Darren Rowse

Communication Skills for Bloggers
Tangent Time – “To have a successful marriage you only really need two skills – communication skills and conflict resolution skills.” This is the advice was drummed into me as a trainee celebrant learning to do pre-marriage counselling. It is a fairly idealistic sort of statement and I’m sure could ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Blog Spring Cleaning
BlogHelper has put together a couple of useful posts on what to do when spring cleaning your blog. Read at total of 10 things to consider doing at Blog Spring Cleaning: 5 Baby Steps and 5 more things to do when spring cleaning your blog.
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

9 Ways to Make Your Blog More Inclusive
Yesterday I raised the topic of exclusive blogging (and blogging cliques) – it was a post identifying a problem. Today I want to suggest 9 ways to make your blog more inclusive. 1. Be Aware of the Language You Use – every niche has it’s language that it’s experts know, ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

MyBlogLog ads AdSense Tracking
A number of readers have emailed in the last 24 hours to let me know that MyBlogLog (I previously reviewed it in it’s early days here), stats package that lets you track outbound links has added the ability to track AdSense clicks. When you log into your stats page now ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Chitika enable Referral Links on Multiproduct eMiniMalls
Chitika have done something that I put on my wishlist to them almost 12 months ago and have made the link to Chitika in their multi product eMiniMalls an affiliate link (announcement – aff). So now when another publisher sees your ads and clicks the link to see what ad ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls

BlogHerAds Goes Live
BlogHer have taken another step in the development of their BlogHerAds ad network by going live and opening things up for others to apply to. To this point the beta test was only available for 30 or so parenting bloggers but now it’s open to anyone to apply to join. ...more

Cliquey Blogging – Breaking Down Exclusivity in Blogging
Do you know what it feels like to be the only one in a crowd that doesn’t fit in? Perhaps some of your blog’s readers feel this way too…. Tangent Time – Seeing Gomez Earlier this month I went to see Gomez perform at the Hi-Fi bar in Melbourne. I ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Last Call for ProBlogger Prizes
Late last week I announced that I was looking for some prizes for my next group writing project. Due to the timing of the post calling for them I’ve had feedback that a number of people didn’t get enough notice to put a pitch together. So I’ll extend the deadline ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Choosing a Niche for Your Information Product (or Blog)
Brian’s released a new video over at Tubetorial in his 7 Steps to Creating and Selling Niche Information Products series. This one is on working out what to make your product about. I like Brian’s approach because he doesn’t go in for the hype that surrounds a lot of information ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips