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The Key to Successful Blogging: Do Something!

Over the last month several hundred bloggers in the SitsGirls and TheBlogFrog communities have come together to tackle 31 Days to Build a Better Blog together. The 31 days are coming to an end this week and I’ve been so excited to see how working through the workbook as a large group has helped so many bloggers.

Almost every day since the challenge started I’ve had participants tell me that their blogs have been growing as a result of participating.

I’ve chatted to a number of participants in the last few days to get their feedback on the workbook and to try to get to the bottom of why it has helped them (or how it could be better) and there has been one consistent piece of feedback that I think is so valuable that I just need to share it.


Image by sevenphonecalls

Here’s the thing:

Almost every person I’ve talked to has said most of the teaching and exercises in the workbook are things that they already knew that they should be doing. The problem was that while they knew it – they were not doing it.

For example – Day 5:

Day 5 of the challenge is to email one of your readers. The idea is to give someone a little unexpected personal attention, to get to know them and to help them in some way beyond what they might expect.

The principle is simple and the concept wouldn’t be foreign to any blogger. It’s something most of us know that would be a worthwhile experience but yet its something that so many bloggers would write off as not important enough to really do.

The reality is that if you did this once a day over a year that you’d have 365 readers (each with their own network) who you’ll have made an impression on.

The impact could be significant, particularly for a new blog, yet for some reason many bloggers are content just to have the knowledge that looking after readers and giving them some personal attention could help their blog – but never take action on it.

Example #2

This same theme came up as a result of the ProBlogger Training Day here in Melbourne two weeks back. Much of what we covered on the day was not particularly new or revolutionary (although for some it was). However this week I’ve had 3 emails from attendees saying talking about how they’ve already grown their blogging business (two doubled their readership and one told me that they’ve just started experimenting with affiliate marketing and are making over $150 a day!).

In each case I asked the blogger what it was that helped them and in every case they told me that they started doing something that they’d always said that they’d start doing.

This post is not a pseudo sales page for my workbook or training days (although sometimes when you pay for something you feel more accountable to take action) – the principle applies whether you use one of my products, read the free posts on ProBlogger or work on your blog alone. The key is to not be satisfied to KNOW how to improve your blog but to move beyond theory and do something.

What should you DO?

There are many things that help to grow a successful blog. In the 31 Days workbook I covered 31 of them but the list is almost endless.

One exercise that you might like to do today is to grab a notebook and pen and jot down as many things that you already know to do to improve a blog. Don’t go looking for ideas or reading more theory today – but make a list of things that you already know that could improve your blog and identify some that you will implement today.

For you it might be increasing your content creation (for those of you who’ve let your posting levels slip), for others it might be paying some more attention to current readers, for others it could be reaching out to other bloggers in your niche, for some it might be about developing that eBook that you’ve been saying you’ll do one day…. the key is to move beyond the theory and do something.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Doing something NOW is so critical. I have found that the one thing that is on my mind, the one thing that I am procrastinating about my blog, it that magic thing that I KNOW I need to do NOW.

    I just did that this weekend with a notification list for my new book.

    I have found that I get so much more done by just taking the little things and knocking them out one at a time.

    If you make a goal to do just one of those tiny things each day, you will have more accomlished by the end of the week than you would ever have done if you tried to spend a whole day just “buckling down on the business.”

    Darren’s book will be a true asset to anyone that really needs a daily boost to have a more successful blog.

    -Joshua Black
    The Underdog Millionaire

  2. All the know how doesn’t mean shit if you don’t get up and get to work.. take action and work it hard every day is the only way you will see success as a blogger.

  3. I’d purchased the ebook a couple of months before the SITS challenge. I loved it, got all fired up…and then did 1 task. When the Challenge opportunity came up I jumped in quickly because I knew the support would make a difference. Along with that, publicly declaring my intention during the 31 days really put me “out there” in a way that was both terrifying and exhilarating!!

    It’s been an intense month, and I haven’t completed all 31 tasks. Thing is I’ve completed a hell of a lot more than I had on my own and my blog is starting to take shape in ways I couldn’t have imagined.I am so much further ahead than I expected. The bonus is that the connections and community support has been amazing, and I’m sure that will continue after the Challenge completes on Wed.

  4. Good examples Darren. I’ve personally found doing something constructive each and every day is the best method for me. When I have a idea I have to take action on it right away. If I come back to instead of taking immediate action, the most powerful thoughts for the idea have passed. Consistency every day and it’s amazing what can be accomplished when you look back a year later.

