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6 Lessons a Barista Taught Me About Building Community on a Blog

Posted By Darren Rowse 23rd of June 2008 Miscellaneous Blog Tips 0 Comments

This week my guest post at ScribeFire is all about building community and conversation into your blog.

It struck me today that the barista in my local cafe is not only one of the best coffee makers that I know – but is also really great at building community (albeit temporary community) in the cafe that she works in.

This inspired me to write Secrets to Good Community and Conversation on Your Blog. It probably also could have been called 6 Lessons My Barista Taught Me About Building Community on a Blog.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Darren,
    Whether you are running a blog or a business your tips are very essential, but can be easier said than done. You are right that you need to go that extra mile, and most importantly you need to be different.
    You say “Be willing to share a little of yourself (with appropriate boundaries),” this is one area I cannot seem to get right.
    Regards and thanks for the great article.
    Forever hooked.

  2. Outstanding post! Thank you for these wonderful tips! : )

  3. Oh.. Barista coffee and blogging ….. will check that out for sure :)

  4. Read the post but unfortunately, I couldn’t comment there. The post is great and shows how important it is to develop a natural relationship with your readers, how an actually community reacts. Real-life examples usually have more to teach us than we expect them to.

    Also, Darren, maybe you or the guys over at ScribeFire, could close the link tag on the second link in the post’s footer. Because of that unclosed link, people clicking the input boxes are automatically driven away, without having a chance to comment.

    Cheers and great post!

  5. should be fixed now

  6. Philip says: 06/23/2008 at 9:49 pm

    Nice post, but one thing wasn’t taken into consideration – the LOOKS. Trust me when i say i can bring one hotty girl wearing shorts (without any coffee knowledge) and you get 100k people gathering around the bar every day, no matter how good the coffee is. This one (regretfully) is valid on blogs traffic as well, bring hot girls into your posts and you can fix yourself millions of unique user visits.

  7. Lol.. I was wondering what Barista is.. Its a coffee house right ?
    Well, such place is always a good place to have a chit chat and improve our relationship with the community :-)

    Thanks for the tips, will try to implement it in my future post.

  8. I used to be a barista for years….never thought it would help with blogging but there you go…

    Have to say you’re good at drawing analogies Darren….


  9. Sounds like someone likes his barista friend a little more than the coffee!

  10. Cat must be one very beautiful barista, right? Sum of skills Cat owns can be found in less then 5% of population. It seems like some imaginary person to me, or you are very subjective.

    However if she is so much successful and has all those qualities you described, she can make it anywhere, in any job, in any business. She could run for President if she wanted! (instead of Clinton) But since she is still a barista, she is modest also. Another important virtue. Even for Cat, it’s too much, Darren :)

  11. Hmm… I’d like to visit that cafe to see for myself. Darren, could you tell me where this place is? I live in Melbourne as well, so it would be great for me to try the coffee at this cafe you are talking about :) If you do not want to reply here, you can just send the address to my email. Thanks!

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