Note: check out our more recent article on how to start a blog.
So what is a Blog anyway?
I am asked every week via emails, conversation and Instant Messaging chats to define: ‘what is a blog’.
If you’re reading this you may well be asking the same question.
There are a number of ways I could answer this question ranging from the broad to the highly technical.
Before I define the ‘what is a blog’ question – here are a few definitions from other much wiser people to get us started:
‘A weblog is a hierarchy of text, images, media objects and data, arranged chronologically, that can be viewed in an HTML browser.’ Source
‘A frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and Web links.’ Source
‘From “Web log.” A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is “blogging” and someone who keeps a blog is a “blogger.”‘ Source
‘A weblog is kind of a continual tour, with a human guide who you get to know. There are many guides to choose from, each develops an audience, and there’s also comraderie and politics between the people who run weblogs, they point to each other, in all kinds of structures, graphs, loops, etc.’ Source
‘A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is “blogging” and someone who keeps a blog is a “blogger.” Blogs are typically updated daily using software that allows people with little or no technical background to update and maintain the blog. Postings on a blog are almost always arranged in cronological order with the most recent additions featured most prominantly.’ Source
‘A blog is a website in which items are posted on a regular basis and displayed in reverse chronological order. The term blog is a shortened form of weblog or web log. Authoring a blog, maintaining a blog or adding an article to an existing blog is called “blogging”. Individual articles on a blog are called “blog posts,” “posts” or “entries”. A person who posts these entries is called a “blogger”. A blog comprises text, hypertext, images, and links (to other web pages and to video, audio and other files). Blogs use a conversational style of documentation. Often blogs focus on a particular “area of interest”, such as Washington, D.C.’s political goings-on. Some blogs discuss personal experiences.’ Source.
What is a Blog???
Confused yet? Don’t be – its really quite simple. To put it as simply as possible – a blog is a type of website that is usually arranged in chronological order from the most recent ‘post’ (or entry) at the top of the main page to the older entries towards the bottom.
Have a look at the main page of my blog at here for an example. for a different example you might like to look at this one (another of mine).
Ok – now you are a seasoned blog reader – you’ve seen two already at least.
Blogs are usually (but not always) written by one person and are updated pretty regularly. Blogs are often (but not always) written on a particular topic – there are blogs on virtually any topic you can think of. From photography, to spirituality, to recipes, to personal diaries to hobbies – blogging has as many applications and varieties as you can imagine. Whole blog communities have sprung up around some of these topics putting people into contact with each other in relationships where they can learn, share ideas, make friends with and even do business with people with similar interests from around the world.
Blogs usually have a few features that are useful to know about if you want to get the most out of them as a reader. Lets examine a couple briefly.
Archives – You might look at the front page of a blog and think that there is not much to them. A few recent entries, some links to other sites and not much else. However its worth knowing that there is a lot more going on under the surface that might initially meet the eye. For example in addition to the main page of this blog – at the time of writing this post there are over 520 other pages or posts below the surface that I’ve written over the past few months.
When I write a post like this one it goes to the top of the front page. As it gets older and as I add more current posts it begins its journey down the page until it disappears from it. This is not the end of its life however, because it goes into the ‘Archives’ of my blog. It sounds like a dusty dark place but its really just like a filing cabinet that is easily accessible in a couple of ways. You can read my ‘archives’ simply by looking on the ‘sidebar’ (over on the left of this blog) at the ‘archives’ or ‘categories’ section. There you will see links to all my old posts which you can access either by category. You’ll see a category for ‘Advertising’ – click that link and you’ll see all my old posts on the topic of Advertising with the most recent at the top and the oldest at the bottom.
Comments – Not all blogs use comments – but most do. This blog is not a monologue but a conversation. You can give me feedback on almost everything I write simply by clicking the ‘comments’ link at the bottom of each one of my posts. This will take you to a little form where you leave your name, email and a link to your own blog if you have one as well as your feedback, comment, critique, question, essay on why you love my blog, promise of money…. etc). Try it now. Scroll to the bottom of this page, click ‘comments’ and fill in the blanks with a little introduction to yourself.
A great way to learn about blogs is to read a few. Leave some comments, ask questions and bookmark your favourites. An even better way to learn about blogs is to start your own blog. Ok – you might be laughing at me now – you think you are not web savy enough to have your own site? You wouldn’t know where to start? You don’t know how?
My Secret
Let me share a secret with you – three years ago I knew nothing about blogs, I had never used the internet for anything more than email, surfing and chatting to friends and I could only barely do any of that! But one day I discovered a blog and after surfing from one to another (blogs tend to link up to other blogs a lot) for a few hours I was hooked and wanted to start my own.
I found that there are tools that enable almost anyone could set up in a matter of minutes. Really it is that simple.
Note: check out my guide on how to start a blog.
Literally millions of people blog from around the world. Its not just something for young people, or geeks, or cool folk, or Westerners, or even for people with their own computers – instead its something virtually anyone with access to a computer and the internet once or twice a week can start up.
Are you still confused? Would you like more information? Below are a few helpful articles on the topic – there are many more on the web – just do a search on your favourite search engine. Otherwise shoot me an email using my ‘contact’ button with your question and I’ll do my best to get back to you.
Update: If you’d like to start a blog I’ve written a book – ProBlogger the Book – which is specifically written for new bloggers. I hope you find it helpful. Also check out my How to Start a Blog tutorial and my How to Make Money Blogging guide.
- Rebecca Blood has written a helpful history of blogging for those who are interested in learning more about the blogging evolution over the past few years.
- Harvard Law has a helpful article titled What makes a Weblog a Weblog
- Trudy Schuett writes a good article title What is a blog and why do we need one?
- WordPress: Introduction to Blogging
If you are new to blogging and want some hints on how to get started – keep an eye on my Blogging for Beginners Page for more ways to explore blogging.
So now you know WHAT a blog is – learn how to start one and use it to build an online income with ProBlogger the Book.
blogging is a great idea for the ones who want to share their experiences on a specific area.
Thanks for sharing the information. I am excited about breaking the lock that big media has on peoples’ ability to exist in the world intelligently, with a “we” view as opposed to “us and them”.
Good intro to blogging! Picked up some good points,
Hi! It happened so that I’ve never dealed with blogs before. And actually I wasn’t going to start… But the firm I work in got a new project. – designing a site where people can communicate, share opinions, unite into communities, etc. So I decided to examine different blogs to clear something for myself. After surfing through dozens of them I got even more confused with the task I’ve got – to create some kind of mental model «what are people’s needs in blogging and what tools do they use to satisfy this requirements?» Maybe you could help me in understanding this, please?
Thanx for your blog (it’s one of the most useful among the sites I saw :)
Thanks so much! I’ve gained a great deal of information from you! I actually thought a blog site was for people to share their thoughts and feeling–like a chat room. Would this make my site something other than a blogsite if people share their thoughts and feelings and seek feedback?
I am Srijit from Kolkata,India. Your inputs are really great reading.Personally I am very good at writing and speaking
english.Right now, I am contributing articles on spoken
english which is a problem faced by many in our country.
I also wish to write several other topics.Should i always look
for writing HOT topics to gain attention or just proceed in
accordance with my strength.Further,how should I proceed to
earn revenue from my site.Kindly suggest some options.
What are enterprise blogs – read here
Great post.
It is indeed very informative. In fact, I always think that a blog is more than just an online journal, it is more like an information exchange and communication means to me.
blogging is posting something interesting and informative
Darren its great!!!
you have done a great job for beginners. All the information is very usefull.
Hello out there, I’m new to this blog thing. I started some three weeks ago and have about 19 posts to date. I’m not sure whether I can call it a blog or what. I read the definitions you gave above with keen interest. Mind you I’m not confused. But I still have a small amount of doubt. While most blogs (and not all as you rightly say) relate to specific topics, mine includes a variety. While many blogs are just a recollection of “personal thoughts”, mine doesn’t confine itself to personal thoughts. I’m including thoughts, opinions, and anything I can write about after careful research and understanding.
Sometimes simply reading definitions doesn’t answer all. Perhaps as an established blogger, which I can see you are, you could enlighten me. So, my question would be : Can I be considered as a blogger? Does my site reflect a blog in the real sense?
hi,please i want to ask about the blog stuff.
i have a blog and i dont know how i can let people know about my blog and also i want to start an advertising busines on the blog .Can any one give me a reply on my request
I set up a website as personal message for everyone to see. This was before I knew what a blog was. Thanks for letting me know. You are welcome to view my “blog” on . I could do with some suggestions. So any one who can add to it please do so, and it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks… Aqab..
