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How Long Have you Been Blogging? [POLL]

Posted By Darren Rowse 21st of July 2009 General 0 Comments

It’s been a couple of years since I ran this poll and I’m curious to see if the readership of this blog has shifted since then – so….



Looking forward to seeing the results on this.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I’ve been blogging for since 2007.
    I update my blog everyday, from 2-4 post

  2. Since Dec 08 and I’ve got 30 blog visits per day …. lol :) It doesnt stop me from blogging :P

  3. I just started, and this website is a fantastic resource.

  4. I started my “learn how to play tennis blog” http://broddfelt.com 4 months ago. I love to update my blog even though I don’t have much time to write. My goal is to post 2-3 posts every week.

  5. I’ve only been blogging for about four months because I just recently decided to make money by blogging. I’m really surprised to see that “less than three months” is at the top of the poll at the moment. I guess a lot of beginners turn to problogger for advice.

  6. Well, i started blogging almost 9-10 months ago but first three months got waste in someway i spent on blogger. But that too was a learning experience. Later on i shifted to wordpress and apid hosting and its almost 6-7 months now. My blog http://www.avinashtech.com is doing well enough for a 6 month old blog as i am not a expert blogger. Learning everything on the way.

  7. I have been blogging for over two years now. However, I recently started a personal finance blog called TheDebtHawk.com – http://www.thedebthawk.com . On this site, I am looking forward to sharing my get out of debt story and help others who are struggling to get out of debt.

  8. Only 4 months for me… although I’ve been planning my blog for at least two years!

    Whilst a lot of blogging advice says “just jump right in” and “just get something up to get the ball rolling” I much preferred completely learning my niche inside out (in the real-world not just writing) so that all my content would be as valuable as possible. Basically, there is a lot of HORRENDOUS advice in the relationships and dating field and so I wanted to make sure I had something more to offer!

    You’ll have to redo the poll in five years time so I can be at the top of the categories!! :)

    Sam x

  9. i have been blogging for 8 months. still love to blogging and enjoy blogging.

  10. Looks like most problogger readers are newbies.

  11. I started blogging few years back…

  12. I started blogging about five years ago… But it wasn’t until recently that I switched from blogging about myself and my daily life to blogging about LGBT issues and other things… So in a way I’ve been blogging for only a relatively short period of time. My reader base is slowly going back up, however, which is exciting! I’m earning about twenty cents a day on average from Google Adsense. :)

  13. I’ve been blogging since December 2007.

  14. I got started a bit last fall and ramped things up to nearly every day updates in the spring. Recently, I’ve added writers to the staff in order to share the load a bit. In addition to my articles, we now have 2 other weekly writers (and will be adding a 3rd very soon), 4 monthly writers, and 2 writers who contribute occassionally. This should allow The Casual Observer to be a 7 day a week operation in the future.

  15. I started my first blog in 2004 but we didnt really identify it as such until 2006! Yet all the basic blog stuff was there and we’ve built on it over the years, and now get 3000-4000 page views a day for a niche television subject.

  16. I started blogging May 19 of this year. I’ve been doing alot of tech news, but I don’t have enough gadgets to review. I believe it’s the only thing holding me back.

    12 year old Gadget Blogger

  17. I checked, and it’ll be 3 years come November. Browsing through my early posts, it’s a trip to read about my experiences as a new writer. And I rediscovered some cool resources I had posted, lol.

  18. Super Post as always! I need help Problogger, I recently left my job because of an opportunity I simply can’t Let slip away. I’m from the Caribbean Island of St.lucia where our tourism Industry is booming. Hotels are sprouting from all locations.

    Right now I need someone who’s willing to help me to create a blog to promote the Island as well as serving as an information center to all tourist wishing to travel to St.lucia. I have already started my website http://www.islelander.com, and now a blog I believe will provide the exposure I’m seeking. Anyone looking to take on this challenge i assure you it’s worth it. You can also refer my message to anyone who’s willing to help.. I appreciate you reading my post…email me at janus@islelander.com

  19. more than three years now .. thanks

  20. I am shocked to see as much as there is in 3 months or less. Great insight within the comments on how/why people started blogging. I’ve been blogging for 13 years on various platforms, and am glad that people don’t feel that the arena is saturated and shy away from jumping in.

