Darren Rowse

Welcome to TEN News Viewers
Just a short note to welcome viewers from Australia’s TEN News. A story just aired on the TEN network that featured three bloggers – Karen Cheng, Neerav Bhatt and myself (I’m told it will also be on the PM editions of the news in some cities tonight). For international readers ...more
ProBlogger Site News

6 Tips for Promoting Your Consulting Services on a Blog
Last week Wellington Grey from Silver Clipboard asked me about how best to advertise his own services as a consultant/coach on his blog. His question was: “How should a blogger incorporate non-blogging services into his website? Here’s my situation, several months ago I started a website about getting organized. I ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

12 Tools and Techniques for Building Relationships with Other Bloggers
Image by Michael Sarver A recent question asked in the Q&A widget was from a reader asking me to write about: “How to go about building relationships with other bloggers?” Building relationships with other bloggers is an important aspect of blogging. I see it as crucial for a number of ...more
Featured Posts

My Love Hate Relationship with Akismet
I love Akismet – it’s a WordPress tool that has literally saved me months of work. It has blocked 4,059,113 comment spams on ProBlogger alone over the last year or two – something that I will be forever grateful for! However every day or two I get an email like ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

How to Get The Readers You Want
In this post JEMI from InMyHeels.com explores the age old challenge of bloggers – finding readers for your blog. I’ve been trying to ‘hack’ the secret that the big bloggers clearly utilize to charm new readers in by the hundreds on a daily basis. Great content? Got it. Social Media, ...more
Blog Promotion

Bloggers are like Pawns on a Chessboard
Today Nadeesha Cabral from Rockfuse tells us why Bloggers are like Pawns on a Chessboard! – Image by All glass no class. Well, you have to give it up for the title, don’t you think? Probably one of the weirdest blog post titles that you’ve ever seen on Problogger right? ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Write Reviews that Add Value and Solve Readers’ Problems
Today Dustin M. Wax writes about how to write Review Post on your blog. Reviews are one of the mainstays of blogs. By now, everyone in the world is familiar with Problogger’s own Darren Rowse’s accidental transformation into a professional blogger following the success of his camera reviews. (Been off-world ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

What Was Your Blog’s Tipping Point?
Over the last ten or so days I’ve been asking a series of successful bloggers what their ‘tipping point’ is. We’ve heard some great stories from a variety of bloggers including: Leo Babauta Andy Beal Brian Clark Collis Ta’eed Frank Warren Wendy Piersall Jeremy Schoemaker Smashing Magazine David Peralty Trent ...more
Reader Questions

Come Join us in the ProBlogger Room on FriendFeed
Most regular readers of ProBlogger will know that I’ve been playing quite heavily with Twitter over the last few months. I’ve found it to be a very fruitful exercise. Over the last month or two FriendFeed has been another tool that many bloggers are also playing with. I’ve dabbled with ...more
Social Media