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How to Turn Your Blog Traffic into Money

Over the last three years as an online publisher, my business has undergone a complete transformation in its approach.

Whereas I previously slapped some code from a couple of ad networks into my blogs’ templates and relied upon people clicking those ads to generate income, I’ve increasingly focused my energy upon creating my own products (largely ebooks) to sell.

The change in approach has been gradual and it has been a lot of work, but the results have made it worth doing. Last week the total of ebooks that we’ve sold moved past 62,000 units, with a combined revenue of around $1.1 million (note: that’s not all profit).

The cornerstone of my new approach

Numerous factors have contributed to these results, but one that I’ve recently been focusing on more and more is that of “landing pages.”

A landing page is a page on your site to which you direct traffic with the goal of converting those who land on it to take a specific action. This action can be many things, but might include:

  • convince your reader to buy your ebook (or other product)
  • get your reader to opt in to your email newsletter list
  • convince advertisers to advertise on your blog
  • convince your reader to buy an affiliate product that you’re promoting
  • welcome anyone arriving from a social media account, and convince them to follow you
  • introduce your blog and give new readers a tour of content that’s especially relevant for them
  • thank people for subscribing, and encourage them to confirm their opt in to your list.

The list could go on and on, but the common thing is that these are pages to which you drive traffic, and on which you call readers to take a specific action.

Landing pages have been key in my own approach. I’ve used them in all of these ways, however, using them as sales pages has been the most effective tactic in selling ebooks.

Specifically designed landing pages work better

One of the key progressions in my own use of landing pages was to transition from using the default layout in my WordPress theme, to using specifically designed landing pages.

Previously, I used the default page that came with the theme that my blog used. As a result, landing pages looked pretty much the same as any other page on my blog. The result was good, but not great.

The problem I faced was that readers not only had a call to action to buy my ebook, but also numerous distractions in my sidebars and navigation areas (calls to subscribe, advertising, calls to visit other parts of the site, etc).

Readers were distracted from the main call to action on the page—to buy my ebook. A change of approach was needed, so we designed a landing page that had one single focus, and one call to action only.

You can see an example of this page on our latest product page at Digital Photography School—Going Pro (an ebook for helping photography enthusiasts to make money from their photography).

While the page is consistent in design with our normal dPS theme (in terms of color and branding), it doesn’t have any of the distracting elements of a normal page on the site.

There’s none of the normal navigation to other parts of the site in the header area, and there’s no sidebar. All people can do when they arrive is to read about the product—there are no other options to click or read.

When we switched from using default pages to a specifically designed landing page for the sale of our ebooks, we saw a significant leap in conversions. I don’t have the specific figures but it was in the order of a 30-40% increase—which in time has lead us to many thousands of dollars in extra revenue.

These landing pages were something I knew I should institute for a long time before I actually did it. The reason why it took me so long was simply that, as a technologically-challenged blogger, I consistently put it in the “too-hard basket”. In the end I only did it when we redesigned the blogs and I had my designer create a template specifically for the job. That was a couple of years ago, and about a year after I should have done it.

As a result of that inertia, I lost considerable sales, and I still kick myself about that regularly. That was two years ago—today it would have been a lot less difficult.

Landing pages made easy with Premise

How to Turn Your Blog Traffic into MoneyEarlier this year, the team at Copyblogger released software for WordPress that’s all about creating landing pages that convert—it’s called Premise.

I can safely say that if I’d had this plugin when I first started selling my ebooks, my sales numbers would have been a lot higher. It takes the “too hard” part of landing pages, and completely eliminates it.

The idea with Premise is that instead of having to have a designer create a template specifically for each type of landing page for your blog (or having to learn to do it yourself), this plugin helps you create those landing pages yourself.

Premise focuses on three areas:

  1. Creating pages: they let you choose from seven types of landing page styles, and then add graphics and copy to them to create clutter-free and beautifully designed pages.
  2. Creating compelling copy: the design of your page is one thing, but the real magic happens in the copy that you create for the page to convince readers to take the action you’re suggesting. Premise gives advice on how to craft the type of landing page you’re creating, right in the WordPress interface. You also get access to some great copywriting seminars (keep in mind that this is from Copyblogger—the masters of creating compelling content and copy).
  3. Optimization: improve your conversion rate and search rankings with more tools and guidance, including easy split testing and SEO features.

