Darren Rowse

Why AdSense Might NOT be Best for Your Blog
Yesterday I published a list of reasons why AdSense is an advertising network worth considering if you want to make money blogging. Today, in the interest of balance and fairness, I wanted to share the flipside and point out a few reasons why AdSense might not be best for your ...more

Why You SHOULD use AdSense on Your Blog
In this post I’ll explore some of the reasons why bloggers should consider using AdSense as a way to make money from blogging. I recently released a video post which explained some of my reasoning for stopping to use AdSense as a means to make money from ProBlogger. The post ...more

Win a Copy of WordPress for Dummies
Over the next five days I’m going to run a little daily competition here at ProBlogger. The prize – each day from Monday through to Friday I’ll be giving away an autographed copy of WordPress For Dummies by Lisa Sabin-Wilson. I’ve seen some parts of this book already (the full ...more
ProBlogger Site News

What do You Miss about the ‘Good old Days of Blogging’?
A recent survey here at ProBlogger showed that 9.4% of you have been blogging for more than 4 years and that almost 25% of you have been blogging for more than 2 years. So there are some experienced bloggers in our midst who can remember ‘the good old days of ...more
Reader Questions

Where’s the Content? – Positioning Ads on Your Blog
Here’s a quick tip on ad placement that I’d like to pass onto bloggers – particularly those experimenting with AdSense. Ensure that your content can be seen above the fold. That is – ensure it’s above the fold if you want readers to keep coming back to your blog. One ...more

Blogging vs Social Networking
Hugh McLeod writes: “So that’s why I have a blog, I suppose. I like the control. I write something, I post it, it gets read, hopefully good things happen as a result, somewhere on this small blue planet of ours. Unlike a book or a movie or a TV commercial, ...more
Social Media

Just a short note to let those readers who have emailed to ask how our house moving has gone that we’re in our new home successfully. Yesterday (the day we had to be out of our old place and in our new one) was a long day (I started carrying ...more
ProBlogger Site News

7 Unhealthy Eating Habits of Unproductive Bloggers
The following post on Unhealthy Eating Habits of Unproductive Bloggers is from Lea Woodward who will be contributing a monthly post here at Problogger on Healthy Blogging. You can read more about Lea below. You’ve just got up, put the coffee on and are sitting bleary-eyed in front of your ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Are You New to ProBlogger?
This week I’ve had emails from quite a few new readers asking questions that I probably take for granted that everyone knows. So if you’re new – let me share a few tips to help you get the most out of this blog. If you’re an old timer – you ...more
ProBlogger Site News