Darren Rowse

How To Make Deals With Bigshots in Less Than 10 Minutes
This is a guest post from Laura Roeder, creator of The Dash. As I’m writing this, I just got off the phone with the famous Gary V. We spoke for less than ten minutes and now a fun collaborative venture is underway. You should know that before today I had ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Use Gravatars to Add Personality to Your Blog
In this post Jack Gamble from Babeled sheds some light on a handy service – Gravatars which is a tool that many people are adding to their blogs (I’ve got it operating in the comments section of both TwiTip and Digital Photography School at present). An important thing to remember ...more
Blog Design

How to Use Facebook to Promote Your Blog
In this guest post, Steve Schwartz, a professional LSAT tutor, discusses how he has used Facebook to promote his Ace the LSAT blog and create a community of readers. Your blog’s readers probably have Facebook profiles already, and making your own Facebook profile is easy enough. Aside from allowing you ...more
Blog Promotion

Sugar, Spice and Vitamins: Three Types of Posts that Will Grow Your Blogs Traffic
What type of content helps to build a popular blog? Today Jurgen Appelo from Noop.nl shares three types of posts to help you grow your blog. There are many ways to build a popular blog, and each blog author has his own ideas on topics and style of writing. In ...more
Featured Posts

Interview with Top 100 Blogger – Daniel Scocco
I always love it when I see bloggers extending their online businesses beyond their actual blogs to make money ‘because’ of their blog rather than just from it through advertising. One such blogger who has stepped out and done this in the last week is Daniel Scocco who has this ...more
Pro Blogger Interviews

Why Video IS Worth Experimenting with On Your Blog
Earlier in the week I wrote a post arguing that Text is King in the online space which caused some interesting discussion (both in the comments and on Twitter). While I did try to qualify the post by saying that I do think video has its place and that it’ll ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

AdSense for Feeds Ads Showing in Feedburner Email Updates
Today I was chatting with someone that subscribes to ProBlogger via email through the Feedburner RSS to Email service that we offer readers and they mentioned in passing that they see the AdSense ads in the emails that they receive. At first I was a little taken aback by this. ...more

5 Ways Blogging Can Make a Difference for You in This Economy
Dan Schawbel is the author of Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success, and owner of the award winning Personal Branding Blog. If you ever were scared or intimated of a blog, now is the best time to flush away those fears and start a blog. Forget ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

My Mum Doesn’t Get YouTube: Why Text is King
Steve Rubel has a smart post up at the moment on Why Text Remains King of the Web. In it he reflects upon why Robert Scoble’s videos don’t tend to generate the buzz that they could and why text has it over video: It’s scannable Text does better with SEO ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips