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Living high on the blog

Posted By Darren Rowse 15th of July 2005 ProBlogger Site News 0 Comments

Today’s online edition (I don’t think it’s in the print editions) of the Sydney Morning Herald and Age newspapers have featured an article of me Living high on the blog (also here). In it they largely talk about how I came to earn a living from blogging and have a rather large photo (left) of me reclining on the stairs in our last house.

The article highlights ProBlogger.net as well as a couple of my other blogs – so welcome to those of you who’ve surfed across to check this site out. If you’re interested in blogging and/or making a living from it, please feel free to surf around.

Most of the articles on this blog (there are 1300 pages in all) are hidden away in the categories archives which can be accessed through the menus at the top of the page and through the menu at the bottom of the left side bar (Archives).

Also helpful are the pages About ProBlogger and About Darren. Lastly you may wish to subscribe to a weekly email newsletter which gives a summary of what I write about here.

I hope you enjoy your stay at ProBlogger – if you need any more information please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Congrats Darren. And hope more of the best for you. :)


  2. congrats

  3. Congratulations Darren…good read, too!

  4. Congrats! It was an interesting read.

  5. Congratulations!

    For the record, here in middle America there aren’t many people who know what a weblog is either. For that matter I still know lots of people who don’t have computers…

  6. How Darren Rowse started blogging

    There’s a good article on how Darren Rowse of Problogger got blogging.

    Darren runs about 15 blogs in total and his biggest gets 11-16K DAILY
    visits – this is huge!  Times this by 15 (obviously not all of his
    blogs are this big) and you can s…

  7. Cool – more mentions in MSM. Despite how some bloggers knock the miainstream media, I think it’s really good when there’s crossover, and it seldom hurts to have your blog mentioned in other media (so I’ve been told)

  8. Congrats, Darren. Great to see “traditional” Aussie media doing more features on weblogs. It’ll be great to keep seeing more…

  9. Pure gold dust, Darren. Now’s the time to hit HarperCollins for a three-book deal :-)

  10. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving guy!!!

  11. Who took the photo?

  12. Congratulations!!

    This kind of coverage in the traditional media it’s an incentive to people all around the world. And a proof that you can live doing what you like.

  13. Well done Darren.

    Looks like you’re the man to bring blogging to the mainstream in Australia ;-) keep up the good work.

    And the half-in-jest book deal comment above, I’d take seriously. You should seriously make a pitch to a publisher, esp. now youor exposure is high.

  14. […] There’s a good article on how Darren Rowse of Problogger got blogging. […]

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