Welcome to Day #1 of the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Challenge. As on each day of this project today I’d like to present you with two things:
- Some Teaching/Theory
- A Task to go away and Do
Today’s task (outlined in full below) is to develop an Elevator Pitch for your Blog. Let me explain why.
What is an Elevator Pitch?
“An elevator pitch is an overview of an idea for a product, service, or project. The name reflects the fact that an elevator pitch can be delivered in the time span of an elevator ride (for example, thirty seconds or 100-150 words).” – Wikipedia
Many business and self improvement type courses teach students to develop an elevator pitch for their business (and even for themselves). The idea is to have something short and sharp that you can say about yourself when the opportunity arises instead of bumbling your way through explaining what you or your business does (and miss an opportunity).
The goal is both to communicate what you do and to get the person you’re communicating it to to want to know more.
Elevator Pitches for Bloggers
While the idea of an elevator pitch is usually something that start up entrepreneurs are encouraged to do when looking for investors – developing an elevator pitch for your blog is also a smart move also.
One of the most important reasons to do this exercise is that to develop an elevator pitch YOU as a blogger to have thought through and crystallised in your mind what your blog is about.
If you’re fuzzy on what your blog is about it’s unlikely than anyone else will have much of an idea either.
Knowing what your blog is about helps you in developing every aspect of it including:
- Writing Content
- Promotion and Finding Readers
- Search Engine Optimisation
- Networking with other Bloggers
- Branding
- Design…. the list can go on.
In fact almost every task that we’ll be doing in this next 31 days should flow from this task.
Other Reasons for Developing an Elevator Pitch
Of course coming up with an elevator pitch is not just for your own benefit. Once you’ve got one it is brilliant for communicating what your blog is about to readers (both the ones you already have and potential ones), other bloggers, potential partners, media/journalists, advertisers and even to friends and family members who might not get what you’re doing.
Once you’ve got your blogs elevator pitch there’s no limit to the places and situations that you can use it (either part of it or in its entirety). Here are a few that come to mind:
- Your blogs tag line – having a short, sharp and descriptive ‘tag line’ for your blog can be a powerful technique for quickly communicating to new readers to your blog what it is all about. Readers who don’t get a sense for what your blog is about are in danger of leaving quickly – so a tagline that is displayed prominently on your blog can be a great way to hook them in.
- Your about page – the about page of a blog (if you have one) is one of the most read pages of a blog by first time visitors. It is an ideal place to communicate what you’re about and to ‘sell’ to potential readers why they should subscribe and come back.
- Real Life Conversation – whether it be at a conference, in business interactions or just in everyday conversation, the topic of your blog is likely to come up from time to time and these interactions can be an ideal moment to pull out the elevator pitch to describe what your blog is about.
- Business Cards – I get a lot of business cards given to me at conferences and to be honest at the end of the day I can’t remember who gave me most of them. Adding an elevator pitch to a card can help trigger who you are and what you do in the mind of those you chat with at these busy types of events.
- Pitching to Media – One of the things I’ve noticed about many journalists is that they’re very busy people who are constantly being pitched with ideas for stories. Having a thought through and effective ‘pitch’ can help you get noticed and give a journalist a reason to listen to what you’ve got to say.
- Pitching to Other Bloggers – Similarly, I find that if I’m being ‘pitched’ to as a blogger that I take more notice if the person pitching to me gives me a brief insight into who they are and what they do.
- Email Signature – many people have links to their blogs in their emails, but a link can be somewhat meaningless on its own. Why not add your elevator pitch? Similarly signatures in forums can be a good place to have a short description of what you do to motivate people to check you out further.
- Social Media Profiles – the same thing goes for all those social media profiles that you have. Why not use them to not only point people to your blog but to give them a reason to go there!
Where else would you use an elevator pitch? I’m sure there are so many more times to pull them out! Feel free to share other places you’ll be using yours.
Your Task for Today
Take some time out today to develop an elevator pitch for your blog. If you’ve already got one take a few minutes to review and refine it.
How to Write an Elevator Pitch for Your Blog
I’m sure there has been much written on the topic online but here’s some starting points that I use when doing this type of thing.
- Solve a Problem or Need – I’m a big believer in developing blogs that fulfil real needs and solve problems that people have. The problem need not be a big one (like World Peace) but you should be attempting to create something that people need on some level. Communicate this in your elevator pitch.
