Darren Rowse

Explore a Social Media Site
Today’s task in the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog Project (this is the 2nd last day) is to explore a social media site (whether it be a networking site or a bookmarking one) that you might not have seen or explored previously. I’m not going to tell you ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

AuctionAds Update Their Look
AuctionAds has done an update in a number of areas of what they are offering publishers with what they describe as a new ‘Web 2.0 Ad Creative’ (new colors and a new design – see the example to the left). They’ve also optimized ad images (much improved) and have updated ...more

Email a Blogger that Linked to You to Say Thanks
One of the lifelines that keeps a blog healthy and growing is the incoming link. When other blogs and websites link to you blog they inject your blog with ‘juice’ that brings it real life in three main ways: Google Juice – incoming links are gold when it comes to ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

10 Ways to Hurt Your Blog’s Brand by Commenting on Other Blogs
Ask popular bloggers for 10 ways to build traffic to a new blog and I’ll guarantee that almost all of them will mention the importance of commenting on other blogs as part of their answer. Much has been written about commenting as a strategy to build traffic (because used correctly ...more
Blog Promotion

AdSense Add ‘Allowed Sites’ Feature
AdSense have added a new ‘Allowed Sites’ feature to the back end of their system for publishers to use. You can find it by logging into your AdSense account – clicking the ‘AdSense Setup’ link and then the ‘Allowed Sites’ link. Publishers get the choice to allow ads on any ...more

Chitika Launch Facebook Application
Chitika have developed a Facebook Application called iBought that allows facebook users to show off their latest purchases to friends on Facebook for their friends to then rate. Probably of more interest to ProBlogger readers is the $1 per download referral program that Chitika are willing to pay you for ...more
Affiliate Programs

The ProBlogger Logo Design Process
Mike Rohde from MakaluMedia is the designer of ProBlogger’s newly designed logo and today has posted about the process that he went through in coming up with it – from initial sketches to final design (and everything in between). Between Mike’s write up of the process and Ben’s on the ...more
ProBlogger Site News

What is Your Blog’s Mission Statement?
Today your task in the 31 Day Project is to articulate a ‘Mission Statement’ for your blog. I won’t rehash all of my reasoning for having a Mission Statement and tips for writing one because I’ve previously written about Mission Statements as part of my previous series on Strategic Blogging ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Famous in 31 Days – An Interview with John Gerard
Over the last few days I’ve been following the quest of John Gerard who is video blogging his journey across the US at his site Famous in 31 Days. As the name suggests, John’s goals are simple – to become famous…. in 31 days. He’s traveling across America and aims ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips