Darren Rowse

Free Blogging Tips Podcast with Darren and Yaro
Just over one month ago Yaro Starak launched a great new Blog Mentoring program called Blog Mastermind. When I first announced the program the reaction to it’s launch was mixed. Quite a few readers signed up, others decided to wait and see what those who signed up said about it ...more
Pro Blogging News

Using Google Analytics to Compare Traffic from Different Periods of Time
Matt Huggins has put together a useful article titled Beginner’s Guide to Interpreting Website Traffic Metrics with Google Analytics which will be very useful for anyone wanting a primer on how to use Google Analytics. Matt’s post reminded me of something I’ve been using Google Analytics a lot more for ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

How Can I Make ProBlogger More Useful for You?
It’s time for a reader question – how can I make ProBlogger more useful for you? Every 6 to 12 months I like to ask readers this question in an effort to keep improving the blog and making it more effective in helping to improve your blogging. I don’t like ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Tell a Story – Rediscovering Your Blogging Groove Day 7
Today’s task in the Rediscover Your Blogging Groove project is to tell a story. One of the more helpful books that I’ve read in the last couple of years is The Story Factor by Annette Simmons. In it she talks about six different types of stories and how they can ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Speedlinking – 22 July 2007
Get your Red WordPress T-Shirts – now available. Chris G ponders the topic of Short Term Gains vs Long Term Value in blogging and observes some bloggers going for instant gratification – perhaps at the expense of long term benefits. One of my favorite blogs, Slacker Manager, has just been ...more
Pro Blogging News

Ask a Question – Rediscover Your Blogging Groove Day 6
Today’s task in the Rediscover Your Blogging Groove project is to ask your readers a question. The ‘question post’ idea comes directly from one of my own weekend strategies for posting . I like question posts for a number of reasons: It gives readers a sense of Community and Participation ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Write a Tip Post – Rediscover Your Blogging Groove Day 5
Today’s task in the Rediscover Your Blogging Groove project is to write a ‘Tip’ Post. I know today’s task will be easier for some of you than others because your topic is more suited to writing ‘how to’ or ‘tip’ posts – however I’m sure that if you put your ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Alexa Releases Firefox Toolbar
Alexa has finally released it’s long awaited Firefox Toolbar. The little traffic and reach graph/tool that it shows of every site you’re on will be an interesting thing to see as I surf. While I don’t really take much notice of the actual ranking numbers (I have blogs that get ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Speedlinking – 20 July 2007
Read Write Web points to FoldSpy – a tool that allows webmasters to see what part of their site is above the ‘fold’ on different browsers. Quite a useful concept if you’re optimizing your ad positioning. Blogging Pointers has just finished a series looking at a variety of blog time ...more
Pro Blogging News