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Openads announce free hosted ad server

Posted By Darren Rowse 18th of January 2008 Blogging Tools and Services 0 Comments

Openads yesterday made a fairly significant announcement that I’m sure will interest many bloggers who are looking for a tool to manage the ads on their blog

Actually they announced two things – the first is that they got some serious funding and the second that they’re launching a new free hosted ad server.

So instead of having to dowload and install Openads on your own server to be able to manage your ads you can do it from their servers. Of course this means you’re putting your trust in another company to serve your ads (and you’re at their mercy in terms of performance) but this will be a very attractive thing to many bloggers who don’t have the expertise or resources to run it themselves.

The new hosted option is currently in beta and you can register your interest in participating here.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Holy crap Darren. Over 100K RSS subscribers? how did it go from 38k to over 100k in ONE NIGHT? Tell ALL!

  2. this sounds interesting… I’m in process of deciding which ad service to use. AdSance is the obvious choice, but It’s good tho snoop around a bit more… thanks for recommendation

  3. This certainly is a great news for most of the bloggers out there who are experimenting multiple ways of blog monetizing.

    OpenAds’ move is a smart one. Their previous “version” which requires bloggers or webmasters to download and host it on our servers might seem as difficult to some.

  4. Yeah, this is interesting. Most of new blogger don’t know to manage their ad. One of them is me.

  5. Wayne – yeah it was one of the biggest requests that I had heard about OpenAds for them to include something likethis.

  6. Most bloggers have no clue. MOST. This is going to be interesting.


  7. Yeah sure, most blogger have less idea about managing their advertisements. This will surely be helpful to them.

  8. This is great news for those us (cough *me* cough) who are less tech oriented. I’ve been trying to get Dreamhost to make OpenAds a 1-click install, but this would be a great option as well.

  9. My question to OA now is: Are some of the serves going to be showing Oa ads? I mean, they can’t do their ad server for free.

    Oh, and it’ll be interesting to see how the performance does.

  10. Could someone perhaps elaborate on, why I as a new blogger who has only a base level tech knowledge, would not use this feature. If there is any reason

  11. this is a great initiative …..to have a free hosted ad server .. let us get best use of it …. Get Most Out Of (GMOO)

  12. I have just started a new blog, whose ad potential is exploding. I need something more sophisticated than images in the sidebar. I was just wondering if I could use something like this on Blogger, so I’ll be excited to see where it goes!

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