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Speedlinking – 21 February 2007

Posted By Darren Rowse 21st of February 2007 Pro Blogging News 0 Comments

There are lots of good posting being written in the blogging space at the moment – here’s 10 that caught my eye over the last couple of days.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Quite an extensive collection of good links, and thanks for the pick also Darren.

    The article “becoming a professional blogger was never harder than today” is quite interesting, I would love to get your opinion here, I mean I know you said the space is crowded, but I am pretty sure you could do a good analysis of the overall picture.

  2. Wow this seem to be a lot of better links.Some of my fav topics are in there.Few more blogs for my feed reader.
    Thanks Darren

  3. I think every blogger must add Related Posts to their RSS feed. It helps them to get their RSS readers to visit their blog and increase pageviews.

    Readers also get to find the old posts that they missed.

    Thanks for the link Darren :)

  4. Many thanks for the mention (add related posts to your feed). :-)

  5. Hi Darren, just to follow on from Daniel’s comment re “becoming a professional blogger was never harder than today” (and having read both posts you point to), are you saying there’s not much future in pro-blogging, or at least writing a blog with some sort of commercial intent?

    Like Daniel, I’d be interested to hear your take on the situation, and am wondering if you’d reconsider making the post on the topic that you referred to? I mean is there much point in continuing to visit Problogger if the “medium” has already had its day? ;) (and my intent is humourous, not sarcastic, in that last line btw!) Thanks, John.

  6. JohnTP, I am not sure about adding related posts to the feed.

    Darren discussed that some time ago. Most RSS readers are loyal readers, and it is very likely that they have already read all the posts on the Related Entries. Plus, if you combine related entries, feed flare, and footer coypright messsage your feed gonna get cluttered.

  7. I’m not sure about related posts either – seems like it would distract my regular readers. It would be great if there was a way to add it to an IP address that had, for example, only hit the RSS feed ten times or less.

  8. Hi Darren,

    Thanks for the links. I would really appreciate if you write an article on the following:

    “How to manage a blog in 1-2 hours.”

    Most bloggers are not pro-bloggers. They have a life and work full-time. If you where in that position, what would you do?

    Reading RSS, Forums, writing an article, marketing takes time. What do you recommend?

    Thanks in advance

  9. A good list of links…Lots of good reading material here, and lots of learning to be done by me!! :)

  10. […] Surprisingly, the post was noticed by Darren who kindly mentioned the post in his own Speedlinking post. That brought a flood of visitors (around 700). Many of those visitors were kind enough to bookmark me on del.icio.us. […]

  11. […] he lists, actually the first, is the ’speedlinker’. The Speedlinker (named in honor of Problogger Darren Rowse) is a post where you link up a series of posts from other blogs that your readers would be […]

  12. Any one help me , I need to make my blog famous

  13. Help me my friend
    i wish high traffic to my blog

  14. Speedlinking: Important reading, thanks for the advice and counsel.

  15. […] Speed Linking – I used to do this regularly on ProBlogger (example) (note: I’ve moved most of it over to my Twitter account). The idea was that on a given day […]

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