It has been around 2 years since 31 Days to Build a Better Blog workbook launched and in that time thousands of bloggers have taken the challenge to improve their blogs over a month.
Since launching the eBook the price has always been $19.95 USD but on 10th May on the continued feedback of those who’ve take the challenge I’ll be raising the price to $29.99 to be inline with the other ProBlogger eBook – the Copywriting Scorecard for Bloggers.
The reason for the price rise is simple – the feedback I get from those who take the 31 day challenge is blunt – for a 31 day program the advice is worth a lot more than $19.95. At the present price of 64 cents per day it is almost laughable how cheap its been.
So today I want to give current readers notice that on Tuesday 10th May the price will rise. So if you’ve been meaning to pick up a copy this next few days is your last chance at the current price.
At just under $30 the eBook will still be affordable at under $1 a day – but this is your last chance to get it at the reduced price.
This isn’t a scarcity play – I simply wanted to let readers know of the imminent price rise to give everyone a fair chance at the savings.
If you’re not sure if the eBook is for you check out the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog page for further details of what it’s all about.
I already bought this ebook and I highly recommend it to everyone who is serious about their blog. I’m taking one step a week instead of one a day because that gives me more time to implement all the helpful tips from Darren. I just finished week 12 and boy, I’ve learned so much already.
Darren … you are really a smart businessman …
and yes still price is low compare to the quality and great content this book is providing.
Is there more material covered in the book then the samples of the online series you had a while back? I am really interested in getting it.
Webly – yes when I put it into the book format we added content to each day. It’s probably 80-90% based on that series but I did add extra material through out and condensed it into the one document.
Hey Darren,
It took you so long to increase the price. I cannot support you anymore because the 31DBBB is such an awesome resource and for the earlier price you were seriously over delivering. Even now $30 is not a big deal because under $1 we get powerful actionable steps for the day.
I am sure that 31DBBB deserves this price rise.
Gave this to my grandfather as a gift when you first launched it and it definitely helped him get off the ground – highly recommended.
Haven’t got a copy yet so I might have to get one before the price goes up
Darren, the eBook is awesome.
I recommended my friends to buy it.
Well thanks for the heads up! I haven’t gotten my copy yet. Looks like this is the time to get it!
I need to stop foolin’ around. I’m gettin’ it! Thanks, Darren.
Is there not a special discount?
I guess you can consider the current price a 33% discount on what it will be in a week’s time!
Good on ya, Darren! ;)
I did the challenge and LOVED it! As a new blogger, it helped me really pinpoint the things that I need to focus on. There is so much information out there it can be very overwhelming. Darren put it into simple steps that I had no problem completing in one day. The best part is that since I finished the challenge I have this handy ebook to return to when ever I want. It will be something I will use for a long time. . .defenitley worth $29.95. THANK YOU!!!!
Well worth every cent of $29.99 and well worth the read, a steal even at this price.
Cool! I also want tor ead this ebook! :)
Great information! Very helpful and well described.
Darren, I can say without a moment’s hesitation that your ebook is well worth the price increase and more. For anyone who wants to improve the success of their blog, this ebook is a must. As always, it’s written in Darren’s easy-to-understand style and is worth its weight in gold….at any price.
Thanks, Darren.
Better get one myself before the price goes up. Thanks for the heads-up :)
Strange marketing. You publish a book which sells well and makes you a nice profit and then, 2 years later, apparently because others say they would have paid more for it, increase the price by over 50%.
If it was worth more and could have been sold for more it reflects rather poorly on your marketing skills. I’ve never seen this tactic in any other publishing sector.
As it is, increasing the price of what is, basically, an updated edition of the previous book strikes me as a rather cynical ploy. It leaves a nasty taste in my mouth and discredits you in my eyes, I’m afraid. And, quite frankly, selling an ebook about blogging for $30 is outrageous in any case. Your marginal profit at the old price is almost !00% in any case. Still, if people are prepared to pay then it’s up to them.
I am inclined to agree. Unless this book has new, added content. I understand that it seems like the book has gone undervalued, but changing the price without altering the book itself seems strange.
It’s probably 80-90% based on that series but I did add extra material through out and condensed it into the one document.
High Darren,
It is so nice to communicate with you and know much about this program now am waiting for to setup
a problogger and I’m following all the instructions to do it so as to go forward.
I won`t comment on the book itself as I don`t want to restate what others have said – yet I could not miss the wonderful community on this blog. On many other sites the readers response to a price increase would have very different type of responses
Skykid, You rather assume that all the comments actually get published. This is a moderated blog and, so far my post, which is critical of the price increase, hasn’t appeared even though it was posted 7 hours before yours. Mmmmmm?
I feel kind of like this is the wrong move. I could see retooling it and adding new information – but blogging changes so fast and things that were relevant a year ago might be outdated today.
Good way to convince those on the fence to purchase now though bravo.
Hi Darren,
I just purchased the book but the hyperlink on page 7 (Day 1—Create an Elevator Pitch for Your Blog) is broken.
Also, how is the book different to the challenge, which is free?
I haven’t got this ebook, but, I will surely buy this one before the price goes up. I am really serious about my blog site, so I am looking forward to get this ebook.. If this book will work for me, I will surely convinced my friends to have it also. Thanks Darren..:)
Still a great deal:)
Great time to promote when its price is not changed. Thanks for the notice Darren :-)
I bought this book and read it when it first launched. I loved it. It’s probably the most useful tool I have ever used for my many online hobbies. I would always tell my internet marketing buddies that the best thing about the book is the fact that it’s pretty much timeless. You can do most of the steps over and over again… so it’s really worth more than $!
$20… Stupid smart phone