % of spam is getting through – but for ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

BlogHer in Spirit
I think most people are aware that the BlogHer conference is currently under way in San Jose. From what I’ve read about it – it’s going really well and there are some wonderful bloggers in attendance. However not everyone is in a financial or life situational position to be able ...more
Pro Blogging News

Earning Fortunes – One Click at a Time
MSNBC has a ‘nice’ (I call it nice because it’s a fairly shallow, but warm and fuzzy one) article on Publishers making money from contextual advertising and gives some examples of a variety of sites making decent money, one click at a time. I’m always amazed by the diversity of ...more
Pro Blogging News

If I had to Start My Blog Again – Final Reader Submissions
This week’s group writing project is now officially closed with 80 submissions (see the complete list here). Thanks to all who participated. Now the ‘judging’ of submissions begins. Head to the full list from this week and do a little surfing of what people have written. While there is no ...more
Pro Blogging News

Blog Readers are Selfish
Perhaps my post on remembering that blog readers are people was a touch too ‘warm and fuzzy’ – so I thought I’d balance it with another characteristic of blog readers that it’s well worth keeping in mind as you blog…. that being that…. Blog Readers are selfish! Ok – that ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Chitika Release WordPress Plugin v2.0
Chitika have announced a new version of their WordPress plugin that works with WP2. The improvements include: The plugin configuration is now done through the WordPress options tab. No need to edit the files. To put a eMiniMall right into your blog post, there is now a little button on ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls

Ana Marie Cox Talks Blogging
David Pogue from the NYT has a good interview with Ana Marie Cox, blogger from the massively successful Wonkette. She’s also recently been hired to become Washington editor of Time.com as a result of her blogging. In it he asks her about how she got into blogging (Nick Denton discovered ...more
Pro Blogging News

Dave Sifry on Making Your Blog Popular
Dave Sifry gives a few basic tips in next month’s Wired on how to get more traffic to your blog. It’s pretty basic stuff but has a few good points (his headings are in bold – my thoughts after each with links to where you can read more on each): ...more
Blog Promotion

103bees Search Term Analytics – Review
103bees is a free tool for analyzing inbound search engine traffic. As with most tools of this nature you use it by adding a small piece of javascript code to your template and it then goes to work analyzing what SE the traffic is from, what keywords they come to ...more
Blogging Tools and Services