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What’s Wrong With Your Blog?

Posted By Darren Rowse 29th of April 2007 Pro Blogging News 0 Comments

Modern Life has a useful post titled ‘What’s Wrong With My Blog?’ which outlines 11 ‘common pitfalls, mistakes & faux pas in blogging’.

I think it’s a really useful list to run through periodically for bloggers.

Which of the 11 might you need to work on for your blog?

What would you add to it?

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I am sure I have seen that list before, wonderful collection of bits and pieces in and amongst all the wording. *print, place on wall*

  2. There’s some good info in that article. However I’m not sure if I agree completely with the one about controversy. I think the point they tried to make is don’t write your blog on a topic that 95% of people disagree with. However, highly controversial political blogs can have one of the most devoted, cult-like followings on the blogosphere.

    You can be controversial, just make sure you have some like-minded readers to keep the blog moving forward.

  3. I’d add be part of relevant communities.

    Link to others when they have something worth linking to and leave comments if you have something to add to the conversation.

  4. If you think about it, most bloggers (if not all) already know these things, but it’s definitely good to be reminded of the blogging essentials. It would really help a lot to go back and just go over these beneficial information from time to time; keeps you on track in a way.

  5. Rangga says: 04/29/2007 at 3:37 pm

    nothing, my blog just up to 5 from 4 on google pagerank =D constantly write quality postings (better improve). That’s all

  6. I’ve written something similar, but perhaps in a slightly less politically correct language:

    “5 Signs Your ‘Make Money Online’ Blog Sucks” @ http://kumikosuzuki.blogspot.com/2007/04/5-signs-your-make-money-online-blog.html

    I’d also add “not reading other sites in your niche before you start your site” as a bit sign too. Too many people try to make a site that is just a weak copy of a much better site. For example, why would I need to visit a new auction site when I can find everything on eBay? Some people have dreams of building great sites that have already been made.

  7. And if i may add…I’d like to stress the importance of high-quality content. Basically, your readers come back if they think your articles are interesting and well-written. Even though consistency of postings is crucial to any blog, I agree that quality should never be compromised.

  8. Patience, patience, patience!

    This has to be the biggest one that a lot of newbies need to realize. So many want to give up their day job, and when after a month they can’t ,they just give up blogging.

    A little bit every day, and after a year ( or sometimes less ) you can have a nice blog that’s attracting a lot of visiters in your chosen niche.

    Yet another great, tiny and informative post.

  9. i would think “Ensure Linkability” should not be something that most of the bloggers be worry as that’s the 101 that one should knows … the problem would be the question of why the organic traffic never grows despite having good linkability …

    and of course “patience” is not everyone has … ;-)

  10. […] What’s wrong with my blog? A list of 11 pitfalls between you and successful blogging.  From Modern Life via ProBlogger. […]

  11. Quality unique content is important too. Then improoving the quality a bit more. Then back to step 1… :)

  12. A good reminder for us all.

  13. I learned some useful things in the list.
    I agree with him that Patience is the most important thing. Last time I just couldn’t stick with my blog for more than one week. It takes so much effort to maintain, to brainstorm and to keep the frequency of post.
    A trick that I learned myself is not to monitor the blog’s traffic too early. It hurts to see so few people visiting my place.

  14. I like the reminders, It’s not the most complete, concise, or even useful list, but they are all excellent reminders for all bloggers.

  15. Shaun, that was exactly my thought when I read the bit about controversy. And not just for political blogs. The occasional bit of well chosen controversy can really help a blog get attention.

  16. I think this is basic stuff that all bloggers should know. But I don’t think it gives enough real details of how to be a cut above the rest.

  17. Nice list… However, I would have liked them to go more into “linkability” and the several different ways to make use of it/implement it.


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  18. Everybody has a list, most also have written a book.

    Content is what drives your blog, without it nobody would come!


  19. As far as that last bit on patience goes, I feel that it is very true; not just in the blogosphere, but in life in general as well.

  20. The list is good but it is pretty basic and on the subject of controversy, I tend to disagree. I think a subject that sparks controversy could spark interesting debates among users but ofcourse one should not go for a topic where the majority of people disagree.

  21. I would say not analyzing your blog stats. For instance, I noticed from my blog stats recently that most of my visitors were spending between 0-30sec on my blog so I am busy working on making my blog more sticky. You also need to figure out what keywords your visitors are using to find you so that you can keep writing content around those keywords.

  22. I’ve experimented with different approaches, and the very experimentation itself provided the answer:

    Each of us has a unique voice and way of saying things. Use that one.

    Readers want quality content if they are going to hang out and return again. Provide it.

    Pay attention to design. Readers can be driven away from good content that’s undermined by poor layout and colors that are difficult to read.

  23. […] I just love the title of this post: “What’s wrong with your blog?” […]

  24. I agree with most of the list, with the exception of the controversy part. As Shaun said, many political blogs, presenting controversial posts, have some major followings. I wouldn’t find it terribly interesting, if everything a blogger said, I agreed with 100%. I think I’d lose interest in the blog.

  25. one of the biggest mistakes I see bloggers make is not relating to their readers, for example not responding to their comments. when I get the feeling that a blog is “dead” then I am less likely to comment and at the same time we are all so busy that we cannot be expected to sit by our computers waiting for comments. we have to find middle ground.


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