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What Is Your Blogging Goal for February?

Posted By Darren Rowse 9th of February 2010 Reader Questions 0 Comments

A few days back I asked readers a question:

What Have You Been Putting Off and What’s Holding You Back?

Some of the responses to the question in comments (and via email and Twitter) revealed a lot of bloggers really wanting to step things up and get what they’ve been putting off done.

So – lets set some goals – what do you want to achieve by the end of February?

I’m not going to be calling you up to check up to see if you’re meeting your goals – but hopefully in putting them down publicly you’ll find yourself a little more spurred on to reach what you want to achieve.

My Goal for February: I want to get a new E-Book out the door by the end of the month.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Ok so here’s mine (nail this): I would like to grow my newsletter subscribers this month by leveraging the free report I just released today. To be specific I would like my list to reach 100 before February ends.

  2. Cool!

    I guess we are all looking forward to that..

    Unless it is only for the photographers!

    Take care!

  3. I want daily traffic up by 15%+ compared to last month.

  4. I have two goals for February:

    1. Reach an average of 1,000 page views per day (this will give me the 30,00 pageviews this month that I have a goal for)

    2. Create a tiny eBook available only to my subscribers in the bonus content area. (This will boost the subscriber count to what I hope to have by the end of this month.)

  5. Great post here Darren! My goal is to establish a daily blogging routine on my personal website at a minimum of five days a week (during the weekdays). So far, I’ve done just that in February.

  6. I want to get my twitter followers up to 1000 by the end of this month. Good luck to everyone else with their goals :D

  7. I would like to FIGURE OUT what the heck to do with my (G34 Media) blog.

    That would be a nice start. lol.

    Do I turn it into a social media blog, a site flipping blog, a portfolio site showcasing my blog creation skills, promote my new ebook?

    Too many question, not enough answers.

  8. Finish off the Ebook I’ve been writting.

  9. 1. Creating 100 Video tutorials about wordpress and tools for bloggers.

    2. Giving my free thesis ebook guide to more thesis users.

    3. Helping free for more bloggers who are need help about thesis, wordpress and blogging tools etc.

  10. Start a new blog in a new niche and have 10 post by end of February…

  11. Complete my “Selling your products and services” blog series
    Contact 6 women for input on my book
    Finish writing chapter 1 & 2 of my book
    Get 2 new clients from upcoming speaking engagement
    Record teleseminar How To Birth Your Dreams
    teach my children w/creativity and patience!

  12. My goal for february is to generate links and get ready for the next PR update. I’m also concentrating on creating a network on StumbleUpon and Digg for social media optimization, but till now I haven’t had any success.


  13. You have chosen a very short month…and we are a quarter through it, but my aim is to
    1) Complete a post a day for the rest of the month (keep the momentum going)
    2) Determine why my blog has been dropped from Google (then I can get back to writing and not crying)
    3) NOT look at analytics for the rest of the month (as per point 2.)


  14. I want to get 3 ads sold on my blog. I’m advertising them at $1.25 per month for a 125 X 125 spot. I’m offering them this cheaply in order to get the ball rolling. I’m allowing people to lock in for 2 months after that price – and hope to renegotiate better deals after that. We’ll have good coverage of the Olympics and baseball spring training, so the advertisers could end up with decent bang for the buck (and the worst case scenario is that they are out $2.50)

    I’m also going to pitch guest post ideas for a few other blogs. Since my site is broad-based rather then niche, I’ll try to hit some divserse blogs. The first guest post has been written and will be pitched to a tech blog tonight.

  15. Is a big project I would like to finish

    Traveling All The Countries- Learn about other countries and cultures

    There are only 257 Countries I would like to do an blog on

    This will take me all of Feb and maybe some of March!

    I’m Hope I can finish it by Feb!

    Next, I would like to start on Video Blog on People from Around the World

  16. Hey… thanks for making me think about that and making it concrete. That’s what you’re good at I guess :)

    This February I want to have a great list of products I want to sell as an affiliate, as well as sponsors I feel good about advertising on my site.


  17. I would like to launch my first online product via my blog in February

  18. Get feedback; fine tune, expand content.

  19. I just posted a survey for my community – I do this every year. this way I know what they like and what areas need improvement. Implementing some of the suggestions and ideas from that survey is one of my goals for the month. My other is to keep providing good, relevant content for my community.

  20. Hey Darren,

    My February goal is to ramp up my guest posting.

    Spread remarkable articles on maximizing your life throughout the blogosphere.

    I’m already doing it, but I’ll be pushing myself to write even more emails to even more remarkable blogs.

    Commenting and *especially* guest posting has been the most effective way to gain new readership – while providing value to new remarkable people not on my site.

    To more guest posting,

  21. I want to reach 100 readers via RSS. So far (3 days of work) I managed to increase the number from 50 to 62, so I think it’s pretty possible in my niche :).

  22. My target is just keep on posting and keep on learning :D

  23. wow! a new e-book?

    I certainly hoped you started already or else I would be worried you get hurried and the content quality suffers from it.

    I have no real blogging goals for this month other than to beat out my blog’s performance of last month.

    • Nick@ – yes it’s pretty much finished the content part of it :-)

      • Thanks everyone for sharing your goals – there’s some good ones here.

        A quick tip – try to make your goals as specific as you can. ‘posting more’ is a good goal but it’d probably be easier to measure if you had a specific number of posts and a frequency in mind. 10 posts this month – or – 5 posts a week – or 20% more posts than last month etc. That way you’ve set yourself some tangible goals and deadlines to work on.