- Define Your Audience – who is your blog for? Who are you attempting to attract? IF your blog is targeting a certain demographic or type of person (and it may or may not) – include this in your pitch. If your blog is for teens, don’t develop a pitch for grandparents – target the reader you want.
- Be Clear – don’t leave people second guessing what you mean or interpreting jargon – make your elevator pitch crystal clear.
- Keep it Short – People have limited attention spans and capacity to absorb lots of information. Get to the point, eliminate unnecessary words and make it punchy!
- Stand Out – be willing to use humour or powerful imagery to grab the attention of those that hear your elevator pitch.
- Be Intriguing – your elevator pitch is unlikely to ‘convert’ people to read your blog all on its own – but it should entice them to learn more. You don’t need to say everything in it – but attempt to write something that is still in the mind of those who hear it long afterwards.
- Be Energetic but not Hyped – you convey more than just dry information when describing your blog – but you also convey what YOU feel about it. This is important – if you ‘pitch’ someone with language and a voice that is dry and uninspired you’re unlikely to convert anyone into a reader. Show people that you love what you’re doing, that you’re passionate and that you care about your topic. But don’t go too far and hype it up beyond what it is!
- Consider Using a Question – people are wired to answer and engage with questions. Ask them, even just rhetorical ones, in your pitch and you’ll hook people in.
- Be Ready to Expand Upon Your Pitch – at a recent conference I had someone come up and give me what seemed like an elevator pitch about their blog. It worked really well, they got me interested – so interested that I asked them to tell me more. The problem was that they didn’t really have much else to say about their blog. See an elevator pitch as a conversation opener – something designed to lead into further interaction with people. You don’t have to say it all in your initial pitch – but you should be ready to say more if people are interested.
These are just the thoughts that come to my mind on elevator pitches (what would you add?). Not everyone will be able to incorporate all of the above points but I hope that some of it will help you to develop yours.
My Elevator Pitch
I have a couple of elevator pitches my blog here at ProBlogger. One’s short (just 6 words) and one’s a little longer (a minute or so). I use one or the other of them depending upon the circumstances and opportunity to share.
My short one is very simple – ‘ProBlogger helps Bloggers Build Exceptional Blogs’. I’ve used others over the life of this blog (and continue to evolve it) but have settled on this one for the time being because it is so simple, to the point and clear.
The longer version expands upon this and shares some of the ways that the blog helps bloggers improve their blogs by talking through a few of the main topics I cover.
Write Your Elevator Pitch
Once you’ve got an elevator pitch for your blog write or print it out and put it somewhere near your computer so that as you blog you can be reminded of it. You might also like to start to incorporate it into your blog as a tagline or in your about page – or even to write a post about it on your blog to communicate to your readers what you’re on about (the appropriateness of writing it as a post will of course vary from blog to blog).
Once you’ve done that – feel free to share what you’ve come up with in comments below. I’m looking forward to reading yours.
Tomorrow on the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Challenge – tomorrows task is a writing task that will have you writing a particular type of blog post to use on your blog in the next few days.
Sign up for 31DBBB
If you’re not already signed up for the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog challenge you can find more information on what it entails here.
Update! Get feedback on your results, and see what others are doing over at the forum: Day 1 – Create an Elevator Pitch for Your Blog
Want More?This task is a sample of one of the tasks in the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Workbook – a downloadable resource designed to reinvigorate and revitalize blogs. Join over 14,000 other bloggers and Get your Copy Today. |
I recently updated my tagline to be “thinking towards the whole to create better solutions.”
It elaborates on my blog’s name, Inventing Elephants, which is intended to be more sticky than descriptive, but I still feel that I’m not capturing everything quite right.
I’ve never heard this called an “elevator pitch” before, but I love it. Here are mine:
Short (tagline):
Information to help you build your internet business
Longer version (103 words):
Alta Web Works has one goal: to help you build your internet business. Whether you are just starting out, are established and wanting to grow, or are setting up a internet presence, we are here to help. We will offer information, website templates and specialized software all related to growing your internet business.
The articles at Alta Web Works will cover all kinds of topics related to websites, web design, internet marketing and business issues. Some will be more for beginners, some will be more advanced, but all the articles will offer up-to-date information about topics of interest to web entrepreneurs.
