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How Batch Processing Made Me 10 Times More Productive

Today I want to share a technique that has increased my productivity levels incredibly.

stress.jpgimage by estherase

“How do you fit so much in?”

This is a question that I’m asked a lot.

Yesterday I kept track of the work that I did. It included:

  • Researched & Wrote 5 blog posts (2500 words) – Planned a future series – Edited 3 guest posts
  • Moderated 150 comments (Lara did the rest)
  • Read 300 emails – replied to and wrote 50 emails
  • Twittered 30+ times (including private messages) – Plurked 50+ times
  • Participated in a b5 training chat (1 hour)
  • Read (scanned) my RSS reader (600+ feeds)
  • Used StumbleUpon, FriendFeed, Digg and other social media sites
  • Took 4 Skype calls – IM’d around 8 others
  • Oversaw the upgrade of DPS forums
  • Did an email interview to promote the book – Arranged to do a radio interview later in the week

It was a reasonably busy day (on top of all that I did the normal dad/husband things as well as managing to go out for beer with a mate) – but not untypical at all. In fact last night I went to bed at 11pm – I often work for another hour or two.

So how do I get it all done day in day out?

The technique that I’ve been using more and more is what I call ‘batching’ or ‘batch processing‘.

It’s not a new concept by any means and I’m probably not using the terminology correctly – but it’s what I call it.

Batch Processing 101

In my understanding of the term ‘batch processing’ it was always used to describe systems (usually computerized ones) where data was collected together for a period of time before it was processed. Instead of doing every small ‘job’ as it arrived jobs were ‘queued’ or collected until the computer was ready to process them all at once. This meant that the computer could do these ‘batches’ of jobs all at once when it would otherwise be idle.

My First ‘Discovery’ of Batch Processing as a Blogger

My own ‘discovery’ of batch processing was quite intuitive. I’d not heard of the term until this last term but when I did I realized that I’d already been doing it to some level.

I’ve written numerous times before about how I apply the principle to writing blog posts.

batch-writing.jpgimage by Karsoe

I generally set aside Monday mornings (and usually Wednesdays also) for writing posts. I take my laptop – camp out in a cafe – spend most of the morning off-line (so there are no other distractions) and just write. My goal is to write at least 5 posts that I can then use later in the week. Quite often I’ll write as many as 10 posts in a 5-6 hour period.

Having these batches of posts in reserve means that during the week my time is freed up to engage in other blogging activities. Of course I supplement these batched posts with others during the week but having the bulk of my writing done in one go enables me to be more efficient. It also means that my posts quite often build on one another as one will spark another idea. If I get on a roll it’s amazing how much can be written in a short period of time.

This was my first taste of ‘batch processing’. As mentioned above – I started doing it intuitively (I think the first time I did it was when the internet went down at our house for a week and I had to go to the library to use the public computers to post for short periods of time).

My Messy Life

The problem was that while batching my post writing helped free up the rest of my week – that the rest of my week was a jumble of activities – I ran from one task to another and never seemed to get anything done. My life felt like a traffic jam with tasks coming from all directions.


A typical day would see me checking email 30 times a day, moderating comments as they hit my inbox, being interrupted by IM throughout the day, reading RSS when I remembered to do it between using social media sites and writing extra blog posts. The result was that my inbox had over 10,000 unread emails, I never cleared my RSS Reader and that I would get to the end of most days feeling like a nervous wreck.

My mistake was feeling compelled to deal with things as they came to me.

This only worsened as my blogs became more successful and as I took on more commitments (writing a book, speaking engagements etc).

Batching Everything

Over the last six months I’ve taken batch processing to the next level and applied it to many aspects of my blogging.

I have discovered that most of the activities that I do in my work can be ‘batched’ in one way or another. I have discovered that many ‘urgent’ things can wait and in fact to make them ‘take a number’ and ‘get in line’ brings order to mess.

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Siphoning off time for bursts of focused activity around a certain task means that I’m less inclined to flip from one thing to another. It means that I finish tasks. It means that I free up more and more time for the things that are important to do – not just the things that seem urgent.

Different activities need to be ‘batched’ at different intervals. Some are weekly (like my Monday morning writing sessions), others are every other day (like reading the bulk of my RSS feeds), others are daily (checking vanity feeds) and others I do for short sharp bursts multiple times a day (reading my A-list of of RSS feeds for breaking news, checking email).

Some of the tasks that I Batch Process

By no means are my processes perfect. I’m still a fairly impulsive guy so don’t have a set routine that I follow every day. I’m also fairly flexible and shift things around a lot – but here’s a list of some of the activities that I batch process and a short description of how I do each one:

Writing Posts – I’ve already described my weekly rhythm for this (Mondays and Wednesday mornings) but I also set aside other shorter times to write on a daily basis. This usually happens late morning on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and in these times I aim to write a shorter post for the day (often more news related).