  21. Wow I am really surprised on the amount of people that have been blogging less than three months.

  22. Hi Darren,

    My blog is 55 days old. Today its ranks 116,000 according to Alexa. Really feeling excited these days…

    Page per day : 2100 pages view

    Thanking you,

  23. I started ‘blogging’ barely 3 weeks ago. I kicked it off with the 31 DBBB some time after it finished.

    The results are amazing. Am getting okay traffic levels, and they are on the rise by the weeks. I think am doing great for a 3+ weeks blog.

  24. Interesting results. I’m surprised to see how many people have blogs under 3 months old. I wonder what the drop off rate of blogs are.

  25. I started blogging 2.5 years ago but I’ve had my own website for over a decade (yes, I’m *that* old). :)

  26. May of this year for me, don’t ask me why lol. Hope its ok to ask this here, but Darren where did you get your poll from or did someone design it for you? I tried two that you gave on here, but the one keeps saying it needs my email, which I gave like 4or5 times but won’t go through. The other one I tried takes me to thier website to vote instead of staying on mine like yours is. Suggestions please!! Thanks Tony

  27. Stupidly enough I created a second blog to complement my first one and drive traffic to it. Discovers it was a waste of time, but copied some good posts to my current blog… phew..

    A the bloggers life…

  28. I started blogging in November 2008.

  29. Been blogging since Sept. 2008. I’ve been reading Problogger posts thru email since that time. Thank you, Darren, for all the tips.

  30. I’ve been blogging for almost 4 years. Just wish I had more time to devote to it.

  31. Interesting how abounding humans apprehend ProBlogger but don’t accept a blog. Yes, currently 3, but with the numbers as they now stand, that’s significant. Ish.

  32. Most bloggers burn out after a few months when they realize that it is not a get rich quick scheme.

    But those who get into it for the sheer enjoyment of it tend to last longer.

  33. I don’t blog. I’m suprised that so many people don’t blog- I thought I was one of the only ones (who read the site and don’t blog).

  34. I launched 2Lincolns.com in September 2008, so I’m nearing my one year anniversary of blogging. My goal in the first year was to have fun and learn a lot, and I did both.

    Goals in year two? Promote more, drive more traffic, establish reader loyalty, and consequently increase ad revenue.

    My goal every day, month, and year is to continue to improve my content for my readers.


  35. I’ve been blogging three years now, switched from comcast to my own domain name. From a children author of Concord, Ca.

  36. Though I’ve had a few blogs since 2004, I never stuck with them until now. My greenandchic.com/blog (business) blog is over a year and a half old now. I have a much newer personal blog that’s only a few months old. I’ve been reading Problogger since early 2008.

  37. I’ve been blogging for almost a year but recently i built up an article directory on WordPress platform!

  38. my blog is new blog . I just started my blog less than three months .

  39. I started to blog in january this year with my german blog so I’m blogging for about 7 month now

  40. I had to check my archives. Started on my own domain July 2007, but had blogged on MySpace for a year before. I made the switch primarily to monetize, but the benefits go far beyond.

    My primary blog is personal and driven by my interests. I have a secondary blog for reviewing websites and blogs which I also use for sponsored posts. I’m not ashamed that my hobby pays, but I’d blog even if it didn’t

  41. more than three years now :)

  42. I started blogging back in 2001 with Xanga during college when it was called a “web journal” then. It was mostly about campus life and opinions and I even had a small following. After graduation, that tapered off having to be a grown up and get a job and all. I’ve made several attempts since then to get back into blogging but could not manage due to time constraints. I am now more recently getting back into the swing of things where its more routine. I’m not sure how to quantify that really!

  43. The poll confirms that new bloggers or non bloggers make up the majority of Problogger readers.

  44. I’ve been blogging for 20 months. It’s quite a learning experience. I’m a journalist, so it’s like having my own newspaper.

    I blog for baby boomer consumers and write 11 posts a week on three blogs.

    My main blog is The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide at http://boomersurvive-thriveguide.typepad.com.


  45. A little over three years, although my first year was thinking between creation and use. I have just retired my first blog in favour of a new more versatile template. The original blog is there for posterity, but the new one is active.

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