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How to Quit Your Job, Move to Paradise and Get Paid to Change the World

This guest post is by Jon Morrow of Smart Blogger (formerly Boost Blog Traffic)

After all, that’s the dream, right?

Forget the mansions and limousines and other trappings of Hollywood-style wealth. Sure, it would be nice, but for the most part, we bloggers are simpler souls with much kinder dreams.

We want to quit our jobs, spend more time with our families, and finally have time to write. We want the freedom to work when we want, where we want. We want our writing to help people, to inspire them, to change them from the inside out.

It’s a modest dream, a dream that deserves to come true, and yet a part of you might be wondering…

Will it?

Do you really have what it takes to be a professional blogger, or are you just being dumb? Is it realistic to make enough money from this to quit your job, or is that just silly? Can you really expect people to fall in love with what you write, or is that just wishful thinking?

Sure, it’s fun to dream about your blog taking off and changing your life, but sometimes you wonder if it’s just that: a dream. This is the real world, and in the real world, dreams don’t really come true.


Well, let me tell you a little story…

How I quit my job

Jon's van

My van

In April of 2006, I was hit by a car going 85 miles an hour.

I didn’t see him coming, and I don’t remember much about the accident, but I do remember being pulled out of my minivan with my shirt on fire. The front end of the van was torn off, gasoline was everywhere, and my legs were broken in 14 places.

For the next three months, I had nothing to do but endure the pain and think about my life. I thought about my childhood. I thought about my dreams. I thought about my career.

And overall, I decided I didn’t like the way things were going.

So I quit.

I sold everything I owned. I stopped paying most of my bills. I turned in my letter of resignation, worked my two weeks, and then disappeared without saying goodbye.

Hearing about my insanity, a friend called and asked me, “Well, what are you going to do now?”

“I don’t know,” I told him. “Maybe start a blog.”

And so that’s what I did.

For the next three months, I didn’t just tinker around with blogging. I dedicated myself to it. I started work at 8 AM in the morning, and I kept going until 11 PM at night. I didn’t watch television. I didn’t see my friends. From morning till night, I was writing, reading, and connecting with other bloggers. Nothing else.

Within a month, I had On Moneymaking off the ground, and within two months, it was getting 2,000 visitors a day and Performancing nominated it for the best business/money blog of the year. A couple of months after that, Brian Clark asked me to become the Associate Editor of Copyblogger, and so I sold On Moneymaking for five figures and went to work at one of the most popular blogs at the world.

And amazingly, that’s just the beginning of the story.

How I moved to paradise

Have you ever woken up one day and realized you secretly despise everything about where you live?

The weather is horrible. Your neighbors are jerks. You don’t like inviting anyone to your home, because it’s always a wreck, and you’re ashamed of how it looks.

Well, that’s exactly what happened to me in January of 2009. I was sitting in my pathetic apartment, wrapped up in blankets to keep warm, trying to get some work done on the computer, when it struck me how monumentally stupid it was.

I was a full-time blogger, for God’s sakes. I could do my work from anywhere in the world. Why on Earth was I living in this hellhole?

The only problem was I had no idea where I wanted to go, but a couple of weeks later, the telephone rang, and it was an old friend who had retired to Mazatlan, Mexico. As usual, he was calling to gloat about the weather and the food and the general superiority of the Mexican lifestyle, but instead of just suffering through it this time, I stopped him and said, “No, don’t tell me any more. I’m moving there.”

Jon's office

My office

“What? When?” he stammered.

“I don’t know exactly when,” I told him, “but I’m starting right now.”

Two months later, I took a one-week trip to scout it out and look for places to live. When I got back, I started selling all of my stuff, packing the rest of it into storage, and saying goodbye to friends. Almost one year to the day after our phone call, I hopped in the car and drove just shy of 3,000 miles to my new beachfront condo in the finest resort in Mazatlan.

As I write this, I’m sitting on my balcony with my laptop, watching (no kidding) dolphins jumping out in the Pacific. It’s a sunny day, there’s a nice breeze, and I’m thinking about ordering a piña colada from the restaurant downstairs.

Lucky me, right?

Well, what might surprise you is I left out a piece of the story. It’s the part where I have a fatal disease, I can’t move from the neck down, and yet I essentially get paid to help people. Let’s talk about that part next.

How I get paid to change the world

You know what’s funny?


Yours truly

The worst part about having a disease like SMA isn’t how everyone treats you like a charity case. It’s not the frustration, anger, or depression. It’s not even the inability to reach over and pinch a cute girl’s butt when you want to (although that’s pretty bad).

No, the worst part is the freakin’ bills.  The doctors. The medication. The nurses.

I added it all up, and the total cost of keeping me alive in the US was $127,000 a year. That’s not rent. That’s not food. That’s just medical expenses.

Granted, I didn’t actually have to pay all that. I had private insurance, Medicaid, other government aid programs, but all that support comes at a price: they control you. The government allotted me only $700 a month to live on, and I had to spend every single cent above that on medical expenses, or they would cut me off.

So for years, that’s what I did. If I made $5,000 one month, I set aside $700 for living expenses, and I spent the other $4,300 on medical bills. Nothing was left. Ever.

And eventually, I got sick of it.

I wanted to make money without having to worry about losing my healthcare. I wanted to take care of my family, instead of them always having to take care of me. I wanted to actually live somewhere nice, not some ratty little apartment built for folks below the poverty line.

The only problem was, it just wasn’t possible for me in US. No matter how I played with the numbers, I couldn’t make it work. So, I did something crazy:

I quit Medicaid. I moved to Mexico. I stopped worrying about myself at all and started a business based on one simple idea:

Helping people.

I found up-and-coming writers who wanted a mentor, and I trained them. I found businesses who wanted to cash in on social media, and I developed their strategy. I found bloggers who wanted more traffic, and I created a course on how to get it.

In exchange, they paid me what they could. Some folks gave me $50 an hour and others $300 an hour, but I treated them all the same, and I dedicated myself to making their dreams a reality.

The results?

Within two months, I was making so much money so fast PayPal shut down my account under suspicions of fraudulent activity. Today, not only am I making more than enough to take care of myself, but a couple of months ago, I got uppity and bought my father a car.

Do you understand how precious that is? For a guy who can’t move from the neck down to buy his father a car?

And the best part is, I’m not making money blogging doing mindless drudgery. I’m changing people’s lives.

Every day, I get emails from readers who say my posts have changed their thinking. Every day, I get emails from students who say my advice has changed their writing. Every day, I get emails from clients who say my strategies have changed the way they do business.

I can’t really believe it. Normally, a guy like me would be wasting away in a nursing home somewhere, watching television and waiting to die, but here I am speaking into a microphone and essentially getting paid to change the world. If my fingers worked, I’d pinch myself.

And here’s the thing:

I don’t want it for just me. I want it for you too.

The reason I told you this whole story wasn’t just to brag but also to convince you of one incontrovertible point:


You want to quit your job and become a professional blogger?

You can.

You want to travel around the world, living life to its fullest?

You can.

You want to dedicate your every hour to helping people and making the world a better place?

You can.

Because listen … I know it’s horribly cliché, but if I can quit my job, risk the government carting me off to a nursing home because I can’t afford my own healthcare, convince my poor mother to abandon her career and drive my crippled butt 3,000 miles to a foreign country, and then make enough money to support myself, my mother, my father, and an entire nursing staff using nothing but my voice, then what can you accomplish if you really set your mind to it?

My guess: pretty much anything.

No, it won’t be easy. At some point, I guarantee you’ll want to quit. I guarantee people will treat you like you’re insane. I guarantee you’ll cry yourself to sleep, wondering if you made a horrible mistake.

But never stop believing in yourself. The world is full of naysayers, all of them eager to shout you down at the slightest indication you might transcend mediocrity, but the greatest sin you can commit is to yourself become one of them. Our job isn’t to join that group, but to silence it, to accomplish things so great and unimaginable that its members are too awed to speak.

You can do it.

I believe in you.

So get started.

Right freaking now.

Jon Morrow is Associate Editor of Copyblogger. If you’d like to learn more about what it really takes to become a popular blogger, check out his free videos on guest blogging.

About Guest Blogger
This post was written by a guest contributor. Please see their details in the post above.
  1. Love your blog! Your story is amazing. Keep inspiring others!

  2. Hi Jon, yes- i too, just like the others who commented was blown away from your article. Great surprise, so motivating.
    I believe that there are more people like you, living small miracles everyday. It is inspiring to hear stories like yours and I wish you all the success & happiness you deserve.
    You also give me hope… My dad suffered a brainstem stroke 2 years ago. He is very disabled. The medical bills too add the stress to everything.
    Your story reminded me that so much can still be accomplished in situations that seem impossible.
    Muchos gracias!