The devschool blog provides insight into the development of online games and is designed for use by students as well as professors.
The Microsoft Research Blog is to examine how the reader, such as university students as well as professors can use Microsoft Research in their academic efforts.
Good start. Just wrote my pitch and started adding it to my email signature. cheers Darren.
The Silverlight games site provides information and thinking on how to implement web site based games using Microsoft tools such as Expressions and Visual Studio. The target audience is students and professors, although hobbyists and working web developers.
My blog’s tagline is…
Giving students, teachers, and parents an edge in dance education.
I wrote this one first:
Dance Advantage is an online resource for and about dance students, teachers, studio owners, and parents. It features constantly updated articles that relate to the education of dancers, primarily focusing on the study of and training in concert dance forms like ballet, jazz, and contemporary. Creator, Nichelle Strzepek writes about dance as a way to share her thoughts and passion for dance art and education. Dance Advantage strives to provide high quality information that will supplement students’ in-class learning and experiences as well as inspire and support teachers in their work.
Then, I realized it was a bit dry so I altered it a bit…
Are You A Dance Student? So am I.
Are You A Dance Teacher? So am I.
Do You Have A Passion For Dance? So do I!
I’m Nichelle Strzepek and I write about dance as a way to share my thoughts and passion for dance art and education. My blog, Dance Advantage is an online resource for and about dance students, teachers, studio owners, and parents. It features constantly updated articles that relate to the education of dancers, primarily focusing on the study of and training in concert dance forms like ballet, jazz, and contemporary. Dance Advantage strives to provide high quality information that will supplement students’ in-class learning and experiences as well as inspire and support teachers in their work.
Would love feedback!
@Beth – You need something more concrete, less vague. What you’ve come up with is too woolly; I don’t walk away after hearing it really having any idea what your blog’s about.
Great post… thanks for all the info
Thank you for lesson one. It’s amazing how difficult it can be to summarize your site.
Here’s mine:
Name of my site: Women Exposed
Elevator Pitch: For Women. About Women.
Bloggingly – What blogging is all about: Down to earth how to’s, blogging culture, insight blogosphere, blogging app review, and everything between blog and blogging.
Yeah! Day 1 has gone great.
My tagline: Pop culture with an Indigenous twist
Elevator pitch: This blog was born out of a love for writing, fashion, film, pop culture and Indigenous culture.
Urban Native Girl Stuff’s goal is to dispel myths and stereotypes about Indigenous North Americans; to support and celebrate the artistic endeavors by Indigenous people; and to have fun along the ride with dashes of pop culture and life’s infusion.
I went through all my social networking pages to optimize traffic to my blog.
My Pitch:
I ignite businesses by helping them get three things right. The effectiveness of their planning, the efficiency of their processes & the engagement of their people.
The problem this solves; They start running their business instead of their business running them.
I also label my self as an “Improvement Engineer”
The “Elevator Pitch” is a great concept, one I have been working on for a while and you put it into a concise statement and example, I appreciate your ideas, thank you!
I have been blogging. I am in process of creating something new and I believe much needed in todays world. I will be starting a new blog/site for this new “can’t tell ya yet” thing.
Great program to be starting now! Got my pitch and passing by my core team. (Close friends that are helping and believe in it too.)
Can’t wait to share it, but a lot still must be done.
Thanks Darren this is going to be great!
I’ve got 3 blogs: The elevator speech for What I Learned Teaching Sunday School, http://teachingsundayschool.blogspot.com – Sunday School and Bible lessons I’ve written and taught. Encouraging messages, favorite Bible passages, and thoughts from great Christian writers.
For Starting an Online Store Called givitup http://onlinestoregivitup.blogspot.com – Daily blog about the adventures and learning experiences of starting an online store.
And A Brides Cookbook or Surviving the First Year, http://www.abridescookbook.com/blog –
Recipes, menus and tips for brides, empty nesters, singles and new cooks.
Initially, I thought this would be really difficult for me to do. In part because I’m excessively loquacious in writing, and also because my blog is often quite random.
But once I sat down to do it, I came up with two elevator pitches: one is 8 words and included in my blog header image; the other is 100 words and will be added to a new ‘About’ page I’m working on.
Thanks for the great task!
My tagline: My musings on constructing identity in online environments.
