Darren Rowse

Productivity Tips for Bloggers
I get asked a lot of questions about how I find the time to do the different things that I do. My daily focus includes: writing on two blogs (an average of 4-6 posts per day), moderate comments and interact with readers on those two blogs, manage a handful of ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Analysis of StumbleUpon’s Top 50 Stumblers
Have you ever wondered what it takes to become a ‘Top Stumbler’ at StumbleUpon? Glen Allsopp has done some great analysis on StumbleUpon’s Top 50 Stumblers. Some of the key take home ‘averages’ that might be worth knowing if you’re looking to increase your StumbleUpon status: Average length of membership ...more
Social Media

9 Lessons You Can Learn about Blogging By Watching Me Sell My House
Today is Auction Day for our house (the house that blogging bought). While I’ve bought houses before I’ve never sold one and the whole experience has been one of a lot of learning. We’ll find out how it will end later today (12 hours from now) – but as we ...more
Featured Posts

Speedlinking – 31 August 2007
I’ve not done many Speedlinking posts this month due to the 31 day project. But as it’s the last day I thought I’d post a few: Chitika have launched a Premium Publishers Club which enables members to get a higher revenue share, get paid for impressions as well as clicks, ...more
Pro Blogging News

How I Produce Video Blog Posts
Each time I release a new Video based post I get a number of questions about the technicalities of producing the video. So today I thought I’d answer the most common questions that I’ve been asked so far. By no means am I a ProVideoBlogger. I’ve produced just a handful ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Run a SWOT Analysis on Your Blog
Today is the last day in the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog project and as a result I want to make your last task a little reflective and forward looking. Your task today is to run a SWOT Analysis on your blog. A SWOT analysis is a strategic ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Who Does Your Blog Serve? The Secret to Sustainable Blogging
Click To Play play_blip_movie_362185(); Who does Your Blog Serve? In today’s video I take a look at two groups of people that a blog needs to benefit if it’s going to sustain itself for the long haul.
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

The ProBlogger Job Board Gets an Overhaul
Another part of the ProBlogger redesign is done with the migration of the ProBlogger Job Boards to a new backend and design. While those who use the boards regularly will only see a completely new design – the main functions of the board are exactly the same as they were ...more
ProBlogger Site News

The Right Width for Your Blog
The following post on blog width was submitted by Michael Martin from Pro Blog Design. 800×600… 1024×768… 1280×1024… There are dozens of different screen resolutions available, and what’s more is that not all users have their browsers at full size, making it even harder to choose a resolution to design ...more
Blog Design