Darren Rowse

Blogger Jobs – ProBlogger Job Boards
Are you looking for a Blogger for your blog? Are you a blogger for hire, looking for a blogging job? Today I’m proud to announce the ProBlogger Job Board – a place where bloggers for hire and those looking for them will meet. Two questions are popping up in my ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Conviction – Persuasive Blogging Part III
“Strong convictions precede great actions.” – Louisa May Alcott We’ve been talking this week about how to be a persuasive blogger and so far I’ve spoken about getting attention to your posts and going deeper to create interest in your post. Today I want to go a step deeper again ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Speedlinking – 23 August 2006
Glenn Wolsey has written a good post for bloggers looking to buy a Mac where he looks at the type of Macs that bloggers are using and what software they get. More Minimal has a couple of good posts on making your blog more readable and minimalism in blogging Business ...more
Pro Blogging News

AdSense Launches Premium Video Test
A few weeks ago Google announced a partnership with Viacom (NYT Coverage) to allow their AdSense publishers to put video clips (MTV video) on their websites with embedded advertising in them. In the last 24 hours they’ve begun to roll out the program and a select group of publishers have ...more

Amazon aStore in iFrames
Two of the main critiques of Amazon’s new aStore (the new beta test from Amazon that allows you to make your own Amazon store) that I’m hearing from publishers are: It’s hosted on Amazon’s domain which doesn’t look that integrated with your site There’s no link back to your site ...more
Affiliate Programs

Creating Interest in Your Posts – Persuasive Blogging Part II
Have you ever picked up a novel in a bookstore that just jumped out at you from the display and screamed ‘read me’. Perhaps it was the title that got your attention, perhaps it was the design of the front cover, or perhaps it was a recommendation that some newspaper ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Attention Grabbing Blogging – Persuasive Blogging Part I
Getting eyeballs on your post is the first crucial step in it being persuasive. Read the Introduction to this mini-series on persuasive blogging. In order to persuade your reader to take a certain action you need to find a way to get their attention – otherwise they’ll never read your ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Car Salesmen, Preachers and the Art of Persuasion
Have you ever wanted to be more persuasive in your writing? If so, this is the first post in a series that is designed to help you achieve just that. Warning – Tangent Ahead Lessons from a New Car Salesman A few months back, in the lead up to our ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Amazon aStore First Impressions Review
Amazon have in the last day released a new beta test for their associates to try out – aStore. Put most simply – this is a way to add a shop to your blog (similar to Chitika’s shoplinc – the main difference being that Shoplincs are CPC (cost per click ...more
Affiliate Programs