Darren Rowse

Top 100 Blogger Releases eBook on Getting Things Done
Regular readers of ProBlogger will be familiar with Leo Babauta who has written several guest posts for me on this blog. In fact Leo is a serial guest poster and has consistently produced great content on numerous blogs for some time now – as well as on his own blog ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Sponsor My Mo and Give Yourself a Chance to Win a New Blog Theme
Have you donated in my Movember challenge yet? I’m excited to say that donations are up to $607 and that we’ve had a second premium sponsor join the party (thanks Brian). Another creative blogger Chris Garrett has already joined in by giving all sponsors a little extra incentive to make ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Google’s Page Rank Update Increases Profitability of Selling Text Links
This email comes from a ProBlogger reader who wishes to remain anonymous: “Dear Darren, I have watched with interest the Google Page Rank fiasco (is there any other words for it) that happened recently. I am a blogger with numerous blogs who sells text links both privately and through a ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Selling Blogs – Factors of Valuation
The last couple of weeks have seen some real action in the selling of blogs in the ‘make money online’ part of the blogosphere with the sale of Blogging Fingers ($6000), Ryan Shamus ($2500) and One Man’s Goal currently up for sale and with the bids up to $6000 (update: ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Feedburner Subscriber Counters – A Glitch?
A few hours back when the Feedburner RSS counter chicklet that thousands of blogs use to show their subscriber numbers updated bloggers everywhere scratched their heads in wonder. I’ve had about 10 emails in the last couple of hours from many asking if I’d noticed the difference – a massive ...more

The Power of Commenting on Blogs
I just came across a nice post by Caroline Middlebrook who did some analysis of her blog’s stats for the month of October. Her blog increased it’s traffic from 3,000 readers in September to 11,000 in October – that’s pretty good growth. That’s partly due to some great StumbleUpon traffic ...more
Blog Promotion

Need a New Blog Logo? Here’s a Special Offer for You
A couple of weeks ago I received a package in the mail from a company by the name of Logo Design Guru. It contained two gifts – one for me and one for you. The gift for me – my gift was a book by the name of Get a ...more
Blog Design
![Disclosing Affiliate Links on Blogs [POLL RESULTS]](https://problogger.com/wp-content/themes/problogger-redesign/build/blog-placeholder.png)
Disclosing Affiliate Links on Blogs [POLL RESULTS]
A couple of weeks back I asked readers to respond to a Poll with the question – ‘Do You Disclose Affiliate Links?‘ Over 800 readers responded. 19% said that they didn’t use affiliate links – but of those that do use them the break down was as follows: It’s a ...more
Reader Questions

Voting is Live in the 2007 Weblog Awards
Voting in the 2007 Weblog Awards has been open for the last week or so. ProBlogger is up for an award in the Best Business Blog if you choose to give us a little vote love (although we’ve given the competition a decent head start!
ProBlogger Site News