Darren Rowse

AdSense for RSS Feeds – How Contextual Are the Ads?
Over the last few weeks we’ve (b5media) been experimenting with AdSense for RSS on our blogs (including ProBlogger). I’d previously had them on my photography blog but not here on ProBlogger. Since activating them I’ve had around 1 email a day from readers telling me that they are seeing ‘strange’ ...more

How to Use Forums To Drive Hundreds of Thousand of Readers to Your Blog
This short post on using forums to drive traffic to blogs was submitted by an anonymous ProBlogger reader. My blog is visited by hundreds of thousands of visitors a month and other peoples forums are the number 1 source of this traffic. Darren has asked me if I’d share how ...more
Blog Promotion

What Name Do You Leave Comments on Blogs Under?
Here’s a question for discussion this weekend: Do you use your real name when leaving comments on a blog or do you use ‘keywords’? I was moderating comments last night here on ProBlogger and noticed almost a 60/40 split between these approaches (with 60% using ‘real’ names). My personal preference ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Feeling Overwhelmed by Social Media and Web 2.0? – Here Are 5 Tips For You
Last week I spoke with a blogger who had thrown the towel in on his blog. One day he simply stopped posting with no explanation. I emailed to ask him why he stopped and his response was: “I can’t keep up with the advances in technology. Every day there is ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Why I’ve Been Offered Close to a Million Dollars for My Blog (and Why I said No)
“I’ve always treated the first two years of Digital Photography School as its launch phase.” This was a statement that I made in a session at Blog World Expo that I’ve been asked about many times since – so I thought I’d expand upon it a little here in a ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How to Increase Subscribers and Reader Engagement
Last week I decided to find some quality Australian blogs to subscribe to. I used a newly compiled list of Australian Marketing Blogs that Julian Cole put together as the basis for my search. I was excited by the quality of some of the blogs on that list – but ...more
Blog Design

Amazon Associates Program Add ‘Site Stripe’ – Make Affiliate Links from Any Page on Amazon
I just logged into Amazon Associates just now and found that they’ve done a redesign of their Associates area and have added a very handy new feature for Amazon Associates publishers. It’s called ‘Site Stripe’ and essentially it allows you to create affiliate links as you surf Amazon. It’s a ...more
Affiliate Programs

Types of Blogs – Can we Categorize Them?
I just received the following question about categorizing blogs from Ann Handley (from MarketingProfs) that I thought would make a good discussion starter. “A few weeks ago, Chris Brogan (writing on Shannon Paul’s blog) talked about the importance of being consistent on your blog. Some blogs, like my personal blog ...more
Reader Questions

13 Tips to Recession Proof Your Blog
How can I prepare my blog for a recession or economic downturn? Image by Rednuht Yesterday I asked my Twitter followers what they wanted me to write a post about on ProBlogger and this question (and variations of it) was asked repeatedly. So today I want to suggest a number ...more
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