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Preople Rank – Is yours bigger than mine?

Posted By Darren Rowse 19th of March 2005 Blog News 0 Comments

Ok – for all of us Ego surfers out there – Preople Rank is just the trick. It will rank your name in comparison to others on the internet. This is how they explain their service.

‘ok, we visit a few search engines, search for your name, get the number of times your name is found online and perform a complicated calculation to extract a ranking. We guard this formula with our lives because it is what makes our service, and your ranking, unique.’

So for me – I get a ranking of 45,700 (although I did it twice again and got another number too) which means there are 2917 names in their database with higher ranking and 36628 with lower. Sounds impressive until you start to compare it with a few others out there.

So this got me thinking about what others might rank. One of the nice features of Preople is that you can compare two names. So I decided to answer an age old Blogging question – who is more powerful – Nick Denton or Jason Calacanis? Ok – so this tool won’t answer that – but it’ll tell us who gets themselves talked about more than the other according to the Search Engines. Ready for the results? Here they are….

I guess it makes sense – Nick has probably been at this ProBlogging thing a bit longer than Jason and I suspect is a bit more controversial. Would be an interesting one to track through.

Found via Micro Persuasion

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I got 147,000, probably because of all of the pages of my sites that have my name in the copyright notice at the bottom.

    Take that, Calacanis! :)

  2. This thing is fun!

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