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Win a BlogWorld Expo Pass Here Today!

Posted By Darren Rowse 2nd of October 2010 ProBlogger Site News 0 Comments

Update: this competition has now ended. Winners are announced below.

Do you want to win a pass to Blog World Expo this year?

I have two – just for ProBlogger readers that the team at BWE have kindly offered. One even comes with a voucher to go towards your flights to BWE with South West Airlines!!!

Please read the following carefully to make sure you’re eligible and able to attend – we want these passes to be used by people who need them.

The prizes

There are two prizes as follows:

  1. A full access pass to the whole of Blog World Expo (worth $1195) – that’s Thursday, Friday and Saturday’s sessions, the exhibit floor, all the parties and the social media business summit. This one also comes with a voucher to go towards your flights to BWE flying with South West Airlines ($300 value).
  2. A Weekend Pass to Blog World Expo (worth $495) – this one gives you access to the sessions on Friday and Saturday as well as all three parties and the exhibit floor.

Important Notes:

  • BWE is on from 14-16 October – please only enter this if you’re able to attend!
  • in both prizes you’ll need to arrange your own accommodation.
  • with prize #2 you’ll need to arrange your own travel.
  • the competition is open to people around the world but to international readers you’ll need to make sure you can get there under your own steam.
  • please note that these prizes are for those who have not already got tickets. We’re not able to organise refunds on previously purchased tickets but this is to get a couple of extra ProBlogger readers along.
  • You can enter both competitions but only once per competition.

How to Enter

I’m going to effectively run two competitions here. One for each prize. I’ll draw the winners in 36 hours time so this is a quick competition. You can enter both competitions but only once per competition.

Competition #1 – to be in the running to win prize #1(full access pass with the travel voucher) you need to tweet out your desire to win a ticket.

The tweet needs to include a shout out to @blogworld and @southwestair as well as the hashtag #PbBWEPass. I’ll randomly choose someone tweeting that and notify them via Twitter (so please make sure you follow @problogger so I can DM you).

Competition #2 – to be in the running to win prize #2 (the weekend pass) simply leave a comment below. Please include the word ‘blogworld’ so I make sure none of your comments get caught in my spam filter. I’ll notify the winner by the email address that they leave with their comment.

Prizes will be drawn 36 hours after this post goes live to enable winners to make their travel arrangements. That’s 4pm Melbourne time on Sunday 3rd October.

Good Luck Everyone!

Update: Thanks to everyone who entered – I’m closing this now and will get in touch with the winners shortly. Congrats to @jenwilsonphoto and Alison Golden who won!

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Ooh, I wanna play! (At blogworld.)

  2. WOW – now this is fun! I only live a few hours from Vegas – so I’d be most appreciative of the blogworld weekend pass. Does this include the opportunity to meet you too? Cuz that would be cool :)

  3. Hey Darren! Looking forward to meeting you at blogworld ! I hope…


  4. After learning from your site for years it would be so neat to get to come hear you talk. You always have an interesting spin on topics I thought I already knew everything about.

    (blogworld contest comment)

  5. Karen says: 10/02/2010 at 5:56 am

    Blogworld Expo – I would love to win a pass and be able to go to this! By the way, I just discovered ProBlogger, and find this site very helpful!

  6. Not going to be able to make blogworld on my own this year so I’m happy to enter and spread the word so others get a chance too. Great opportunity, and I hope someone gets to take this trip. It’s totally worth it.

  7. Thank you Problogger for giving me a chance to win a weekend pass so I can join my daughter in the sessions at Blog world!

  8. ‘blogworld’ why not?!…


  9. Please pick me to win a pass to Blog World Expo! Thank you! – blogworld –

  10. SwellGalMary says: 10/02/2010 at 6:23 am

    Move over Wally World, Disney World, and all the other “worlds” — BlogWorld sounds like the happiest place on earth to me.

  11. Darren,

    I just launched my SoloBizCoach.com business and would love to attend blogworld.

  12. I’ve never been to the blogworld expo, but I’m sure it’s a great experience. I do go to Vegas regularly so it wouldn’t be too difficult to get out there.

    Thanks for giving us the opportunity to make this trip!

  13. I was just going to hang and schmooze (with cupcakes) like we did at SXSW (except we were thinking of replacing the cupcakes with blackjack, seeing as Blogworld IS in Vegas and when in fake Rome . . .), but I will eschew those plans if you insist.

    Go on, Darren, insist.

  14. I’ve been trying really hard to make it to blogworld, and so far, no luck! Most of my best blogging pals/blog aliance friends are going, some from overseas, and this would be a fabulous chance to meet them, as well as learn from some of the greatest bloggers out there!

    So very much looking forward to it!