  3. God I love this- truly awesome! Kudos to your fearless honeybadgerlike nature and strong intention for letting it get as good as it can get!! Woot!

  4. Inspiring. The feeling of being trapped is much more scary than taking a risk and following what you are passionate about. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed it very much.

  5. Sheralyn says: 05/19/2011 at 8:20 am

    Wow. Wow! WOW! You are totally, completely, amazing to have accomplished all that, even with all of the obstacles that were put in your path!!!! I’m in awe.

  6. Justina Walford says: 05/19/2011 at 8:23 am

    you. are. my. hero.

  7. Yes, this is one of the most touching and powerful personal stories I’ve ever read.

    And to just sit here and ponder how many lives you’ve changed, people you’ve helped… it’s mind boggling.

    I’ve obviously heard your name, even read many of your articles; I don’t live under a rock. But man, I had no idea of the challenges you’ve endured and overcome in your life.

    Powerful Jon. I want to change lives too. I want to be courageous like you. And I don’t have nearly the challenges you’ve overcome, so there just isn’t any excuse not to.

    Thank you sir for sharing your story here and inspiring the community keep change lives!

    My mind is boggled.

  8. I don’t know what I can possibly add to the comments already made, so I’ll keep it simple: WOW…WOW to infinity and beyond. Kaarina

  9. Well said and well done, Jon!!!
    Thank you for sharing this really inspirational and personal story.
    I’m sharing it far and wide because it deserves to be shared.
    Congratulations on your personal success, your professional achievements, and your commitment to helping others, too.
    All the best,

  10. Travis says: 05/19/2011 at 8:44 am

    Inspiring story, but I’m a bit confused. To quote: “I hopped in the car and drove just shy of 3,000 miles…”

    How did you drive if you’re paralyzed from the neck down?

    • Perhaps if you read Jon’s blog properly, you would have read that his mother actually drove him to Mexico.

    • Monica says: 05/19/2011 at 10:18 pm

      Jon’s mother drove him Travis, he says so towards the end of the post.

    • He convinced his mom to drive him:

      “I know it’s horribly cliché, but if I can quit my job, risk the government carting me off to a nursing home because I can’t afford my own healthcare, convince my poor mother to abandon her career and drive my crippled butt 3,000 miles to a foreign country”

  11. This was *exactly* what I needed to read tonight. You’re a huge inspiration, Jon. Real live proof that focus and determination can build ANY dream. :)

  12. Henrique says: 05/19/2011 at 9:33 am

    Nice. Thanks for the history, there couldn’t be a better time for me to read something like this to get me inspired.

    You rock.

  13. Sharla S. says: 05/19/2011 at 9:56 am

    Thank you, Jon, for this brilliant and impassioned post. I could barely finish reading your final comments through my gushing eyes. I am ashamed to admit I have indulged in self-pity, self-loathing, and excuses just recently after losing my job (at age 49) due to a neck injury…. I shall never again complain!! Your words – indeed your life – is a testament of the power in us all to transend ANY trial in life, and not only survive, but to give selflessly back to the world. Bravo!! May love and goodness always surround you.

  14. 264 comments–AMAZING!

    my question is, “Do they have universal health care in Mexico?” How are you getting your health care?

    The Republicans are currently trying to cut 20% of Medicaid for people with disabilities. Be thankful you are not in the US because they are going to force us into nursing homes just as you said.

    ps. Did you know that (in Ohio) and other states, the nursing home lobby has made it possible that they get paid for every nursing home bed–even if no one is using it. They are among the most powerful lobbies in the world and know how to pad their own pockets leaving people with disabilities unable to move into the community.

    Congrats Jon for living the dream and telling us about it.

  15. Hi Jon,

    I am simply amazed.

    I had heard some of your background, but not the struggle and hardship.

    You make it look so easy. I have had the pleasure of speaking with you on the phone. And, I knew from within minutes of speaking that not only did I have a high-focus, high-on-results guy on the line, but somebody who actually cares. I think that’s what I’ve learned the most from your intriguing, personal story: If you truly care, you’ll make it happen. You never lost yourself.

    Not once did you lose faith in your “mission” – to help yourself and others by making a difference and giving back (even if you didn’t always know how). You kept pushing forward, taking risks and making moves. Jon, I’m trying to keep up with you, but it’s hard – and I have no ailments to complain about.

