This reader ‘quick tip’ was submitted by Antoine Khater from All Day I Dream About Photography
Wouldn’t be nice to have you Chikita emini-mall or ShopCloud$ (aff) showing up as the Alternate URL of Adsense?
Here is a trick I recently learned on how to do it.
Just set up a BLANK page, completely blank no header no footer nothing, on you blog/site with no content at all but you chikita code then use the URL of this page as the alternate URL in adsense.
Of course, if your visitors are not in the U.S., then you have to setup an alternate url for Chikita as well. In those cases, Google shows an alternate ad for the alternate ad. Probably not a good idea if you have a significant number of visitors outside of the U.S.
That’s a great tip. I’ve been doing that for a while now. It’s also a much improved time-saver compared with using someone like and managing the whole process by yourself. The problem with dealing with affiliates directly is that the advert will only have a lifespan of a few months before you have to change it. By using Adsense and Chikita you never have to worry about updating your Ad content.
Remember that you might end up with both Adsense and Chitika on the same page doing this, so you have to have preset keywords.
Does “chitika” pay to South Asian publishers ?
[…] You can select an option in your ad setup to run ads for another url/company when that happens. AlternateURL – Replace Default Ads Put Chikita as your AdSense alternate URL Good List of Adsense Alternatives | boo yah kasha! […]
isn’t it CHITIKA?another SEO optimazation for people who will misspell chtka??
Hey! I just wanted to say that because of your blog I was able to find quality information about affiliate programs. I just started my blog and hope that it will be a success. Thank you.
But the new Chitika only displays ads to search engine traffic, and well, if Google can’t read the content on a page, is it likely to attract search engine results??
Also, wouldn’t Google then show a white space; possibly large? They do that. Now that it takes 10 minutes for new code to generate, there’s a white space for that time even. (oh and doesn’t it count from when you upload the html, not from creating the ad-?–because just this time seemed to take a while). What a big bummer.
I’ve always shown a rotation of affiliate images, but if you have more than one Adsense on the page, and use Link Share, that’s tricky, too—-because if you use their own rotation it will only work with one on the page. (There is javascript, however.)
so what is the code, where can I find it?