has just sent us a press release announcing the opportunity to advertise your blog or site in their pay per click advertising system for as little as 1 cent per click. Check out the details in their following press release. If you sign up and give it a go let us know how it goes.
Press Release
Finally an Affordable and Reliable Pay per Click Advertising Option, the newest home base business Search Engine, offers the best price from pay from performance for home base business marketing and advertising available today. The Pay Per Click advertising is as low as 1 cent per click with a reach of over one million viewers per day.
(PRWEB) September 27, 2004 —, the newest home base business Search Engine, offers the best price from pay from performance for home base business marketing and advertising available today. The Pay Per Click advertising is as low as 1 cent per click with a reach of over one million viewers per day. in partnership with is pleased to announce their Pay Per Click advertising network. Due to this partnership, can offer its advertisers, the ability to bid on keywords as low as $.01 per click throughout the network of approved publishers and search engines. This offer gives the advertiser the ability to reach over 1.2 million people a day. They can target audiences by keywords, country and zones offering utmost control of their advertising programs and audience relevancy.
If you are in the home base business you are probably wondering, what is Pay per Click Advertising? It is a method by which advertisers bid on keywords or phrases that relate to the web site they are promoting, that are used to target ads to specific search results web page audiences. The advertiser only has to pay for each click on the ad based on the bid price they specified and control. No longer is the advertiser limited to excessively
Priced keywords, like Overture’s minimum bid of 10 cents a keyword.
Minimum bid is only 1 cent with is one of 63 search engines powered by, who is the front-runner in integrated search engine traffic. One listing in search engine portal will get the advertiser traffic from all the top 30 search engines including and via doorway pages. Pay per Click program is available today. It is 100% free to set up an account. For the small and medium sized business with a limited advertising budget, this is the place to start getting that much needed traffic to their web site.
The following portal is powered by and advertising is powered by the JumpLink system. For additional information on our portals please visit For investment opportunities please contact Thomas Tsilionis at 888-212-4772 Ext. 85 or