Email – I’ve written previously about how I overhauled my inbox using Gmail but batching my use of email has helped me even more than the systems I put in place to filter my inbox. I generally do a very quick scan of my inbox first thing in the morning to look for anything genuinely urgent – but then do most of my processing mid morning and then in the evenings. Of course I scan it a few other times a day in case there are urgent emails (or if I’m expecting something) but attempt to get it right down to 0 every day (I don’t always succeed).

RSS Reading – I have two rhythms of reading RSS. I check my A-list folder in Google reader numerous times a day (my A-list contains just a handful of blogs that often break news in my niches). The rest of my RSS reading happens in less frequent batches. I do try to do it every day in one ‘batch’ but quite often I’ll only get through half of it and so ill do the 2nd half the next day. I tend to do this in 30-60 minute batches.

Twitter/Plurk/FriendFeed – These social messaging sites can be a time sucker if you let them so I tend to only allow myself to do them in 5-10 minute batches. On an average day I probably have 4-5 such ‘batches’. The reason that I do this numerous times a day is that it helps me to connect with different groups of people in different time zones.

Social Bookmarking – other time sucking services including Digg, StumbleUpon (especially) etc – I tend to do these for short sharp bursts – usually at the end of the day.

Editing Posts – At DPS I have a great team of bloggers who write weekly posts for me. They have taken a lot of the load off considerably when it comes to writing posts – but I still edit them (formatting pages, checking spelling and grammar, layout etc). I tend to do this in the evenings – but lately have tried to do 2-3 days worth at a time. So I allow incoming posts to queue up and then process/edit them in a sitting.

Instant Messaging – my old habit was to leave IM clients on all day every day and to respond to people messaging me as the messages came in. As a result I was constantly being interrupted. These days I have stopped using most IM clients and focus upon Skype and Gmail chat but don’t leave them on at all times. And when I do have them on I don’t always respond to IM’s straight away (I turn the sound off). Instead I let a few IM chat requests come in at a time and then respond to then all at once every hour or so.

Comment Moderation – I now filter all of the comment moderation emails that come in to an email folder dedicated to capturing them so that they never hit my inbox. I then moderate them periodically in batches throughout the day. The frequency between moderation batches changes depending upon what else I’m doing but also what is happening on the blog. For example if I’ve done a reader question post where I get lots of answers I moderate more regularly to keep the conversation flowing.

Book Writing – while I was writing the book I found it very difficult to fit it in to what was already a full day. As a result to get my part done I put aside extended periods of time just for writing. This included a few mornings at cafes but also one weekend away where I booked myself into a bed and breakfast down the coast and did nothing but write for the whole weekend.

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The list could go on

There are very few (if any) tasks associated with my work that I don’t batch process (or at least attempt to). As I’ve mentioned above – my system isn’t perfect – I still have days when I’m less disciplined and return to old messy habits – but in general I find that batching my day into different activities means I’m being more focused and as a result more productive. As a result I tend to fit a lot more in than I used to and am able to achieve more.

A Word About Personality Types

Perhaps batching works best for me because of my personality type – I know some would resist it because they work best when they’re able to be very impulsive and have freedom to jump from one thing to another.

I used to think that I was this way – I thought I could be more creative if I approached each day like a ‘choose your own adventure’ book and flitted from one thing to another as my impulses led me. However I found that this kind of approach only worked for me when I didn’t have as many things to do.

When life gets busy I need systems and structure to keep on track. In fact putting boundaries in place around different activities allows me to be quite impulsive and creative in those times rather than getting stressed because of all the ‘urgent’ things that I need to do distracting me.

What about You?

Do you batch process tasks in your blogging (intuitively or strategically)? What would you add to my list of tasks? What ‘urgent’ things take up your time that might not be that important (candidates for batch processing)?

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About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Great post! I really understand how this could benefit my blog. I always struggle to get things done and hopefully using doing things in batches like you describe will make me more productive.

  2. Excellent post Darren! Let me see if I can apply this to my own hectic working schedule.

  3. Great post! I really understand how this could benefit my blog. I always struggle to get things done and hopefully getting things done in batches like you describe will make me more productive.

  4. Yes, when I did a Time Management course (didn’t really work, never got round to applying any of it!) this was referred to as “Grouping like tasks”. Simple as that – when you dig into one uniform tasks, or a group of similar tasks you are much more productive because your brain doesn’t have to keep switching. This is a lifesaver for people like me who have hopeless concentration.

  5. I batch process just about everything you said! I have a “list” of tasks I do in order, every single day:

    – Check E-Mail, Analytics, etc., all the blog background stuff; take notes on what can be improved.
    – Moderate comments on my blog (also happens throughout the day)
    – Write the post for the day, edit, post it up
    – All Things Blog Marketing (several checklists worth of items)
    – All Things Blog Improvement (from the notes earlier in the day)
    – … then I do anything else that might have come up during the day.

    I found that a mix of batching and keeping a running list of objectives for the day helps keep everything organized and streamlined. Only doing things *once* a day definitely helps as well! Some things I can’t batch well (such as blog posts), but other things like moderating comments and checking e-mail I batch and then forget about until the next day.