    Thanks for sharing and caring so much. Cheers, Jon

  16. Holy f#$*ing $h!t. THANK YOU for being in the world and caring so much.

  17. What an amazing story Jon, reading this made my day.

    I’m feeling inspired right now and in awe of your tenacity.


  18. The sound of a life being lived instead of wasted away in ‘what if’s’ is absolutely riveting.
    I have nothing to complain about.
    Thanks for serving me up a fresh dose of reality.

  19. There are no telling how many lives this post alone just changed. Absolutely incredible.

  20. I have chills, this story has touched me beyond words. thank you for sharing your amazing story

  21. You are speaking out of my soul. Du Sprichst mir aus der Seele.
    Its my universe. I’m the center of my life. And you remebered me about that.

    You changed my decisions. Liebe Grüße aus Bayern. :)

  22. This is the best thing I’ve read all week!!! What an amazing and inspiring story… and I am so in awe of you and what you’ve done. Thank you for being you. :)

  23. Thank you, Jon, for sharing your story. I love it very much! I’m absolutely blown away by your courage and determination!

    To your continued success and abundance!

  24. Jon, I knew you rocked, but now I know you ROCK. And someday soon, I’m coming down to Mazatlan to meet you.

  25. Lynda says: 05/19/2011 at 1:26 pm

    Your story is very inspiring. It is nice to read about someone who is willing to help others rather than just worry about them self.
    I wish you continued success in your dream.

  26. Read this an hour before resigning today (Thursday May 19)
    Ok ok, I had already planned to, but it was a great read in context.

    Congrats Jon

  27. Wow. Simply, completely, totally bowled me over.
    I had been feeling somewhat like Sisyphus, but your words illuminated my path out of my rut.
    Thank you.

  28. Jon,
    I can’t even begin to tell you how much your post has moved me.

    First, the fact that you live in MZT. My family is from there and I love visiting. It’s a fantastic city and full of loving memories for me. I would love to live there myself.

    More importantly, I have been trying to become my own boss for about 5 years now. I’m doing the side hustle, but long to break free and start my business fulltime. What holds me back? Multiple autoimmune illnesses and the fear that I won’t be able to afford insurance or I’m going to shrivel up and die. There are so many people with illnesses that stop themselves from living the life they want to live out of fear. And then you come along, with no excuses and full of positive energy and success. I need to shut up and do my thing!

    This makes me want to help people with chronic illnesses help themselves live their entrepreneurial life. Bless you for this post!

  29. Inspiring!

    I never get tired of hearing stories about people who take life’s lemons and turn them into lemonade.

  30. Wendilynn says: 05/19/2011 at 2:31 pm

    Thank you very much for this great story. You are an inspiration for just not letting anything stop you when you wanted something better.

  31. I gave up yesterday. I just couldn’t take all this crap any more. They’re threatening to repossess our car, which might not matter since we don’t have a nickel for gas. The rest of life felt about the same as that.

    Today, phase one of giving up was spending half the day in volunteer work, doing for others. I came home thinking maybe, just maybe, I wasn’t a worthless waste of skin.

    Spent the evening doing some truly worthwhile things with friends and family, came back to the motel where we’re staying for the moment, and read this.

    Would you please leave me alone and let me give up in peace? No? Fine. Just for that, I’m not giving up.

    So there.

  32. Jon IS the man. Working with him for over two years has changed my life.

    For that Jon, thank you.

    A gigundo amount.

    I am stoked to know you.

  33. All I could say – all the time I was reading your post was – my God! You get it, I think I get it too, but what is stopping me from getting the full benefit of what you are saying (and what I think I already know) is fear. Fear to take that first step. Just a first step. But I think you have inspired me not only to make a step but to make a lunge (okay, I am exaggerating here). :)

    Thank you for your story, thank you for your honesty. It is painful, and awe-inspiring, and it is pushing me “to accomplish things so great and unimaginable that the haters, the naysayers will be too awed to speak.” Again, thank you.

  34. Jason Gracia says: 05/19/2011 at 4:00 pm


    I’ve written articles, posts, books, and speeches on motivation for ten years.

    But what you wrote beats them all, hands down:

    “I can’t really believe it. Normally, a guy like me would be wasting away in a nursing home somewhere, watching television and waiting to die, but here I am speaking into a microphone and essentially getting paid to change the world. If my fingers worked, I’d pinch myself.”