One of the most amazing features of Premise is the graphics library. You could easily pay more than Premise costs just for a set of graphics like this, and it ensures that every landing page you create is unique.

Check out Premise for yourself. Just like I learned, the extra income you earn from quality landing pages will make Premise pay for itself many times over.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. 1.1 in revenue? Thats unreal mate. Blew my mind.

    Anyway great point about having good landing pages. Landing pages are the online equivalent of personalisation in offline sales. A good one can convert like crazy. Thanks for sharing.

    • That’s about 1.1 more than I’ve ever made from the internet!

    • I’m in fact surprised that Darren made only that much with his ebook sales. 1.1 Million is nothing compared to what other top marketers make. I suppose it’s cause of the low ebook prices

      • That’s hard to believe … but if true, I bet he’ll make more than said “top marketers” in the long run due to his focus on quality.

      • HA, keep believing the hype, the “guru” marketers are mostly a bunch of liars whose sole goal is to convince you that they know what they are doing, let me assure you VERY FEW people can even come close to the earning reported here.

        This and dPS are titanic sized blogs with huge email lists, a large majority of the sleezy marketers on places like Warrior Forum aren’t even touching these numbers.

  2. Nice to know about your own successon this ( though it is obvious! ) ,but i think the ideas you gave here apply only on Upper Creamy Layar Bloggers.
    I hope someday i would find this article Very Relevant to myself :)
    Anyways, thanks Darren for the 20% part of the article !!

    • aivil – actually I think landing pages apply to any blogger wanting to get a reader to take almost any kind of action. While they may not get the same number of people taking that action they do increase the % of people who take action. I only wish I’d been doing this from day one of my blogging!

  3. I’ve looked into Premise and will most likely purchase it in the near future. I’m a big fan of the work that Copy Blogger media puts out, especially Scibe. So when I’m in need of a Landing Page, Premise will certainly have it’s next customer!

  4. Thanks Darren !
    It useful for beginners

  5. It’s also good for generating leads. Say, for example, I write a guest blog post. I could have the link go to my homepage where there are a ton of different distractions. Or, I could have it point to a landing page that has a big box to collect people’s e-mails. Then, they can go to the homepage after I’ve got their e-mail. This way, more of the visitors that I am getting from the guest blog post are turning into newsletter subscribers. And, Premise is great at doing that.

  6. Thanks for pointing this out Darren. Writing an E-book is next on my list of things to do. My blog is on freelance writing for beginners. I have some great ideas for a book and want to market it at the UK audience. It is something which is missing from over here – plenty of examples exist for US readers.

    However the writing part is easy – it is the marketing bit which is difficult. I already find that visits to my website are relatively slow. Trying to convert those visits to sales will be a challenge. Knowing there is a product which will help has to be a good place to start.

    As a writer i should be able to get the copy-writing part down, but its the technical part which worries me!

  7. I don’t have landing pages yet. What is the correct time to start turn our blog traffic into money? I do make a mistake when I started blogging few years ago. I out all kind of ads but I realized I need to build blog readers and make some connections.

    • I Think content is the king

    • yep – content is important but I don’t think there’s a magic number you have to hold off for before you start to monetize. The mistake people make with ads is too many. Get the balance right of a few relevant ads or products early and it can help to make your blog sustainable from the early days.

      • Ya, I’m just starting my blog and am only planning on having a few adds and affiliates at first to help pay for costs. Once I have done this, I’ll be scaling it based on traffic and the overall amount of content. But I could see having a landing page at the beginning to help pay for initial costs.

  8. I see you also use the hello bar as well. How are the number of sales thru the hello bar versus a landing page? And would you recommend creating a separate site just for eBook promotions?

    • Hellobar is converting OK for us – not spectacular but good. Of course I’m pointing the bar to a landing page though – so its not replacing them but a good way to drive people to the landing page.

  9. Hi Darren,

    Good landing page tips here.

    Landing pages need to be clear and focused. The less options, the better. Cluttered landing pages clutter the mind, making it difficult for your readers to make a decision.

    The less choices the better. Make your page about one thing, and one thing only: providing information about your product or service and directing the visitor to take specific actions throughout the page.

    The more specific the actions and the more concentrated your calls are – toward a single end – the more your conversion rates increase. It’s a matter of telling your readers to do one thing and removing all other enticing options.

    Thanks for sharing your insight and the link Darren. I took a look around: anything with copyblogger’s stamp gets my approval, and the product didn’t disappoint.


