Darren Rowse

Trent from The Simple Dollar’s Tipping Point
Today Trent Hamm from The Simple Dollar shares his blog’s tipping point. For me, the tipping point of The Simple Dollar was the removal of a mental block. Prior to starting The Simple Dollar, I’d had limited success with blogging and I’d chosen to convince myself that the reason for ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Blogging and Insecurity: Conquering the Fear of Presenting Your Big Ideas
In this post Chris Guillebeau from The Art of Nonconformity examines the topic of blogger insecurity. Here’s a confession: every time I post a new essay on my site, I experience a brief moment of panic. At first, the panic is the same feeling I get when sending an email ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
![Apologies to Newsletter Subscribers [and What to Do When You Stuff Up On Your Blog]](https://problogger.com/wp-content/themes/problogger-redesign/build/blog-placeholder.png)
Apologies to Newsletter Subscribers [and What to Do When You Stuff Up On Your Blog]
I Stuffed up! Earlier today I sent out my weekly Digital Photography newsletter to not only the 40,000 subscribers who asked to receive it but also to several thousand ProBlogger readers who had subscribed to an old ProBlogger newsletter that I used to run (and which I’m about to start ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

David Peralty Shares His Blog’s Tipping Point
Today David Peralty from xfep.com shares the Tipping Point of His Blog. For me, the biggest tipping point on my blog wasn’t actually anything I did, but instead what others were doing. During the first few months of my latest endeavor, Xfep.com, I wasn’t linked often, I worked hard to ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
![StrongLifts.com 0 – 13,000+ Subscribers in 12 months [INTERVIEW]](https://problogger.com/wp-content/themes/problogger-redesign/build/blog-placeholder.png)
StrongLifts.com 0 – 13,000+ Subscribers in 12 months [INTERVIEW]
Today I want to feature an interview with Mehdi from Strong Lifts – a good example of a blog that is focusing upon a niche topic and growing a readership quickly over the last 12 months. Tell us about your blog – what’s it about, why and when did you ...more
Pro Blogger Interviews

Trackur – Online Reputation Monitoring Tool
Today I’ve been checking out Andy Beal’s latest venture – Trackur. Trackur is an online reputation monitoring tool that has been developed for companies and individuals wanting to take a serious look at what is being said about them in the blogosphere. I can also see the possibilities for using ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Using Google Analytics to Compare Search Engine Traffic Over Time
What statistics do you monitor in Google Analytics? I’ve written before on some of the statistics that I monitor on my blogs but one that I didn’t include is to look at the traffic coming in from Search Engines over time. Here’s one of my favorite ways to get a ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
![2 Things that Are NOT Changing about the Web and How People Are Using It [VIDEO]](https://problogger.com/wp-content/themes/problogger-redesign/build/blog-placeholder.png)
2 Things that Are NOT Changing about the Web and How People Are Using It [VIDEO]
In last week’s video I examined 5 Emerging Trends in blogging. A few readers emailed to say that while they agreed with the trends I had identified that they felt a little overwhelmed by them and not equipped to embrace the trends on their own blogs. They were concerned that ...more
Video Posts

Jeremy Schoemaker Shares His Blog’s Tipping Point
Today Jeremy Schoemaker from ShoeMoney shares the Tipping Point for his blog. When I decided to start quantifying what I was talking about by posting some of our earnings it was a HUGE influx of users. Especially the adsense check and Azoogleads check (which was for a magazine not a ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips