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8 hours and 8 more prizes! The giveaway rolls on…

problogger-birthday-bash.jpgAs you know, we’re doing these shorter, 8 hour blocks now to tie up the final giveaways through the weekend. Here’s the first one we did, that gives much of the details on how this is going to run.
Basically, every 8 hours we close out one and open another. This is in addition to all the 24 hour project-type giveaways going on as well! Keep a close eye on the Birthday Prize Giveaway category to see what’s going on when, and it’s still not too late to subscribe to the RSS feed!

This prize pack is geared toward parents and “mommy bloggers” with lots of great stuff for you and your kids!

So this one’s going to end October 6 at 4am (EST – New York, USA).

If you’ve already won something, you’re not eligible (unless we’ve said on that particular one that it was okay).

How To Enter

All you have to do is leave a comment below! (Sorry, we can’t really let you pick your prize on this one. Guys, if you win the bunny slippers, and aren’t partial to fuzzy bunnies looking up at you when you walk – give them to your wife or girlfriend!)

Make sure you include “BunnySlippers” in your comment somewhere to help us through moderation… ;)


This one’s closed, and winners have all been notified by email.In the mean time we just started yet another 8 hour giveaway and there are plenty more to come in the next couple of days!

  1. BunnySlippers, yay!

  2. BunnySlippers? How very… Masculine. :P

  3. I would like to wish you much luck. And a lot of money. Thank you.

  4. BunnySlippers woo!

  5. Me in BunnySlippers!
    A photo of that, could drive some very bizarre traffic to my site…

  6. BunnySlippers

    I don’t care if I win bunny slippers… I just want to win something.

  7. A Good BunnySlippers Morning to yer!

  8. Ole to the bunnyslippers. What color are they?

  9. Well I am a single father full time so I would love the slippers. My girlfriend would take them anyways.

  10. Shelby says: 10/06/2007 at 10:24 am

    BunnySlippers…I really need these ;)

  11. BunnySlippers

  12. Gee, some bunnyslippers would be nice

  13. BunnySlippers muack muack.

  14. Purple Bunny Slippers!

  15. BunnySlippers please!

  16. BunnSlippers, great prizes as usual.

  17. I want to win! :)

  18. oh, pick me! oh and BunnSlippers..

  19. I lurve bunnyslippers, and prizes!

  20. BunnySlippers

  21. BunnySlippers


  22. Bunny slippers aren’t so bad…this is a fun selection of prizes! :-)

  23. Bunny Slippers!!!
    Steven B. Combs, Ph.D.
    :: Give Us One Minute (GUOM)
    :: http://www.giveusoneminute.com
    :: giveusoneminute@gmail.com

  24. Awh! I’ve always wanted a pair of BunnySlippers!

  25. BunnySlippers

  26. BunnySlippers and all. Each one is worth it

  27. “Show me your war face…I think my bunny slippers just ran for cover. Come on scare me girl!” -Mulan

  28. Lenners says: 10/06/2007 at 11:11 am

    BunnySlippers, makes me think of Garfield XD

  29. BunnySlippers!

  30. BunnySlippers

    Well I’m entering every single contest here and seeing what happens.

  31. BunnySlippers …

    I will take them.

  32. Aye! Did someone say BunnySlippers ?

    (no I’m not aussie, I’m just imitating one…..)

  33. My kingdom for a pair of bunny slippers!

  34. bunny slippers woot woot

  35. May Lee says: 10/06/2007 at 11:46 am

    Oh wow, bunny slippers! The only addition I need to complete a cool look.
    Love some new bunny slippers.

  36. BunnySlippers

    I guess I can give them to my wife (or mistress)

  37. BunnySlippers

    I really don’t want them but i am commenting just for the heck of it!

  38. Life is good in BunnySlippers!

  39. BunnySlippers – yay!! How exciting…at least my dog with love them anyhow!

  40. BunnySlippers! Who wouldn’t like BunnySlippers!?!

  41. BunnySlippers!

  42. Sandra Jensen says: 10/06/2007 at 12:20 pm

    BunnySlippers! What a fun idea!!!


  43. My girls would love the bunny slippers…

  44. Oh and if you win the subscriptions to Babble Soft applications and you aren’t pregnant or didn’t just have a baby, I am more than happy to give one on your behalf to a friend, co-worker, boss, or family member who is expecting a baby, twins, triplets…. The subscriptions make great baby shower gifts. :-)

    Aruni (founder of Babble Soft)

  45. Bunny slippers! Guess I should enter this one since I have a new kid!

  46. BunnySlippers

  47. BunnySlippers. What? For what? … Just take part!

  48. BunnySlippers

    Hey Im not to excited about the gifts here – but heck Ill take anything to say I won LOL

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