I think that a blog on my site with be excellent way of communicating with my customers regarding pending projects etc.
Twenty years ago I wrote professionally, but got sidetracked with childrearing and health problems. I’d like to restart my writing career and hear that blogs are the new ‘thing’. Your site is very helpful and I will be spending some cozy time with it trying to figure out how to make some money. With two kids in college, the piggy bank is not just broken – but smashed to bits. Thanks for being so generous with your expertise.
I am a complete beginner in the blog world but I am very intrigued. You have my wheels spinning.
[…] “A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is “blogging” and someone who keeps a blog is a “blogger”. Blogs are typically updated daily using software that allows people with little or no technical background to update and maintain the blog”. Resource […]
I am new to blog, but after going through the article, I can understand something about it. Some of my friends are telling that we can earn money through blogs, but I lack the real information about that. i would be thankful if you could provide me with details about earning through blogs.
Thanks and Regards
[…] best blog you must visit everyday is and you can read Darren explanation about blog here. There a lot of blogger tips and guide there. You must bookmark that blog and visit […]
[…] is a Blog? Darren Rowse, Creator of ProBlogger, February 2005. – Updated February […]
Darren Rowse, I got lot of information from your website for creating my personal blog. And this site is very much usefull for people who really started over the blog.
Great information. My daughter thought I could use it and sent me the link. I think she’s right I can do this. Will first review a few more of your ‘tips’ and then take a tentative step to start.
thanks, it seems to be very clear.
I have a Chemical & Process Engineering blog on I read problogger and I will enhance my blog using tips given by problogger. Thanks for huge collection on blog tips.
I am honestly amazed at this site and the kind of effort you have invested in others’ success. I am grateful and hope to get to know you and your knowledge better as I study the site and get the newsletter. Thank you so much.
your site seems to be pretty good in terms of information about blogging. I am completely new to this and i got your site through google. there are hell a lot of people who talk about blogging these days and how they make money. i am looking forward to do the same.
Kiran Balakrishna
I have some tips for a beginner who wants to get started with blogging:
First of all you need to find a profitable niche which has a low competetion. It may help you get the top ranks in search results according to that niche.
Then, choose a keyword-rich domain name, good title and description. After that, start writing posts regularly. Give valuable information and live content. Search engines love that and may bring you a lot of visitors.
So, you can use some free tools for your blogging purpose such as: Blogger Account, Adsense Account, YouTube Account, Flickr Account and some Affiliate Programs. Keep working like that and you may earn a lot of profits just by blogging.
To you success!
I am new to blogging, and wish to use it to make money. Not only is your blog *extremely* informative; it’s design is outstanding. Love every bit of it. Keep it up.
I’m finding this information very interesting!! I am in it IT profession, but blogging is something new to me, but I plan to become more familiar with it. You’re site has been very informative. Thank you!
i started a freebie blog 1 month back but i didnt get much traffic in to my blog. so i stopped my project for a while. its better to read some pro tips before we start our blog. i’m gonna make use of this blog this time. pro blogger is a good place to get some blogging tips.
I’ve just discovered this site. Fantastic, informative and friendly advice that I plan to implement on my own blog. Keep posting!
Interesting! Our teacher ask us to give a presentation for final exam. My topic is BLOG.So, thanks for the help of “google”,and I find what I need.
I think over 4 words to describe a blog. They are “Book”,”Listen”,”Oases” and “Gaiety” . Obviously, combine the first letters , that is BLOG.
I have a blog ,too. Welcome to visite my blog.
[…] Jadi apa dong blog itu? Saya akan coba menyimpulkan : blog itu website, dimana urutan post/entri diatur secara kronologis. Kalau mau baca lebih detail ada di Introduction to Blogging […]
i am from the philippines where blogging is not yet so known to a lot of people. i just got out of a job and the final compensation of my former employers was to give me a notebook. now i have a notebook but out of work. I would like to know more about blogging and if i can earn from it. I am a marketing executive for ten years.
please do reply. Thank you
I came upon your realm looking to learn about blogs. Making this entry is my first baby step. Well, maybe I’m not even that far yet! Let’s just say I crawled into the doorway and bumped into the learning curve.
