Darren Rowse

Google Page Rank Update Underway Again
Thanks to everyone who has sent me email and IM to let me know that Google is updating it’s page rank at the moment. It does seem that there is an update under way from what I can see. As usual you can check your Future Page Rank here on ...more
Pro Blogging News

The Challenge for Video Bloggers
I was really excited to hear about the launch of Robert Scoble’s Video Blog in the past week. It certainly caused a stir around the blogosphere as it got lots of mentions on launch and some pretty positive reviews from viewers. When I saw some of the segments included in ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

101 Ways to Run Out of Things to Blog About
The ‘list’ is a popular (and effective) style of blog post that appeals to many bloggers (and their readers). However in chatting to a few bloggers lately using lists can also be something of a trap at times – especially using the ‘mega list’. nb: by ‘mega list’ I mean ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Google Opens AdSense Office In Australia
Yesterday I had an unexpected phone call. It was from Michael from Google. Now while I do chat to a few Google employees occasionally it’s always at odd hours of the day and usually via email – but this was an afternoon call and via phone. Different…. The accent was ...more

11 +1 Best Practices for URL Structure
SEOmoz blog has a helpful post with 11 Best Practices for URLs. They’re mainly written from an SEO perspective although make sense on other levels also. Describe Your Content Keep it Short Static is the Way & the Light Descriptives are Better than Numbers Keywords Never Hurt Subdomains Aren’t the ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Tabbed Browsing Increase CTR on Ads at Top of Page
The Scroll Bar Theory When I first started using AdSense one of the tips that some AdSense experts suggested was to run skyscrapers down the right hand side of your site because this is where readers eye would be drawn to when they went to use the scroll bar. Of ...more

Feedvertising – Really Simple RSS Advertising – Text Link Ads
Text Link Ads have just launched a new advertising format called Feedvertising (aff). Those of you who subscribe to my RSS feed will probably have noticed that some text links have appeared at the bottom of my posts for the past few days – they are the Feedvertising ads that ...more

New Features Coming Soon for aStore
Amazon have emailed participants in the aStore beta test (my review here) with a sneak peak of what will be included in the next version of aStores. Here’s the list: Build and maintain multiple aStores using a single Associate ID Specify products to feature on Category and Sub-Category pages Create ...more
Affiliate Programs

Blogging for Chickens Update
Non weekend readers might have missed the fact that this weekend I’m celebrating my 2nd birthday here at ProBlogger with a ‘Chicken-a-thon’. Yes I’m blogging for Chickens in the hope of raising some money for Charity. You can read about the project here. So far donations total $240AU ($180US) and ...more
ProBlogger Site News