Darren Rowse

Competition: Create a Slogan for Bloggers Hit by the Page Rank Slam of October 07
Lets lighten the mood around here a little and have a little fun with this whole Page Rank Update – it’s time for a competition. The winner gets a 3 month subscription to Brian’s new Teaching Sells program – worth $97. If you’ve already bought it then you get a ...more
Featured Posts

Rolling with the Punches and Looking for Positives in the Negatives
It was a little over 24 hours ago that everything hit the fan around the blogosphere with Google’s Re-Ranking of hundreds of blogs. It’s been an interesting day since I first posted about it with a number of interesting experiences coming along with it including: Calls from 3 journalists (one ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

“This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me!” says Brian Clark on Page Rank Decreases
An Interview with Brian Clark Yesterday when I posted that the new Teaching Sells resource has just launched I mentioned that I would have an interview with one of it’s founders Brian Clark from Copyblogger. Brian has understandably had a pretty hectic few days – but was generous enough to ...more
Featured Posts

WordCamp Melbourne – Speakers and Sponsors Locked In
WordCamp Melbourne (17 November) is shaping up to be a pretty cool event. James just announced that there’s already a sponsor and that there’s a program shaping up with Alex Shiels from Automatic, Christine Davis, James Farmer, Alister Cameron and myself already confirmed. It’s going to be a great afternoon ...more
Pro Blogging News

PageRank/AdSense Clarification – I’m not Funny
A quick clarification. In my post announcing that I’d taken a PageRank hit last night I mentioned that perhaps it was because I’d taken AdSense off my blog. I included a little smiley face next to that because it was something that I said – not believing was true for ...more

Teaching Sells – 12 Weeks of Training in the Future of Paid Content
Regular readers of ProBlogger will have already heard about the free Teaching Sells report from Brian Clark and Tony Clark. Brian and Tony released this report just over a week ago and have released update reports since. Today they have just announced the followup teaching course to the report. Actually ...more
Pro Blogging News

Are You Prepared for a Worst Case Blogging Scenario?
Click To Play play_blip_movie_448691(); Today I we had to postpone a family holiday due to our little guy being sick and I got thinking about ‘backup plans’ and being prepared for worst case scenarios.
Video Posts

ProBlogger – PageRank 4
Wow – this is an interesting one. ProBlogger’s page rank is currently at a 4 – and so is Digital Photography School. I’d heard blogs had been penalized in their page rank recently for selling text links – bizarre thing is that neither of these two blogs sell links. I’ve ...more
Search Engine Optimization

AdSense Introduce ServerSide Ad Management
Late last week I took a call from an AdSense rep asking if I’d like to test a new feature that would enable publishers to make changes to their AdSense ads without having to manually change the code on their sites. She called it ‘Serverside’ ad management. I said yes ...more