Darren Rowse

Building an Empire around Your Blog
This is a guest post on growing your blog into a full blow website by Robby G from Shite I Like.com. When many people get into blogging, they usually, not always, but more often than not, start by blogging about their daily life’s activities. When they see that not too ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How Sports Teach me to be a Better Blogger
This post was written by Seth Waite, an avid blogger who currently writes for Blogging Agenda. It’s my favorite month of the year as college basketball is in full swing and “March Madness” has got me thinking. I love sports and many of my best experiences have come from what ...more
Other Income Streams
![Would you Like Forums With that? [31 Days to Build a Better Blog]](https://problogger.com/wp-content/themes/problogger-redesign/build/blog-placeholder.png)
Would you Like Forums With that? [31 Days to Build a Better Blog]
I’m starting to get really excited about the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Challenge that starts next week here on ProBlogger. I’ve been busily writing a lot of the teaching and assignments for it already and am excited to see that well over 4300 people have signed up ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Six Very Official Ways to Improve Your Writing
Looking to improve your blog writing? Today Shannon Paul ( @shannonpaul) from Very Official Blog gives her very official tips on the topic. I love blogs. Before I started blogging seriously, I read a lot of other blogs and was very engaged as a reader. I commented a lot and ...more
Writing Content

84% of People Would Prefer More Blog Readers than Twitter Followers
Over the last 10 days I’ve been running twin polls on two of my blogs – ProBlogger and TwiTip – asking readers whether they’d prefer more Twitter Followers or Blog Readers. The overall results were fairly clear – 84% of those who responded people would prefer more Blog Readers. I ...more
Social Media

31 Days to Build a Better Blog – Sign Up Here
Starting on 1 April (Update: this is now starting on 6th April) I am planning on launching another ‘31 Days to a Better Blog‘ project. I’ve run this twice previously (once in 2005 and once in 2007) so thought that I should continue the biennial nature of it. This year ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Using ‘Canned Responses’ to Save Time While Helping Readers (and how I’d improve Canned Responses)
The amount of emails hitting my Inbox makes me feel physically ill. I just checked my ‘All Mail’ inbox in Gmail and in the last 30 minutes I’ve had 100 emails…. and it is the weekend as I write this (off peak). On a single day last week I had ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

How to Use Social Media to Land the Job of your Dreams
This interview was conducted by Monica O’Brien (@monicaobrien) from Twenty Set. As the recession looms on, more and more people are turning to social media and blogs to look for jobs. Jamie Varon (@jamievaron) has generated buzz in the Twitter community with her new website called Twitter Should Hire Me, ...more
Social Media

Rise Of The Blogging Service Industry
In this guest post, Neil Matthews from WPDude.com writes about the rise of the blogging service industry, and how bloggers can use their existing skills to enter this lucrative industry. Blogging has moved away from a niche activity to such an extent that it has spawned it’s own service industry. ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips