Darren Rowse

Aweber – a First Impression Review
In this post I give a first impression review of Aweber. Building a newsletter list has been a central part of my blogging business over the last few years. While my blogs are the primary tool that I use to communicate with readers – I find that having a newsletter ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

How to Make Your Blog Posts Stand Out From the Rest – Lessons from the MacBook Air
Have you heard that Apple released a new laptop called the MacBook Air yesterday? If you haven’t – you are not reading the same blogs that I am. The news is everywhere at the moment with thousands of bloggers ‘breaking’ the news. Here’s how Technorati has tracked the mentions of ...more
Writing Content

Do You Tailor Your Affiliate Program Messages?
Over the last couple of weeks I’ve had 109 emails through the contact form on my two main blogs that all start with exactly the same words: “I represent a company that specializes in a new form of Internet advertising that guarantees that you will get a 100% conversion rate ...more
Affiliate Programs

14 Essential Mac OS X Applications for Bloggers
A number of blogging friends have recently made the switch from using PCs to using Macs as their primary blogging machines. Each time that one of them makes the move I tend to get an email or call a day or two later asking for advice on different applications to ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Help a Blogger in Need
Regular ProBlogger readers might be familiar with the comments of RT Cunningham. Richar is a regular around many blogs in this niche and blogs at Untiwisted Vortex. Unfortunately his wife has been quite unwell and he’s facing something of an uphill battle at the moment to get through the next ...more
Pro Blogging News

Dear AdSense, You Broke My Heart – An Open Letter to AdSense
AdSense have sent publishers using the AdSense referral program who live outside of the US, Canada and Japan an email confirming that the program will be retired as of 31 January (published below). The email came from a ‘noreply’ email address – so publishers have no way of feeding back ...more

Blogging On Expo – a Virtual Blog Conference
Just a short post to point to an online blog conference that is happening today – Blog On Expo. It is running over 3 days with some pretty good names as ‘speakers’. I’m featured with an interview on Day 1 (here). See the rest of the first day’s sessions here.
Pro Blogging News

How to Run a Successful Competition on Your Blog
Yesterday I shared some of the costs and beefits of running a competition on your blog. I ended that post by asking: “So how does one run a competition on their blog that brings more benefits than it costs?” In this post I want to walk you through everything I ...more
Blog Promotion

Welcome to Readers of the Wall Street Journal
Welcome to readers of Wall Street Journal who may have found themselves here after today’s article in there. If this is your first time to ProBlogger.net then let me give you a quick tour of my online home. Firstly, my name’s Darren Rowse and as the article in the WSJ ...more