  5. Yes, I need to move into a ‘little less talk and a lot more action!’ mode. This is especially true in terms of putting up a subscription incentive. I will not mention how long I’ve been talking about doing that, as I really am not into public humiliation :)

  6. Thank you Darren, for putting the challenge together in the first place! It’s amazing how a list of what’s mostly common-sense blogging habits add up and when you become consistent in doing these things, it starts to pay off.

    For me, doing the challenge has been great because it’s been with a community. I would never stick with something like this on my own, so it’s not purchasing something that holds me accountable, it’s others.

    I started that list you’re talking about over the weekend and I definitely have my work cut out for me.

  7. Hey Darren,

    That is great that people are following this challenge. However, if you don’t work it…Can’t expect to work for you!

    Chat with you later…

  8. I’m currently reading the book and will also admit that I could be doing so much more. Even just a little more. This is a good reminder that I need to dig back into the book and start doing something a bit every day so I start seeing even more results.

    Thanks for the reminder Darren.

    Btw, I love your idea on connecting with one reader each day and by the end of the year, by doing so, that’d be 365 people with their own network. Brilliant idea in my opinion because it’s an extremely simple concept that will have a HUGE impact over a year, I think.

    Have a great day everyone! :)

  9. So true Darren! I started my Momcomm Monday series because of the challenge with the SITS girls. I had been holding back for a while trying to make it perfect and to plan it to death. It’s been the MOST successful thing I’ve ever done with my blog and my hope is I can branch it off into it’s own blog one day.

    I’m so glad I moved from THINKING about it to doing it.

  10. Very timely post to me. I am procrastinating so many things as a blogger and spending a lot of time on reading stuff. I don’t know if it is because my inner mind tells to me to learn more and establish knowledge before starting a new idea to a blog. It is not totally wrong but the border is really thin!

    Thanks Darren.

  11. An inspirational post for bloggers. What I believe about successful blogging is that you should post good content and go out to the community and show it off, now it doesn’t matter how small or big community you’re getting to work upon. All that matters is that you just go out and connect and do.

  12. I found 31DBB very motivating. Some of the things that Darren wrote I did already know, like the fact that I needed to update my blog’s look. It was during one of the first few days when the assignment was to look at the competition that I realized my site sucked, big time!

    Looking at how my blog compared to others really motivated me to find someone quickly to redo it. I know I wouldn’t have done that by now if I hadn’t decided to take action and get the workbook in the first place.

  13. I am working with the SITS girls on the challenge and I agree that many of the tasks are common sense and things I knew I should be doing and just needed a kick to the hind quarters to get them started.
    That said, there were a few really key points that opened my eyes and made me realize I was making some big mistakes.
    The biggest was learning that leaving comments to blogs and forums are little resumes of my blog. I changed my practices and the effort paid off nearly immediately.

  14. I actually try and do the things that I learn about blogging almost as soon as I find out about them. This is because I know from personal experience that if I put something off even for a bit, I might never do it.

    My problem right now is that I actually still don’t know a lot about blogging and affiliate marketing, so that’s something I really need to catch up on.

  15. Did you read my mind?! After reading Naomi Dunford’s post about the golden minute, I had an idea for a little offering that would fit the bill. I procrastinated a little then waited a little longer until I had more time until last night. Last night I finally started! And having started, continuing and finishing is soooo much easier!

  16. I definitely agree that you must act or implement what you think for your blog. Most of us know or had read about how to have a successful blog. They must have been acted on it at first but they lacked sustainability to do it on a regular basis. Act now and tomorrow.

  17. I tried all the steps day by day, and got very positive result. However implementing all the steps are little difficult. Thanks for this great work Darren.

  18. This is a GREAT post! I am one of the many participants in the BlogFrog/SITS Girls challenge and the growth I have experienced is incredible!! I have made some bloggy friends in the process too – it’s been a win/win!

    What I like most about your book (which I had purchased before the challenge) is how systematic it is. This makes it very simple to follow and when you are in a group and posting updates about how you are doing, it really helps to hold you accountable.

    Thank you for all you have done for this group (though I know it’s presumptuous of me to thank you on behalf of everyone, not that it’s stopping me) I really appreciate all you do for the blogging community. :)

  19. Ok Darren I am guilty.
    I bought 31 days to build a better blog about 1 month ago.
    In fact it is nearly 31 days exactly.
    When I looked at how much of it I had worked through, I had got to day 12. (not good)
    So after reading this post I am opening up 31DBBB.
    This time I am going to complete the whole thing.
    Then I am going to do a Blog post about my findings.
    So thanks for inspiring me to get off my lazy butt.


