A Guest Post Follow Up Strategy for Maximum Success
Once you’ve understood why guest posting is important, got your pitch accepted, and written the post … you might think you’re done. A lot of the success of your guest post, though, comes from what you do after it’s published. There’s plenty you can do to get the most out of ...more
Blog Promotion

How to Craft an Outstanding Guest Post
Last week, I explained why guest posting is so valuable (and not just for link juice). Then, one of our regular contributors, Ali Luke, wrote about how to find opportunities and pitch your post. Today I want to dig further into coming up with an idea and writing your post itself. As ...more
Writing Content

Find and Pitch the Perfect Guest Posting Opportunities
Today ProBlogger Subject Matter Expert Ali Luke is guest posting about guest posting. So, you’ve realised that guest posting has loads of benefits for you and your blog, but you’re not quite sure how to go about it. Maybe you’re worried that you don’t have enough experience. Perhaps you haven’t even got an ...more
Blog Promotion

7 Powerful Non-SEO Reasons to Try Guest Posting
This is the first post in our series on Guest Posting, with a focus on benefits other than just SEO, for a more successful and fulfilling approach to finding readers for your blog. Guest posting is not all (or even mostly) about SEO. My first experience of ‘guest posts’ was ...more
Blog Promotion