Darren Rowse

From 10000 to 0 Emails in an Inbox in 24 Hours
Over the weekend I decided to get serious about my email situation. I’d been sitting on an inbox with close to 10,000 items in it for months and was feeling more and more stressed by the day. I posted on Twitter that I needed to do something about it and ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Have AdSense Sliding/Scrolling Text Ads Changed Your eCPM?
Just under a week ago AdSense rolled out their new Sliding/Scrolling feature on Text Ads. The response from ProBlogger readers was mixed to say the least and included: “They’re interesting. I like that the arrows are pretty small, yet visible to those who are paying attention to the ads.” Stephanie ...more

ProBlogger T-Shirt Models
Got this picture of some of the team at MarketLeverage wearing the ProBlogger T-shirt today. These guys have been pretty impressive with T-shirt-Bait lately – congrats!
ProBlogger Site News

On Being a Healthy Blogger
Today in the NYT there’s a piece about bloggers blogging til they drop and the impact of blogging on health. I’ve been asked numerous times since the article came out for comment and I’ve had a few random thoughts. Let me post them as a stream of consciousness type post: ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

You’ve Read ProBlogger the Blog – Now Buy the Book
I’m excited to announce today one of the worst kept secrets in my life – over the last year (longer actually) I’ve been writing a book with Chris Garrett. Today we’re Pre-Launching it as we’re just weeks from the book becoming available for purchase. The book is published by Wiley ...more
Featured Posts

How to Target the Right Social Media Sites
This is a guest post on targeting Social Media Sites is from Steven Snell. Steven writes about social media marketing at Traffikd. Most bloggers recognize the incredible potential that exists with social media marketing. Many want to maximize the traffic they receive from social media, so they add a Digg ...more
Social Media

What is the Biggest Mistake That You’ve Made as a Blogger?
It’s time for a reader discussion/open thread and today’s question is: What is the Biggest Mistake That You’ve Made as a Blogger? What in your time as a blogger do you look back on with regret, wish you’d not done or wish you’d done differently?
Reader Questions

How Many Topics Should a Blog Cover?
Suzie has a post up on her blog which asks a question that many bloggers ask – often when they’ve started a personal blog and want to take their blogging to a new level, particularly in their quest to make money blogging. The question revolves around how many topics their ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

A Strategy for Building Niche Focused Blog Networks
Yesterday on the preview call for Six Figure Blogging I was asked about starting multiple blogs. I mentioned that if I were going to start a blog network afresh today as a single blogger that I’d probably do it focused around a single niche rather than starting focusing upon numerous ...more
Blog Networks