  35. Amazing, inspiring, hopeful, courageous – I could go on and on and on! You give hope to others who are trapped in a cycle of monotony, worried that their dreams will never come true.


  36. Hey Jon thanks for sharing your experience with us.

  37. Wow. Totally and utterly blown away by your story Jon! I LOVE hearing inspirational tales such as these – that force me to confront my stuck places and break out and really LIVE.
    You’re living proof that it’s possible to truly live our dreams, despite any and all odds. ROCK ON!!!

    And P.S. my 1 year old god-daughter has SMA Type 1. It’s still hard to even understand how difficult it is for her young parents (she’s their 1st child). All I know is that she teaches me something new everytime I see her. The biggest lesson – be happy. Live in the NOW. It’s all you’ve got.

  38. Very touching and yet realistic story. Thanks for sharing both your ups and downs too. It’s definitely not easy and we can understand the struggle, but glad things got sorted out at the end. Thanks for the encouraging life story!

  39. All I can say is that you are amazing and wonderful. And a damn good writer. Thank you, Jon.

  40. Inspirational. Have passed on this article.

  41. Inspiring. This couldn’t have come at a better time. You spoke very truly and I hope I can have the same courage and dedication to make a difference the way you did. Thank you for your wise words.

  42. Hi Jon
    I can easily understand why you can make a great living out of blogging – You simply write GREAT.

    I am very thankfull for your story – I espeically loved the part, where you describe how hard it can be at times – People tell you to get a “real job and stop dreaming” – BUT they don’t know what you are capable of and they certainly don’t understand why some people want to be independant, live whereever they want and most important get a big kick out of helping other people. It becomes a positive addiction, and once you have that feeling, where is no going back to a regualr ob with a stupid boss. I personally love working online and I promise you I ‘ll never give up.

    thanks for a great article and congrats on giving you dad a car – I can image the feeling :-)


  43. i cried reading your post, not just because you’ve got money and i’m not, but just because i’ve got cancer and my life has totally changed. i see the world in different way, and even if i’m a stupid girly person, i fight everyday for a smile, for pure happiness to share. thanks for your amazing post, i will bring your voice in my mouth.
    hugs from italy,

  44. This is exactly what I’m trying to do here in Karachi, Pakistan. Jon, you seriously made me a believer in miracles today!
    You are a true hero. Keep pushing forward! Hat’s off to you!

  45. This is truly gold. Very motivational for upcoming blogger like myself.

    Thanks Jon Morrow. You are a role model!

  46. Shruti says: 05/19/2011 at 9:55 pm

    Very touching blog .. Thanx for sharing your story , You truly are an inspiration for all of us. You are fought against all odds to become who you are today , a confident self sufficient person , even with all your challenges …. Thank you once again and wish you all the happiness and success in the world.

  47. I’m a recovering addict and I have spent way too much time in my life being a victim of circumstances.

    Thank you Jon for making me realise that ANYTHING is possible in this lifetime IF you change your way of thinking and put some effort into making dreams become reality.

    I’ve been wallowing in my own self pity for some time now and today, I was going to go off and score more drugs.

    After reading your blog, I’m now NOT doing this to myself anymore! Enough is enough and it’s time for me to start making BIG changes in my life.

    Thank you for making me realise that there is so much more to life and if I really want something that badly, no matter what my circumstances are in life, it is possible to change my life around.

    I’ve sat around for way too long talking myself out of moving from where I live and belittling my own ability to be able to do positive and creative activites in order to make my life more fulfilling and possibly helping others too.

    I have no disabilites, the only thing that has held me back has been the way I think and feel about my situation.

    What you have written on here has inspired me to start making BIG life changes, starting right now!


  48. Your writing skills are amazing, very inspiring article.

    Nice work.

  49. I’ve been following some of your posts and video presentations but never knew you had to defy all those odds to get ‘there’, Jon.

    I loved reading every line of this post, although it sprung up some strong emotions in me (in fact I shed tears all through) but I salute your inner strength. I truly agree with you that only genuine care and love of close families are capable of making any person to say NO to mediocrity, as you said that it’d be disappointing (to those who had faith in you) to quit.

    Thanks for writing this inspiring post – you’ve charged me up saying if you had every reason not to make it BUT defied them, no one has an excuse not to achieve greatness in life.

  50. A made up mind is so powerful. You have taken the talent that God gave you and increased it tenfold. This is just what I needed this morning. Thank you.

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