In the last 15 minutes I’ve had 3 people ask me pretty much the same question:
“Why promote an RSS feed where you share the full posts of your blog when it means people don’t read your blog?”
Rather than write another post on the topic I thought I’d simply share a previous post where I address it:
Are RSS Subscribers Worthwhile if they Don’t Visit Your Blog?
Also check out 10 Sure-Fire Ways to Get RSS Readers Visiting Your Blog.
Awesome info!! I appreciate the time you took to put all of this together. Thanks again. It really helps me in doing the blogs..
Sounds to me like you for sure know what you are talking about.
I’m also believing that once a certain reader subscribed, it may already mean that he really wants to follow your content, so it’s a good thing already.
It is an interesting traffic technique which I had not found before.