        All the best with your goals this Feb!

  24. Nothing much really. I am very new in blogging area and still strugling to build a group of loyal readers. Thinking to put more unique contents often and give some space for readers to be more active.

  25. Getting out my first e-book! Great adventure.

    Writing the e-book, putting it out for free. Should be wonderful!

  26. I have an e-book I’d like to complete as a gift for signing up to my e-mail list.

    I’m also looking into creating a foundation for an online mini-course.

  27. I just started a new blog last week and had a GREAT response – over 250 subscribers in one week. So, my goal for February is to hit 500 subscribers.

    Although, really, I’d rather have 250 “responders” – people who respond to what I write and make positive changes in their lives, than 500 people who read and move on. So, I’m not in a huge hurry.

  28. Since I have just started blogging again I will not sett high goals for my self.

    But I think I should be able to reach 100 or almost so subscribers. (Got 62 now)

    Other then that my goal is to write at the very least 1 good blog post per week, and maybe a couple guest posts.

  29. I want to post every week day, and get started on my Ebook.

  30. Well, to kick things off this month, I am excited to release a free e-book that I helped organize, edit and author with 27 other relationship bloggers. “Love Everyday” should be everywhere tomorrow.

    Beyond that, i will start writing my own marriage-related e-book this month. I’m looking forward to getting off the starting line with that!

  31. My goal by the end of Feb. is to have a consistent posting routine down and be about a third through the ebook I am writing. That, and to keep getting up at 5 every day to work for three hours before my kids start their day :)

  32. Wow! The question got me thinking and I realize that I have all sorts of goals… but what will I focus on… I have been putting off guest post and persuing ads because I needed to open my past posts up first… I began blogging with se7en categories – one for each day of the week but now that I have well over 700 posts there is no reason for readers to look back /inwards… so I have been opening up my categories and adding more and have found that folk really browse longer as they spot a topic that peaks their interest. But I have ground to a halt half way through – I think because it will mean moving on to the next step… So my goal is to write a guest post by the end of the month… by default that means I will have to finish sorting out my categories as well.

  33. I have two goals:

    1) Send out my first e-newsletter

    2) Regain the readers (+ an extra 10%) that I lost after my stupid feed broke.

  34. Well my blogging goal of feburary is that i can complete my series of articles so that i publish them in coming months

  35. Increase by site visits by 25% by the end of the month!

  36. I want to write more guest posts. I think that’s the basis of my goal. Oh, and read more books :-)

  37. We’re just trying to focus on building some good content and get everything organized as well as some goals in place. But first and foremost we just want to get some useful content out there

  38. I want to have my latest blog venture live and and posting daily by the end of February!

  39. I’ve already achieved my February blogging goal. Yes!

    It was to create an editorial calendar and I just finished it over the weekend.

    You can see it at http://themogulmom.com/editorial-calendar

    I’d put this off for years. :D Glad to have it done.


  40. My goal for Februar is to get my newest Blog going and to improove the Stats of my oldest one ;)

  41. It’s so cool to read all these goals. Mine is simple, 40 subscribers by the end of the month (I’m now at 18). My tools, a text editor and the internet ;-).

  42. My goal is two short ebooks (because one wouldn’t be scary enough). :) I’m also sending out my first newsletter this week and will hopefully have a new video each week as well.

  43. My blog is just a few months old, so I’m in the beginning stages of developing a readership. I have several new readers that have come back more than once during the last few weeks. My goal is to make them regular readers and hopefully to have them spread the word to others.

  44. I just want to increase traffic to my blog and get subscribers. Suggestions appreciated. My blog is literally an infant at this stage.

  45. I set a site goal of growing my Twitter followers from 30 to 90, organically. It wouldn’t be hard to get to 90 by just following a lot of people, but I am restricting who I follow to 2 categories:

    1. those who follow me legitimately (no spammers)
    2. those who I run across through blog comments (my own as well as other blogs) and retweets. If I check put their site and find good value, I will follow them, often resulting in them following me.

    I displayed this goal publicly on my sidebar at the start of the month, and will soon display progress with it so it can be monitores by readers.

    On a more personal level I have a goal of developing a rhythm with a new, steady (thank God) work schedule. Blog from 5-7 am (writing only), and do social media stuff and reading throughout the day, via new smartphone. Be done with blogging tasks for the day by the time I get off work at 6pm to be present at home, not still hanging out in the blogosphere.

  46. That’s funny Darren, mine is actually similar for this month. I have about half an ebook sitting ready (A 3D project from start to finish); wanted to get it finished and out the door by the time March rolls round.

    Good luck to you :)

  47. My goal is to keep the throttle on and to achieve 15,000 readers a day by the 28th. Let’s see if I can get there.

  48. My goal is to finish my first e-book. I will then offer it free on my blog in return for an email address. I have already laid out the whole content. Now it’s all about formatting it and getting it out there. I have already sighed up with MailChimp ( free subscription ) to get the ball rolling once the e-Book is ready for distribution.

  49. My goal is to consistently (5 days a week) post on my two more personal blogs, and write more (2x a week at least) on my professional blog

  50. Hi Darren,

    I have a lot of goals for the month of Feb. Some of which are:

    1. SEO optimization of the blog
    2. More content
    3. 50 subscribers
    4. Addition of Newsletter service

    Generally, my experience is nothing goes as planned, but I am trying to pursue these goals religiously.

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