My elevator pitch: This blog is primarily a collection of my thoughts and musings on constructing identity in online environments. Some of the topics relate specifically to my proposed PhD research on the construction of identity in everyday digital life, others may not sit within my specific research area but are in the same field and interest me nonetheless. I wish to use the blog to connect with others interested in similar topics and to generate discussions on the topics raised so that I can shape my research into something that holds value outside of academic circles.
Thoughts on my pitch would be very welcome.
o.k. Darren,
I was not able to consult my writing associates today, so this is the pitch that I cam up with so far:
The Madlab Post helps movie lovers discover independent films produced across the US.
That is subject to change as I take some time to edit the pitch on another day when referencing the mission statement and having more free time to devote to coming up with multiple pitch ideas.
Great information for getting a blog off to a good start. Thanks.
Brokerisms- helping Realtors® and enthusiasts with advice, tips, and solutions for the everyday surprises in residential real estate sales and management.
Wow, reading through some of these pitches shows what a diverse and interesting place the world of blogs is!
Here’s my first crack:
“blog one another” offers technological tips for a spiritual world / spiritual tips for a technological world.
Darren ~ Your first post is bringing it all into focus. Knowing what we are about provides direction.
Hello Darren
Thanks for this 1st day of homework,
The “elevator pitch” that something new for me never heard of it. Thanks for the great post.
Company Name: Something Creative, Inc.
Blog Name: Isn’t That Something?
Tagline: Useful Tidbits for Small Business Marketers
Elevator Pitch: Click my name to the left to view my pitch page…”About this Blog”.
Looking forward to the next 30 days…
Thank you again for doing this!
I’m so excited that I already have a short and long elevator pitch. However, I never thought about adding it to my signature on comment pages, forums, social media sites, etc. Great idea.
Before we were Moms we had many roles that defined us. How many of us gave all of that up when we became Moms? How many of us lost OURSELVES when we took on the awesome title of MOM? And why did we do that? We are ALL…SO MUCH MORE THAN A MOM!
Blimey! This is much harder than it sounds. I just spent the best part of two hours twirling my hair, typing words and petting my dog in an effort to create a magical pitch. I may be half an inch closer than I was before I began. Jeeez.
I know this challenge isn’t for brand new blogs, but I’m going to do my best to keep up.
Elevator pitch: Unconventional, Unapologetical lessons for life and business.
I ended up with “helping you achieve everlasting relationship happiness through the process of conscious dating”. I’m not sure it’s particularly pithy though, nor does it reveal my experience. I would appreciate anyone’s input on any obvious improvements based on my site. :)
I’ve had a go at a first draft of my elevator pitch. I’m thinking that it will change, especially over the next month. http://semanticallydriven.com/2009/04/my_blogs_elevator_pitch.html. I must say I found it really hard to write because my blog’s not about just one thing.
Thank you this first lesson. I have not had a tag line for my blog(s) or for my website.
A short tag line for me would/could be: “Helping you achieve your next level of the American Dream. Ready?”. This is totally up for re-defining by you or the group.
Great challenge here Darren.
On a little mini vacation here. So hope to catch up later this week. But will keep track of your postings here.
Have to work on my elevator pitch. Some great tips here.
Time to make a difference with our blogs.
Since I have tag line
“Easy Step to earn money – Tutorial and article”
I should put it more at my blog. I often use first tag only
My elevator pitch is: How to making money online and various free tutorial that useful for your life available here.
Hope I do right thing
Light My Photo helps photographers overcome their fear of the light.
As a kid, were you afraid of the dark? It turns out some photographers are afraid of the light. Light My Photo demonstrates photography lighting techniques and prepares photographers for any lighting situation they may encounter
This is a great start. I’ve been looking forward to this challenge since I heard about it a few weeks ago. Thanks for taking time to present this material!
The short one line explanation is a very good idea. I knew what the blog is about, but this exercise forced me to put it down on paper and take a look at it. It changed pretty quickly.
“Helping others through a time of unemployment.”
Thanks for this insightful post, Darren. I guess I had never considered having an elevator speech for my blog in addition to the one I use to introduce myself.
Given that my blog is not about pushing my services but about sharing useful tips and connecting with my readers, having two distinct speeches makes a lot of sense.
My blog elevator speech: Winning Away offers practical tips and resources to expats and accompanying partners to help them live their expat lives to the fullest.
