YPN has added another 1000 beta testers to their system today and takes another step towards going live. As far as I can see they are still only adding US publishers.
Luckily b5media has a US postal address and is registered there and qualifies to be included in the beta test and Duncan and Jeremy have begun the experiment of swapping a few of our blogs over onto it to see what the results are like.
Duncan is writing up his findings as he goes at Yahoo! Publishing Network reviewed.
I’m in the midst of a crazy week of speaking engagements so I’m yet to peak into the admin area of YPN through our account but am definately looking forward to taking it for a run on the b5blogs and might even give it a go here at ProBlogger.
Yes, I received the invitation yesterday but I cannot use it as it needs social security number or US address. They have also send invitation to Yahoo hosing customers. Since one of my site is hosted with Yahoo I got email and key. But it has no use at the movement.
I’m really interested to test YPN as it gives back good money via ads.
In case you don’t know – there’s a nice chat about adsense and some ads optimising tips at Digital Point forums – http://forums.digitalpoint.com/
I’m not a US publisher. But I received an invitation yesterday…
I was allowed into the beta recently and on my Garage Sale Professional website, they were unable to provide me with related ads for about 2 weeks so I went back to adsense. Google has been able to supply me with the related ads that are necessary. I imagine that Yahoo simply doesnt have the amount of advertisers that Google currently has so certainly niches are going to be lacking advertisement.
I’ve been using the YPN for a few days as I wait for my audited Chitika figures, and they have been doing surprisingly well.
As for the unrelated ad topics, I’ve been experiencing the same thing but have used their “targeting” feature to compensate.
There was also a discussion at the Site Reference Forums.
I personally prefer the YPN ads, although they still have quite a bit of work to do in optimizing their ads.
Unfortunately their ‘targeting’ feature does not target specific enough for the site. While their ads were giving me real estate ads for a garage sale website, google gives me true garage sale related ads. No Yahoo targeting could come close to the sites subject. Maybe in the future.
Agree with Kevin
the targeting isn’t quite there yet although I’ve noticed the contextual stuff start to improve. I suppose the real question is whether they’ve got enough advertisers to make it work as well as Adsense as well
In my case, it is very difficult to find any relative ads (due mainly to a competetive cosmetic :D ), so irrelevant ads were not exclusive to YPN for me.
Day 1: Pretty disappointing. 0 Ad impressions counted on the one page I tried – a page that has been earning an average of about $1.50/day with Adsense ads of the same size in the same locations. Somehow I find the zero impressions statistic a bit hard to believe. Also, while Adsense had almost 100% on topic ads, half the ads for YPN are for Vonage and broadband internet service, both of which are completely off topic – so, I would find zero in earnings somewhat more believable. So much for my plan to punish Google for not sending traffic to those pages by replacing Adsense ads with YPN ads…I guess they can keep the traffic as long as they show me the money.
I got an invitation yesterday.
But I can’t sign up because I live in Sweden and not the US. Why cant they go global?!
Yahoo doesn’t show “as” relevant ads as Google (I’ve noticed it’s gotten better), but I’ve had a tremendous amount of success with them. Nearly three to four times the amount of earnings in one month. I seriously doubt that I’ll ever go back to Google.
YPN MSN and Adsense article over on my site.
I have yet to get an invite or allowed into Yahoo. I signed up, and they said something about a few days, but nothing. :)
Soon. none the less, competition will be good.
I hope next year they will open sign up for international publisher :) i cann’t wait :) i hear YPN publisher revenue better than adsense :) i hope so … competition is good thing
I am surprised no one has said this, or I just havn’t read it but YPN pays way more for clicks because of the unrelated ads. For my joke site, I was averaging less then 10 cents a click on adsense, but when I switched to YPN, I was averaging well over a dollar per click. So if you want to know which one is better, you will have to look at your site.
If your site is about competitive keywords (homes, medical, lawyer, etc.) then you should stick to adsense because you will be averaging probably more then a dollar a click on relavant ads. However if you went to YPN, you would get about the same ccp, but less relavant ads making the ctr go down, making your earnings go down.
The opposite is also true. If you have a low paying keyword site (Jokes) then stick to YPN. 1 click on the yahoo ads will be (in my case) equal to 10 adsense clicks. I am highly sceptical that the ctr is 10x greater on adsense then YPN,
All and all…
Less relavant ads
higher CCP
lower CTR
Very relavant ads
lower CCP
higher CTR
The main question to which one you should choose is your site, and probably experiment for a week. Check the CPM for both (average). Whichever is higher, use that one.
Anyone have a invites but can’t register , please contact me. I want to buy some. thanks.
email: fulfree # gmail dot com
Anyone have a invites but can’t register , please contact me. I want to buy some. thanks.
If anyone has a YPN invite to spare (or wanting to sell), please contact me:
nraleigh123 at gmail.com