  15. Considering that I’m ALREADY flying out there to be in Vegas, it would be super-duper-triple-awesome to also be able to attend Blogworld. I will sit next to Jade and rock all the parties!

    *crosses fingers*

  16. Great contest! I would love to win a weekend pass to #Blogworld! Thanks:)

  17. Being this is my first official year in social media and online marketing consulting, I am very, very excited about meeting the big players at Blog World Expo. Winning this contest would allow me to participate in this exciting event, so I hope I win. Still, good luck to everyone else at blogworld .

  18. I’d love to win!!! Fingers crossed


  19. I live in Las Vegas and would love to go to blogworld!

  20. I’ve been blogging for a year now and would love to attend blogworld (on your dime) to learn/meet

  21. I really can’t afford to send myself to blog world expo, but with a little help from Problogger I could. Please read my monthly income report and help me to get to blog world expo. Please.

  22. Pick me – I so want to go and meet you after doing the 31dbbb challenge. I want change in my life and I heard this conference is a nice spring board

    Thank you full access pass @problogger @blogworld voucher @southwestAir #PbBWEPass http://bit.ly/cHRjIj Please let me win Woot woot



  23. Random, but I stood next to you in line at Starbucks at BlogWorld 2009. Loved hearing your accent. It’s such a great event – been 2x as an exhibitor. Would love to experience the attendee side.

  24. Ya know, I should have gone to blogworld years ago.

  25. Weekend pass for blogworld would be awesome! Otherwise I’m going to just the after parties lol

  26. There are two very important panels I want to attend at Blogworld that I’m hoping will help us “save” our newspaper. One is the panel on effective community moderation/engagement. Currently we’re either fighting or tolerating each other. And the other is on livestreaming, which I think can be done!! even though many of our reporters are without smartphones. It only takes one person to make it happen. There’s also something on mobilizing your Twitter community that I would love to show my managers to convince them that our “followers” are much more than just a passive audience. Thanks for the opportunity to enter!

  27. I was going but had to cancel due to the expense of unexpected surgery. I want my plans back on!


  28. Jennifer B. says: 10/02/2010 at 10:20 am

    Blogworld wOOt!

  29. I would LOVE to attend Blogworld! I wanted to get tickets but I couldn’t quite afford it. I told myself, “Maybe next year.” :(

    I just launched my blog in July and know I still have a lot to learn even though I read this site every morning.

    And the best part would be… October 16th is my Birthday… a perfect place to spend it!

  30. John Corfee says: 10/02/2010 at 10:24 am

    You should send me to BlogWorld so that your readers can get a college student’s prospective on things.

  31. I’d love to attend blogworld. Thanks.

  32. A four hour drive to BlogWorld from SoCal is a small price to pay for a free ticket!

  33. Ashley Meyers says: 10/02/2010 at 10:44 am

    I’d love to attend blogworld!

  34. I am coveting a blogworld pass!

  35. Simultaneous entry and question: will blogworld have any streaming video feeds?

    I was considering heading out there but had to divert the money to another part of my business. Winning a pass would certainly work for me, though!

    Thanks, Darren!

  36. Blog world sounds fun but I would rather go once I am a bit more established.

  37. The fact that Blogworld is in Las Vegas only makes this prize more awesome. Can’t wait for the livetweeting ;)

  38. would love to go to blogworld – vegas is only 4 hours away from me (3.5 if i drive fast ;))

  39. Blogworld or bust!

  40. As a newbie blogger I’ve been making a list of conferences I want to attend in the next year – BlogWorld is at the top of the list and I’d be insanely happy to win this prize! (not insane-crazy, but rather insane-thrilled)

  41. This look like a great contest, I would love to go to Blogworld! Count me in.

  42. hoping to make it for the 2nd time!

  43. Hey! I wanna go to blogworld!

  44. Hello Darren,

    I would love the chance to attend BlogWorld and hear you speak on the 16th! Thanks for the opportunities to enter :)

  45. pick me! pick me! I want to go to #blogworld


  46. Blogworld, I need to be there! I need help getting to the next level. Pick me!

  47. Blogworld, there I said it. Now, to cross my fingers for 36 hours. Thanks for the work you do, Darren.

  48. I can’t do blogworld this year, just a really bad month, so I hope Eileen, Sandi, or Catherine wins.

  49. mmm…well let’s see if I have anything clever to say…nope. But pick me, pick me, pick me.

    OK, a bit overboard, but I’m around 2 little ones all day and they tend to rub off on me. =)

    Anyway, would love to join ya! Thanks for offering these tickets, very cool of you and your sponsors!

  50. I can get to blogworld in a jiffy! And I can get a hotel room in a flash! Hope to see you there!

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