  20. I’m so excited to be part of a group mentioned on your blog! Doing this challenge with SITS has been so awesome! I am a new blogger and I have learned sooo much. I had figured out a few of the things in the book myself, but (as you said) I just hadn’t gotten around to actually doing them yet. This challenge has forced me to actually do more with my blog than just write posts. And now I’m reaping the benefits. I still have a pretty small audience, but it’s about double what it was when I started the challenge and is now steadily growing pretty quickly. I just hope that I keep up with all of the stuff I learned once the challenge is over!

  21. Hi Darren,
    A few months ago I read on your blog a suggestion to make an e-workbook instead of an e-book and offer it to my readers to help them achieve there goals. The main difference in the e-workbook is that I gave readers ACTION steps not just ideas.

    The result: I am delighted to have received a bunch of emails from readers telling me this e-workbook was the best I had written since it gave them actual steps to take.

    Actions steps are always great.

    Continued Success,

  22. The picture caption says it all. Do Something. And keep doing something every day. If you do that, the more right things you end up doing!

  23. Excellent post! It’s funny because I was already thinking today about how there are so many new blogs that start up each day and just fade away or never culminate into anything. I think consistency is the factor in at least keeping a blog afloat. Consistent posts, consistent updates, consistent tweets, etc.

    I struggle with this, but my blog is fairly new so I am still getting into a groove. And I already have my little notebook sitting next to my laptop for when things pop into my head!!


  24. I’m doing the 31Day challenge for my second time and the information remains valuable. It sometimes takes the inspiration of others to nudge us into doing something we know we should be doing!
    You and your blog have been a vital part of my growth and development over this last year and a half. I am now writing 3 blogs, just started affiliates on one of them and plan to shift this blog to a self-hosting site as well.
    Thank you.

  25. Awwww…you’re talking about us again.

    I am totally guilty of the “not do anything” clan. But 31DBBB has set me on fire! Too many ideas though…must focus on the few that will give me the biggest bang in the short term, but write down the rest so I don’t forget.

    Your groovy little ebook has opened up a whole new world for me and I can’t wait to explore it. THANK YOU!

  26. okay! I’d definitely do the eBook now!

  27. Excellent words Darren, that’s exactly the problem with bloggers, we know what to do, but for some reason just never do it, and at the end of the day we can’t seem to figure out why we’re not getting anywhere!

  28. Yeah this is very true….I always know what I need to do, but somehow over think about it and my brain goes kaput….some days are better than others however and one day you can be so productive and the next you can be so destructive!

  29. I shot some video at a big freestyle motocross event on Saturday, so I’m venturing into a new area on the blog myself. Video is very different to photography though so it’s a steep learning curve but if I can get the hang of it its something I can use to spice the blog up in future :)

  30. This is probably the most critical point anyone could make. It is easy to say “I should” and hard to say “I did”


  31. I took the challenge once before and lost steam after 16 days. This time around with the SitsGirls, it looks like I will make it all the way to the end, which is tomorrow. As others have said, the challenges are all very common sense, but it takes some dedication to really do them. And knowing that 500+ other women were doing them with me was the motivation that I needed

    The challenge that I had the most problem with was setting up a posting schedule. I like just doing what I want in the moment, but with BlogHer 2010 approaching, I had to setup a post schedule and write all the posts ahead of time so that my readers still had something to read while I was partying. Due to following that one challenge, everything went very smoothly while I was gone and my stats remained constant.

  32. I am going to get the e-book sounds like a really good one!!

  33. ‘Just Do Something’ – three very powerful yet simple words. To often people mistake consuming educational material for doing something. When taking action on what you have learnt is ‘doing something’. I’m off to write a post… ;-)

  34. Hi Darren..

    Thanks for you great tips! I’ve been blogging for almost half year and I personally think that to improve our blogs no matter into what niche someone into, he / she must atleast do something like you said because from my experience a successful blog is not only about putting fresh and informative contents but as well must take into consideration other important aspects like promoting the blog itself ( using SEO method ) and building list with blog readers ( by giving them FREE downloadable e-book , etc ). All these I believe will take some time to master but the key point here is by doing something atleast it will have impact on the blog itself for long term

  35. Thanks so much for sharing all these great tips. It definitely motivates me to GET GOING and start putting a lot more work into my blog and stop slacking so much. My blog still needs so much work and so many improvements.