The longer version goes into the fact that the resources I share can be used anywhere in the world (they are not location-specific), and how my focus is on addressing the emotional and motivational challenges of life overseas.
Great kick-off for this series!
I primarily write about regional travel in the midwestern United States. I don’t see a lot of folks blogging out there about the Midwest…which I suppose I could take to either mean no one is interested in reading about it, or that I’ve found a niche that needed filling :)
Right now, the closest thing I have to an “elevator pitch” is this:
Sharing stories about some of the best of the Midwest and beyond.
The blog’s title, Midwest Guest, gives readers some idea of the region I primarily cover and tagline, “…mostly Midwestern meanderings”, was meant to give me a bit of wiggle room if I wanted to write about a destination outside of the Midwestern U.S. that I’d visited as a guest from the Midwest.
Sounds like I need to sharpen my pitches a bit, though.
For my travel blog Flyaway Cafe —
Where travel is a way of life.
Lessons from someone who’s Learning.
Not bad for a beginner guitarist and beginner blogger huh?!?!
Ok, I’ve been kicking this around all day. It was way more difficult than I first thought.
I figured it would be more beneficial to focus on the value the readers receive by paying attention to my blog, instead of listing off a bunch of forgettable categories.
Anyway, here’s my conversation starter if someone asks what I do: “I unleash your inner rebel.”
I’m not sure I’m 100% satisfied with it, as it has no context. So here’s my pitch:
“Do you know what a rebel software philosopher is? It is someone who upsets the established order by asking way too many questions about software development. That’s what Code Vigilante’s Rebel Software Philosophy is all about. Too many questions, not enough answers, but plenty of opinions. Pay attention! Your inner rebel just may be unleashed.”
I took your assignment, merged it with what I thought I had as an elevator speech and came out with something I can:
and have fun with!
What’s next?
Here it is:
Iowa based blogger writing interviews, strategies for network marketers, reviewing places and products, sharing what I’ve learned. Out, standing in my field.
For my Fantasy Baseball blog
RotoSavants runs the numbers so you don’t have to.
My elevator pitch is “Words with occasional music”. I like to write about fiction (whether it’s a novel or a short story) and I also like to write a little about the music that moves me. My blog is called “Forever Overhead”, which I took from a short story by David Foster Wallace. My elevator pitch is a play on the title of a Jonathan Lethem novel entitled _Gun With Occasional Music_
So I’m the 418th or so comment, but I gotta jump in.
Was thinking today about re-doing my About page. What a great way to start off this series.
*Really* short tagline:
HotSauceDaily.com – One Drop is Never Enough
Elevator pitch:
HotSauceDaily.com – a guide to all things hot and spicy – reviews, recipes, BBQ and more.
Whatcha’ think?
I think I’m lucky to have the subject of my blog actually in the domain name.
Good luck everyone. Lots to learn in this series.
I have updated my about page. Thanks for reminding me about the same Darren. Great start, we are looking forward for the activities ahead. Thanks,
Destination Infinity
On Living By Learning –
Learn, Grow, Explore, Change the World
I’m a mom, homeschool educator, Girl Scout leader, Cub Scout helper, child advocate, all-around volunteer, activist, and writer who is passionate about inspiring creative life-long learners who want to make our world a better place.
Hello Darren, as a Dutch woman, living since 7 mounths in the USA, I have to say, you fit so well in the American dream. I think my about page is covering the task for today, but I will check and re-check it. My husband and I are working on a new blog about the experiences we had for me coming to America. Your 31 days training will help us to be more successful.
Thanks and bye bye for now
Learn Me Good — A humorous look at a stressful job. I teach, therefore I am… poor.
Great first assignment. Been looking forward to the start of this project since I first heard about it.
Here’s my pitch.
Be Useful. Engage Others, and Earn Friends through Social Media.
That’s what I do with my blog. I try to explain to people the right way to use social media tools to participate in community, build community, and most importantly, contribute to that online community.
Darren, this is a great start! It is pushing me to face something I have been setting aside for a while now.
I have two tag lines. I love both of them. One is in the title tags, the other one is part of the header image. They both reflect the essence of my blog.
Is it ok to have more than one tag line?
The about page needs to be rewritten. I want to make it more personal, adding info about me, not just the site.
The blog description/longer pitch needs total editing. I have never been happy about it. I just put a few words together when signing up for MyBlogLog and others.
Lots of thinking to do!