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I’ve been Bruced!

Posted By Darren Rowse 18th of December 2006 ProBlogger Site News 0 Comments

Poet Robert Bruce recently put together a poetic video for everyone’s favorite Copy Writing Blogger and I have to say I was a little jealous – to my knowledge no one’s ever written a poem or made a video for me before.

But I lived in hope! :-)

Today Robert emailed me with a very kind message thanking me for someone who helped get him into blogging and pointed me to a link that he said I might like to check out.

I’ve been Bruced!

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. the speaker on my computer is not working so I can’t tell what he is saying..but if im thinking right…congradulations…your first video

  2. This article has made me laugh, but it isn’t because of the content (I’m sorry Darren, but you’re self aware ;-) ) . Anyway, the term “Bruced” is something my friends use to use as a way to refer to poking each other in the neck with two fingers that go limp on impact.

    I know, completely nonsensical

  3. It could have been worse Darren.

    You might have been Bwuced

    Ok … so it’s been a long day

  4. Robert Bruce should be the poet laureate of the web. A big smile creeps over my face every time his work hits my newsreader.

  5. Robert Bruce is stating the truth of today and the future. Today’s vehicle of delivery is the internet. The art/science of getting meaningful content to readers has shifted, it is no longer the exclusively domain of the published book or poem, or the artwork meaningful/popular enough to be displayed in an exhibit etc. Today, A blogger can influence his/her readers/audience as profoundly as any (other) artist.
    Just like other artists, some bloggers, blog to express themselves and some do it in hopes of financial enrichment. Blogging has given everyone the chance to say something meaningful and be heard based on the content of their writing (with the help of some internet marketing). Pretty Cool.
    Congratulations, it is truly an honor to have been Bruced.

  6. Awesome. Robert is the coolest.

  7. Well no comment on what I thought about his video *coughterriblecough* (I’m just not a fan, sorry)

    .. but, I sure had fun looking at that July 1, 2006 video of your .. A Day In The Life of a Blogger .. That’s more YouTube’ish.

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