    Hard work is definitely the key to being successful with anything and hopefully once I actually put in the work consistently it will all pay off!

  36. It’s true, you really have to put those ideas into action.

    Like anything in life – the more you put into it, the more you will get out of it.

    Thanks for the great tips Darren!

  37. Sounds cool .. will try to get the ebooks for these :)

  38. Great article. My blog is a new and this article will really help.


  39. It is so true! I’ve so far applied a few of the things that I’ve learned both through the Problogger Training Day & your 31DBBB workbook I purchased. They might have been something small like adding certain widgets, the about me page and contact details, but it has in a way helped increase the number of followers and readers.

  40. So far, the 31DBBB Challenge via SITSGirls/BlogFrog has been incredibly rewarding.
    This is the second time I am taking the workshop and I signed up to help grow my 2nd blog – Positive Kismet – on the blogger platform. Last year I signed up with my WordPress blog and I learned an enormous amount of tips and tools for blogging.
    The 31DBBB Challenge has been a great way to connect with others and keep the comments and ideas flowing. I would recommend this to everyone. Do Something!
    Thank you Darren!

  41. Thanks Darren for a great post to get us firing up and doing what we know we can do. I do always try to thank commenters to my blog but will now take it a step further and give that extra attention of a personal email to a reader each day.

    (Could you now have a word with our readers and remind them that we bloggers love to get their comments!!! I try to encourage it but not always to much avail.)

  42. I know that this is a problem with me. I so often read things that I already know are true and I should be doing. It happened just this morning. The problem is, I know it, but I don’t do it!

  43. Darren,
    Participating with a group for 31DBBB was such a motivator. If I forgot to work on it, I would see a tweet from someone about the challenge and it would bring me back on track to work on it for the day. The tweets were a constant reminder to remember to work daily at it.

    I started thinking over the weekend about the challenge wrapping up and how I could continue this past the 31 days. I am applying a business strategy I took to build a successful business many years ago: I am working on the business daily. One task a day is manageable and will lead to a successful blog. So, I created a list over the weekend of things I would like to accomplish and plan to continue to complete a task a day. My first task is to install and configure 10 plug-ins that will improve SEO, suggest related posts to readers, 404 redirect, etc.

    Aside from the improvement to my blog from following 31DBBB, so many positive things have come as a result of participating in the challenge with a community. I highly recommend trying to get a group to do the challenge with.

    A big benefit from the community approach has been the networking opportunities. I was recently asked to be a contributing writer for a much larger blog, which will help drive even more traffic to my site. My Twitter followers jumped from participation. I was asked to be a guest on a radio show about blogging and my blog topic. I have made blog friends and also found some really great blogs to read. All from doing this challenge with a group.

    The challenge is ending, but I can’t wait to see what I accomplish in the NEXT 31 days!

    Thanks, as always, for what you contribute to the blogging community.

  44. I’m glad I bought your 31 Days to Build a Better Blog. I helps me a lot to focus one job at a time to get maximum results.

  45. I find being accountable to someone keeps me on the go!

    I posted about Accountability on my blog yesterday.

  46. Great advice – very motivational. I know my biggest mountain.. the social game. As an only child, I’m a born introvert. Very much accustomed to playing alone and all that. I love social media and spend a great deal of time reading other blogs, commenting, and exchanging e-mail but I know there’s more I could (and should) be doing.

    I write all day and frequently add content to my blogs. I have the best plugins and themes, yadda yadda. My bugaboo is the social aspect. Thanks for reminding me of the need to become more extroverted.

  47. Darren, I want to thank you for all you do, and how much you motivate people to be the best they can be.
    I’ve been participating in the 31dbbb challenge with SITS and truly enjoying it. I’ve made some great new friends and learned so much about being a better blogger.
    The key is ‘action’. I find it’s easier to stay active and constantly striving to improve if you have others to support you and remind you to move your butt!
    I’m still working on many of the task from the challenge, since they can’t all be done in a day, but will continue to apply these principles as I go forward.
    I was honored to be chosen as one of the ‘Blogs of the Day’ today, especially considering how many truly worthy blogs and bloggers are in the challenge!
    Thanks again for all you do!

  48. Thanks for the post. There is so much procrastination around, so many excuses to dive into doubt, that it is always good to have one of these ‘back to basics’ call to action. It always catches me with my guard low! I’ll try to schedule my 30 days challenge soon.

  49. I love it!! So simple, yet so profound.

  50. Very Motivational! No more excuses.

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