Over the last few days I’ve been digging into a great little book called Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive.
I’m only halfway through it but of the 25 or so chapters that I’ve read so far I have jotted down 50 or so ideas for my own blogs – both ideas for content, ideas for next time I try a promotion and just general ideas. You see being persuasive is something bloggers of all kinds could do well to be whether it is
- persuading people to subscribe to your blog
- persuading readers to take action on a post you’ve written
- persuading readers to buy a product you have
- persuading readers to buy an affiliate product you’re promoting
- persuading another blog to link up to you
- persuading a reader to pass on your content to their own network
Not everything in the book will apply to every blogger but there’s plenty in this book to draw on as you develop your blog.
Now that’s a book I’m going to have to pick up.
Cool! Sounds like a winner. Thanks for the tip.
I’m interested in reading that book now!
I love your videos, much easier to digest then articles :)
A wonderful list of resources. Another must read for bloggers especially beginners.
Great. Seems like a good book. Will check it out for sure.
Thanks for the post.
Yes, the book is really good. Useful and interesting!
Witty, breezy, intelligent writing in the shape of 50 general principles of persuasion being discussed. This book has definitely help me become more persuasive and also helped test my strategies out. Highly recommend it.
Great book! Thanks
That seems to be an interesting book. I am going to order it soon!
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Will consider ordering. This is what I am lacking at >> persuasion :(
it seems to be a good book.I am thinking to have one since i have followed problogger for quite some time!
Video’s always attracts me, Thanks for sharing such a fine book with us..Good job and best of luck
A great blog should start with a great hook title line.
Very Good Book and Very Good Video:-
You can download and watch this video @
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Hope you don’t mind if I snag your ideas! I love the networking scoop. I am almost to 1000 subs after 8 mos., and I’m hoping I can get to 4000 by Feb! That would be awesome!
Good job. I think that this ebook can be very informative for the bloggers. Nice work :)
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