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Speedlinking – 2 May 2007

Posted By Darren Rowse 2nd of May 2007 Pro Blogging News 0 Comments

A few links and a video today:

The video is an interview with Guy Kawasaki which I found via Valleywag. In the interview Guy’s asked about growing a blog. He has a few good things to say (and shows his obsession with Technorati as he’s known to do).

Perhaps the key quote from the video is:

“The key to evangelize a blog is that it has to be gold. It’s very easy to evangelize a blog that has high content, high purpose and high entertainment value – it’s very hard to evangelize a blog that’s a piece of crap.

It’s not about what you do to evangelize something – it’s what are you starting with. If it’s something great I could make a case that you just need to get out of the way.”

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. He makes very clear points that are basically central anywhere. The core blog tip: Focus on content.

    I started out blogging in January and hav learned heaps, especially finding my niche. I used to blog about any news, Mac stuff, and whatever I thought interesting. Off late, I’ve revamed my blog to a Education on Mac blog, and have started lowering my psot frequency for the sake of quality.

    Think in terms of writing a book – if you can take your posts and make them chapters of a book, you’ve got something with bite.

  2. Thanks for the links and the video. Great tips are always welcome for bloggers.

  3. Nice vid with Guy. He needs to read more blogs! :)

  4. Thanks for the link. One of the biggest inspirations to keep blogging, is when a blog you read links to you!

  5. The “43 Web Design Mistakes” link is quite handy. There have been a couple issues with my design that I have been wondering about and this link confrimed a few of my doubts. Speedlinking is definately my favorite part of your blog.

  6. Thanks for posting the 43 mistake for web design, however while most are spot on and correct, I would have to disagree with some.

    You can find my views hear:

  7. I have to say, I look forward to your Speedlinking posts the most — it’s a great way to catch up with everybody else. I feel that I can survive with what I already know until I come across these links and I’m like “wow, I never thought of it that way.”

  8. Hummmm. Other than his technorati rating, he said he makes about a dollar an hour from his blog.

    Did I hear that right?

    Other than ego, why is he doing it?

    Just an observation:-)

  9. That’s a great video, has some great advice and very inspirational :)

  10. Thanks for the link Darren, it is always an honor to be feature on Problogger.

  11. Regarding web design mistakes…that part about using Flash too much is very true. Although it is known as a pretty creative tool in web design, too much of it may turn some readers off.

  12. Thanks for posting the link to BlogBackupOnline. I’d love to talk with anyone that tries out the service and hear your comments. [email protected]

    Great blog!

  13. Darren

    Is my memory failing me, or did problogger.net drop from a PR7 to a PR6 on the homepage?

  14. […] BlogBackupOnline Is a new free service to backup your blog(s). I am going to have to test it out when I get a little spare time. Found via Problogger. […]

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