Darren Rowse

How to Get 2500 New ‘Subscribers’ to Your Blog Overnight (and Why I Don’t Really Care)
Every 2nd blog about blogging today seems to be writing about a video showing how to get 2500 subscribers overnight using a Netvibes accounts and an OPML file with thousands of copies of your own feed in it. I’ve had a lot of people email me to ask what I ...more
Pro Blogging News

The iPhone 3G as a Blogging Tool – My Review
How I Use My iPhone for Blogging I bought an iPhone – and in this post I’m going to tell you how I use it (so far) in my blogging… A few weeks ago I ranted about the sorry state of Australian mobile carriers and how they (particularly the one ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

3 Video Tips from A-List Bloggers
Thomas Crampton emailed me links to a series of video interviews that he did with three fairly prominent bloggers (that’d be an understatement) which might make some interesting viewing this weekend for some of you with 20 or so minutes to spare: The interviews are: Corey Doctorow (from BoingBoing) – ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How Long Do You Take To Write a Blog Post?
As part of a little research I’m doing for a post (or a short series of them) next week here at ProBlogger I’d like to ask readers to answer this question: How Long Do You Take To Write a Blog Post? I know each post varies depending upon what it ...more
Reader Questions

Sitemeter Crashing Sites When Viewed with IE7
Twitter is aflutter with blog owners wondering why their sites can’t be viewed at the moment and it seems that the commonality between them all is that they are running Sitemeter stats on their blogs and that they only seem to crash when viewed with IE7. I’ve put an email ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

GRAB Your Reader’s Attention and HOOK them into your blog
Do you want to learn how to SNAP readers out of their zombie like surfing and HOOK them into your blog? If so – read on…. Image by Essjay in NZ Before I was a blogger I did a lot of public speaking. I did a number of courses in ...more
Blog Design

Winners of the Flip Video Camera and ProBlogger Books
Earlier in the week I offered ProBlogger readers signing up for the BlogMastermind Blog Mentoring program the chance to win a Flip video camera and 5 ProBlogger books. The 48 hour window to win is up and the winners (selected randomly) are: Winner of Flip Video Camera (I just bought ...more
ProBlogger Site News

How Social Media Helped Me Get Unbanned from a Social Media Site in 1 Hour and 44 Minutes
In my last post I wrote that I’d just discovered that StumbleUpon had banned me. I’m happy to announce that 1 hour and 44 minutes after posting that – I was unbanned. How did it happen? I put it down to Social Media. Here’s the story: I had a number ...more
Social Media

ProBlogger is Banned from StumbleUpon
This story has been updated at the bottom of this post. This morning a number of readers have emailed or tweeted me to let me know that when they try to bookmark a post on ProBlogger that it leads them to a page saying that ProBlogger has been banned from ...more
Social Media