Darren Rowse

Zookoda Move to Manually Approve Broadcasts
Over at the Zookoda blog they’ve announced in the last day or two that they’re now going to manually approve all broadcasts to combat spammers. This means that before your emails go out a staff member at Zookoda are going to have to eyeball it and give it a tick ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Financial Blogger Abandons AdSense
There’s an interesting post over at The Simple Dollar titled – Why I’ve Decided To Abandon (Virtually All) Ads On The Simple Dollar. The post outlines Trent’s reasoning on why he’s taken AdSense off his blog – in short, the lack of control that the program gives him over who ...more

WidgetBucks Announce New Widget Creatives
WidgetBucks have announced new widget designs. Each of the different ad unit sizes now have two options (now when setting them up you’ll be able to choose a ‘B Series’ ad unit). One ad size (medium rectangles) even has three options (see below). Also now you can change the rotation ...more

Managing Facebook Friends
I was just over at Facebook and noticed that the option to create Friends Lists had been activated. Now you can organize your friends by type (handy). Now I’ve just got to find a spare 4 hours to sort through them all (feel free to befriend me here). Speaking of ...more
Social Media

New Interactive AdSense Unit with Pictures Spotted
There’s been lots of testing of new ad formats going on at AdSense recently – but this one is really interesting – it’s a much more interactive looking AdSense unit that looks and functions a lot like Chitika’s eMiniMalls and WidgetBucks units. It seems to be called the ‘Google Checkout ...more

Stuck Writing a Post? – Change Your Writing Medium
Do you ever have an idea for a post that you just can’t get out? You know the gist of what you want to say – but the words to express it clearly just don’t come. How do you get it out? LifeClever has a writing tip that I’d not ...more
Writing Content

Keeping a Blog Diary to Analyze Your Blogging Routine
This year for Christmas I’ve asked my wife if she’d give me a personal trainer. Warning – Tangent Ahead…. It’s been years since I’ve had an organized exercise routine – and while I do eat reasonably healthily and attempt to walk regularly – I’ve gradually felt my body ‘slipping’ further ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Speedlinking – Celebrity, Awards and Top Lists
It’s that silly time of the year where lots of awards, ‘best of’ articles and ‘top 10…’ lists start appearing on blogs (and MSM sites). This morning I got an email about making the Forbes – Web Celeb 25 list. I scraped in at number 25 (warning – that page ...more
Pro Blogging News

Valuing a Blog
Duff McDonald of Portfolio.com writes a piece on the Valuation of Drudge Report and tries to come up with a valuation based upon three methods (eyeballs, ad value and ‘ask his mother what it’s worth’). Somewhere between it all they value it at between $10M-$20M.
Miscellaneous Blog Tips