Darren Rowse

AdSense ‘Reporting Enhancements’ Due Soon
The official AdSense blog have just published two interesting snippets of information. 1. Those publishers who use AdSense for Search have a report available to them that shows data on what people use the search field to search for. They will stop tracking data on these reports that are older ...more

6 Steps to Making Money Because of Your Blog
Bloggers make money from blogging in an every increasing array of ways – but in general they can be broken down into: making money directly from their blog (where the blog makes money – typically from advertising or affiliate programs) making money indirectly because of their blog (where the blogger ...more
Blogging for Dollars

A Tool to Help You Analyze Your FeedBurner Feed Statistics
Blog Perfume has put together an interesting blog tool that is designed to analyze the data that Feedburner provides publishers and to put it into a more useful (and pretty) format. To use it you need to log into Feedburner – download your blog’s CSV file and then upload it ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
![What Blogging Platform Do You Use? [POLL RESULTS]](https://problogger.com/wp-content/themes/problogger-redesign/build/blog-placeholder.png)
What Blogging Platform Do You Use? [POLL RESULTS]
Last week I asked readers to submit to our poll the blog platform that they use. The results were similar to last time we ran it with WordPress.org (36%) a clear winner, Blogger.com (25%) coming in second and WordPress.com (15%) coming in third. That these three platforms take up 76% ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Nip Problems in the Bud with a TOS Page
Any parent will tell you that the “good cop / bad cop” routine has stood the test of time for one reason: It works. Do any of these sound familiar? “You’d better not let mom see you eating that before dinner.” “You just wait until your father gets home.” You ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

The Mo Must Go
Movember is over! Thanks to everyone who sponsored me (it’s not too late). The total donations so far have hit $1847.50 (AUD). That’s got to me about $1 a whisker…. A thanks to everyone who donated – but a special thanks to the ‘premium sponsors’ who each put up $200 ...more
ProBlogger Site News
![How many RSS Readers does your Blog have? [POLL]](https://problogger.com/wp-content/themes/problogger-redesign/build/blog-placeholder.png)
How many RSS Readers does your Blog have? [POLL]
How many RSS readers does your blog have? (your biggest blog – if you have more than one) This is the question for this week’s reader poll currently running in the sidebar. It’s a question that some won’t be able to answer (so I’ve included an ‘I don’t know’ option ...more
Reader Questions

Optimizing Blog Growth: Curing the Fears of Being an Amateur Blogger
The following post on Optimizing Blog growth has been submitted by Aaron Wall from SEOBook. Many of my friends who are would be bloggers are afraid to start blogging because they are afraid of being wrong or writing something that might make them look foolish. They want to make sure ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Zookoda – I Don’t Recommend them Anymore
This is just a short note to withdraw a recommendation that I made a year or two ago about the Zookoda email service. When they first came out Zookoda was a dream come true for me – a free service that enabled bloggers to built a newsletter subscriber base, convert ...more
Blogging Tools and Services