I’m very computer savvy, but totally ignored all this “blah-blah-blah, blog-blog-blog” talk for sooo long. What a waste of time!
But hey, look at me now. Here I am with blog on my face! I want to learn about this stuff and know next to nothing. How humbling!
Thank you assisting with my first steps of this journey.
Regards to all,
Putting together a business blog and want to learn from you.
great stuff.
The blogging world is quite new as compared to internet. Still a huge development is needed in this direction. Here in India, regular internet users do not anything about blogs and blogging. I am also 4 months old blogger but become completely addicted to blogging.
i dnt kow wot a blog is someone explain it to me plz im at skl
As an over-worked lead tech for an IT department with no sense of formal structure, I’ve decided to search for other means of earning money – that is earning money without a boss. I stumbled upon a widget just the other day that listed the top ten “Make money online” sites and Adsense was number one on the list. I checked out the site and read several reviews on the site about earning profit from it and so far, I’m amazed to find this hidden treasure online. I’ve been reading articles after articles and each one has been positive about earning profit. I just wasn’t sure about what type of website to create to accumulate traffic and money immediately until running into this site of yours and the idea of BLOGGING! What a great IDEA! I’ve never blogged before so why not start now and make money while doing it! Tell me, from your experience as a blogger, which of the 100’s of blog services do you recommend and why…so I can start on this money venture and end my miserable JOB. Thanks again, you have been an inspiration to me and, surely from the entries above, to many others.
Blogs are useful, sometimes helpful (like this one) but not every idea or theme makes sense as a blog. What is your opinion?
Hey, thanks for the information.
My son suggested I set up a blog and pointed me to your site. Brilliant for anyone new to blogging with plenty of very useful tips. Thanks a lot.
Thanks for the tips about comments Darren. My blog on interior design has been up and running for about 6 months now and I have just begun to have serious problems with comment spam. Another learning curve! Keep giving us the tips bro.
Just set up my first blog a few months back and your advice has been indispensable. Thanks for such an informative site!
Hi Darren,
Thanks for a cool article on blogging.I am very much interested in blogging& really wish to earn some money,so i can fund my studies.i am doing engineering degree.I have started a blog on under the name neoblog.pls visit my blog & say how it is.Help me to improveJust wanted to know how it is.I am lucky to come across ur article.So can u send me some tips on blogging.Which is the best site to start blogging?Should we update everyday?Did the earnings depend on traffic or something else?Pls help me ..Contact through my emai.thanks again for the article
Thank you for the profound information on blogs and blogging. I’ve been occupied with web design and affiliate marketing for several years. But I didn’t pay much attention to blogging. Now I see that I underestimated the importance of this new Internet phenomenon for web promotion and Internet marketing. Recently I’ve opened Affiliated Business Blog and try to implement the experience you kindly share with us (your blog readers). Again thanks a lot.
I would really like to experience the world of blogging. But I wouldn’t even Know what to put on my blog or where to begin. From what I’m reading above, generally people put what interests them like hobbies or likes. What if what I like or interests me doesn’t interest anyone else? Is this a waste of Blog Space??
Thank you for the sharing this information on blogs. It is a new experience for me and I’m very interested in learning more. I recently graduated with a marketing degree and quickly learning the power of Internet marketing and how the role of blogging plays in all of it.
So many people ask what is a blog ? I so appreciate your offering this on your site as well as the many ways to make money.
This is my first time to post a comment on a blog! I am interested in sharing my knowledge about healthcare, social services and elder care. I am a hospital case manager and a licensed social worker. I am a person who enjoys teaching, locating services for my patients, helping the patient/family to problem solve and utilize their insurance benefits to the max. Also, to locate services/facilities for folks who have no insurance benefits. I love social policy, have a good understanding of Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance agencies, HMO’s and love challenging healthcare issues. I believe people want someone they can trust when faced with a health crisis. Let me know what you think, and thanks for the opportunity to learn more about the blogging world.
Mrs. Lee M. Berry, LGSW