    • @Ryan i think your theory of ‘only one thing’ for landing pages has the (miss)potential of turning out in less (sale) results oriented (mis)concept. If you, suppose, offer two things then more no. of people have second choice if your ‘only one thing’ fails to appeal them. So on an average basis ‘ two things’ could be better than ‘ one thing only’ ( law of average say so..what? blogging isn’t science? ). May be it again depends upon what, where and how you are offering.

      ‘Theory of two’ here:

      1-I would luv to be Wrong.in whatver i said above.
      2-May be we both are Right. I wud love more to be Right.

      ( i hope you would buy anyone of the above ideas :)

  10. Will try to work on an e-book. you are an inspiration

  11. I really like your post. This is so inspired ;D

  12. Sarah says: 07/20/2011 at 3:26 am

    Thanks for the insight! LOL Even when you’re selling something, you’re still dishing out knowledge.

  13. I’ve used Premise for several landing pages now – not just ecourse ones, but also a landing page to encourage newsletter sign-ups. It’s been incredibly straightforward and hugely effective; like you, Darren, I wish I’d had it a couple of years ago!

  14. Very great and reliable tips. I think those tips and strategies are all perfect and effective. Because you will not share it not unless you have tried it already. Thanks anyway.

  15. This is a very intelligent solution. Thank you for this lesson.

  16. Hi Darren, thanks for sharing this info and your numbers for ebook sales and all are simply wow.. all the best with them.. i feel what ever strategy you use the content is the main thing and that too the content should be important and relevant for the audience you want to target. no doubt the landing pages are big plus but i the content and relevance of that content is very important and primary concern as per my thinking.

  17. convince advertisers to advertise on your blog” this is hardest thing to do for moderate bloggers. only pro can do it easily.

  18. Hi Darren,

    I totally agree with you that landing page is really the key. The essence of creating landing page that convert is to eliminate as much distraction as you can so that your visitors will concentrate on the content and opt in to get the freebie or take any form of action you would like them to.


  19. I implemented the landing page strategy you outlined on one of of niche sites and saw around a 50% increase on email opt-ins. I find if I ask myself “what can I remove from a page” my conversions go up dramatically. Great post Darren, thanks.

  20. Hi Darren
    I like this article in 2 ways. The subject is very interesting, but it’s also a very nice example of affiliate marketing. I’ll keep this article in mind when writing my next affiliate post.

  21. Hmm great Tips Darren and thanks for your insights. I have written 3 ebooks so far on blogging and give them away for free on my new blog.

    I purchased theepicblog domain a few months ago to replace my internet-marketing101 domain and am considering writing a new ebook to replace the 3.

    I was considering putting it up for sale but although I have been blogging for just over 2 years now, I still don’t consider myself a top blogger that gets lots of traffic. My ultimate goal essentially is to replace my webdesign business with the blog so that I can get more time to spend with my family and think that selling my own product would help me do that.

    Like you say writing an ebook can build your business but i really dont know what to do with it should I sell it for $10/$15 or just give it away for free on my blog for just a name and email addy! I think my best bet to give it away to specific bloggers like you and see what they think.

    I have just purchased Optimize Press to make my landing pages for the books but what do you think about it or should I go for your recommendation? Was going to ask would you consider reviewing ‘TheEpicBook’ once I finish it hopefully by the end of the week! I do realize your busy but would love your imput Darren.

    Great post buddy!
    -Phillip Dews

  22. Yes, I agree. Just one book, The Brain Audit has sold over $500,000. That’s not counting any of the other books, products or courses.

  23. I started using Premise landing pages a few months ago as well. Previously I made “regular” static pages on my blog.

    At first it was hard for me to accept the fact that NO links back to the main blog, and NO distractions was a good thing, but now I’m used to it and it’s converting better, especially for my subscriber sign up page.

    Keep your readers focused. Less is more.

  24. Love this. Perfect timing for me too. I’ve just finished RHHB-School (Laura Roeder & Marie Forleo) and have set up my new online biz. Creating a squeeze page for a couple of my digital products was high on my “to do” list for the next couple of weeks.

    Thank you for sharing this info. Greatly appreciated.

  25. I’m going to try my very best to bet as much traffic to my new blog as possible so hopefully one day I will be at this stage.

  26. Yes, landing pages works just like advertisements. The conversion is directly related to the effectiveness of the content and layout of the landing pages.

  27. Great article. I am noticing that a lot of online marketing businesses are moving to the landing page version to sell products and services. It’s great that the software is from Copyblogger, they like you are genius’ in this online marketing arena. It’s good to know that conversions can be increased that significantly — so it does make sense to start there. Thanks for the great advice.

  28. Great article, Darren.

    Seeing how your $ increased so dramatically through the proper use of landing pages is quite remarkable. Landing pages are something I have recently noticed on many sites(Including yours) though I did not realize that this is what they are referred to . The idea of having people directed away from all the distraction that are found on regular pages(sidebar, etc, etc) so they can have their attention focused, is truly fantastic. This is probably what I have been wanting to do on my own site, without realizing it(Not knowing what it is referred to as).

  29. Hi Darren!

    Good info on landing page. I agree about the distraction with lot of other stuff on side bar when we try to push visitor for some kind of action. I get better optin conversion rate after made simple static page for my blog without side bar. I am still keep improving it by days.

  30. Thanks for sharing…expecting more from yoy.. keep going…

  31. Why didn’t I think of this I have traffic coming in from tons of social media but nothing to encourage them to convert. For any small start up this sounds like it can be a long or expensive process, but I’ll agree worth it.

  32. Great Tips. I have already created landing pages for my 3 blogs. Thank you

  33. Thanks Darren, I will give this a try. I only realised the power of this when I happened to click through to ProBlogger from your Twitter bio by accident – then I saw a page aimed at the Twitter user – very effective indeed.

  34. Great income figures Glad you are doing so well

  35. Writing ebooks to sell and brand my business is one of my ultimate dreams as a writer :)

  36. Darren your tips and points are extremely helpful and downright applicable. I enjoy reading your every post since I came to know of this site(about a month ago). One point I’m convinced by reading this the landing page should be attractive and friendly to view.

    Great points it’s always a pleasure to read your craft.

  37. Wow really impressive to turn you business around like that.

    I’m currently making my first landing page so this info has been useful to me.

  38. Well written Darren. Turning my blog traffic into money is what I have been thinking lately. You just made a point and I’m going to try creating a high converting squeeze page. Thank you for sharing, it’s worth it.

  39. Wow, Premise is amazing. I love how clean and simple the designs are, not to mention extremely effective. I HATE those loud, bright, in-your-face squeeze pages. They’re so tacky and it’s that very tackiness that turns me off and makes me click off immediately.

    Premise is like a gentle nudge, the friendly arm around your shoulder. It’s not someone screaming in your ear and shoving you at the same time. When I get the funds and I’m ready to promote my ebook ideas, I’m totally picking this up. :)

  40. Great info. I used to spend alot of my time yachting and being involved in sports. It was most certainly the most memorable period of my young life and your info kind of reminded me of that. Thanks

  41. Obviously this premise thing is a good stuff. Is it as easy to set up as wordpress blog?

  42. Hey Darren, great article! I think those tips and strategies are all perfect and effective.

  43. Thanks for the great information and recommending of the landing page stuff. I would try to focus more on landing pages from now on.

  44. Nicely done Darren. Great tips and links to packages you use. It’s always good to see one of the top guys sharing their knowledge. eBooks are definitely a product I enjoy creating. So far I’ve only the one, which I offer for FREE on my blog but I am currently writing my second and third which will be available for a small fee. I think you are right, selling your own products is the way to go.

    Again, great post.

  45. thank you, Darren Rowse. Finally I realized the first error of the monotonous look of my blog. It gives a lot of choices to the reader to act, but not in accordance with the initial target.

  46. Awesome landing page tips .Thanks Darren

  47. Yes, your landing page always contribute in making money for you, i tried to optimize landing page for my adwords campaigns and it resulted to me in a good conversion rate and thus save a lots on mine money.

  48. The plugin looks really very effective and helpful.. hope to get a copy real soon. Thanks for the link Darren..

  49. Some really thought provoking stuff here Darren. Gonna check out Premise

  50. Cool stuff Darren, goes to show the power of a single blog and the power of influence. You’re right about selling your own stuff. I mean, what’s with all these idiots spending their hard time writing quality blog content only to redirect visitors to Google Ads?

    It just doesn’t make any sense to me. People… when you’re running a blog you have the power of influence and you’re able to sell stuff. :)

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