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PubSub Top 1000 Sites with Feeds

Posted By Darren Rowse 27th of September 2005 Pro Blogging News 0 Comments

PubSub have published a list of the top 1000 most influential sites on the web that publish feeds. The list is based upon links to these sites over the past 30 days. It includes not only blogs but newspapers and other sites of various types. It’s an interesting list to keep an eye on as it will give you an indication as to what people are into at any given time.

It seems that these lists are becoming a must have for site tracking sites at the moment. Last month it was Feedster’s Top 500 (must be due for it’s monthly update soon) in the spotlight. Blog Pulse also have a top 40 – but its not as highly publicized.

Congratulations to a couple of our favorite blogs for making the list including MicroPersuasion (#265) and Blog Herald (#297) who both put me onto the list. Thanks to for ProBlogger readers who’ve helped us get to #326. We’ll have to work on breaking into that top 300 next so we get invited to the events that those like Duncan and Steve in the 200’s get invited to.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Congrats.

  2. Yeah good job on the ranking!

  3. Darren, this is a great example of a news story that may seem like old hat to some but I always seem to get great bits of info from you. If you follow the pubsub link you can change the domain to be your own and see just how well you stack up for inbound and outbound links as well as posts per day for the last month. Darren, everyone probably knows this in the back of their mind but you are the king for post and link backs!

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