  6. Wow, I really enjoyed that post Darren. At the start of your post I can completely identify with the traffic jam. At the end of the day I’m literally burnt. Although I do work, all day, everyday, for the most part, some days almost end up being write off.

    I sure gained some great insight from that, just from how you break your writing up into a couple of days of the week. The writing part is always something I struggle with. Between that and writing for my auto-responder it’s crazy sometimes.

    Thanx for that! You gave me some great ideas on sectioning tasks a lot better.

    Cheers on ya,


  7. nicole says: 06/12/2008 at 12:25 am

    this is an awesome post! I do many of the same things in addition to public relations and relationship building and feel overwhelmed at times…I’m working at ‘batching’ and it is going well, although I get little hiccups in there sometimes…prob because I cannot turn my im off!
    thanks again!

  8. Darren, your idea of batch processing is nice and I have been doing that intuitively for some time now.

    However, I don’t think I’ll catch up with your pace anytime soon. I mean as you said, you write 10 posts in 5-6 hours, which means that you finish a good 500-600 word post within 30 mins. Thats pretty cool and I am yet to accomplish that, because it can easily take me an hour to plan, frame and write a good post.

    I also wanted to ask that how many hours you are in front of computer on your usual work day? And how many hours do you sleep usually?

  9. “I ran from one task to another and never seemed to get anything done.”

    This is exactly how i feel :(


  10. I am exactly at the point where i need a post like this. Right now Im wondering what I’ve been doing online for the last 5 hours.
    Time to batch process. Thanks a whole lot for sharing.
    Stumbled this post.

  11. When I first read your title I thought you would be talking about some cron job that you put together to deal with your daily activities.

    But I like this article.. has many good tips to be organized.

  12. Holy crap Darren, no wonder your blogs grow as they do.

    Batch processing you say… I sure need some of that. The concept was familiar, but taking a honest review at my routine I do need to apply it with more discipline.

  13. You practically mentioned everything I do wrong. IM, email, RSS, writing, all at the same time. At the end of the day, I feel that I haven’t accomplished anything.

    I should start using your ways, thanks for the tips!

  14. I can’t believe that I’ve planned the same thing. I schedule Monday and Tuesday to post, Wednesday to blog marketing, Thursday to explore another niche, Friday and Saturday for guest blogging. But you know, the schedule is as far as those plans went. They never well implemented.

    Beside of I wasn’t determined enough not to get distracted, I never really see a real “proof” of batch processing really works.

    I’m glad that I watch the problogger and know that his secret is something actually everybody can do. way to go!

  15. Oh boy!

    This post comes at such a great time for me! I currently have 3 blogs going; well 2 actually since the 3rd is a personal diary which I only update weekly at most.

    I’ve been trying to setup a new one and have had the greatest of difficulties focusing on the task and making sense of my day.

    I’ve already applied some of these ideas, but I can see how things will improve once I’ve applied a few more.

    Thanks Darren!


  16. I think that doing this type of ‘batch processing’ is even more important for those of us that still have full time jobs. We have even less time to devote to our sites and really nead to focus on maximizing the time that we have.

    I think most people would be shocked if they actually spent the time to track how they went about there blog activities. But its probably a very useful thing to do, to see where things could be grouped together to increase efficency.

  17. I love this idea, and while I tend to (subconsciously) “batch” things while I’m working, I don’t seem to be able to do it effectively in regards to my blogging. This may be due to the fact that I have a one-year-old son, and all of my blogging activities occur in 10-15 minute bursts.

    As my blog (and son!) grows, I think this approach to time management will naturally fall into place. In my day job, I’m most efficient when I concentrate on one facet at a time. I imagine the same will hold true for my blogging.

  18. Great post Darren very insightful. With out a doubt that is one high productive. Probably off the excel sheet in six sigma.

  19. I like your “choose your own adventure” analogy. I often think like this as well, which is nice in theory, but it is true that organization and discipline work better in practice. Thanks for the post; it’s really good advice.

  20. You’ve got the right idea. Batching forces you to focus & hammer at things (so you can get to the next batch, and the next …)

    Act – don’t react –


  21. Those are good rules to go by. I’ve doing those sorts of things for a while day in my day job. I was pretty curious on hope bloggers did keep up with everything. I see now that “regular” job techniques can be carried over. Also my BlackBerry has help a lot more then I thought possible.

  22. It’s a good post Darren. I think what you’re hinting at is something that a lot of other power-bloggers have been reporting of late – that multitasking = fail.

    For what, a decade, maybe two, we’ve been told that multitasking is the way forward, but I’m now guessing that way of thinking has been responsible for an awful lot of mess that includes (but is not limited to) the home, the desk, the computer, and the mind.

    People don’t work that way – men or women – not for things that require proper focus, anyway (watching TV while eating a burger does not count). You get nothing done. Fifteen minutes of total focus is far bettern than a couple of hours of scattered, easily-interrupted bursts of attention.

  23. This blog just keeps getting even better and better!

    This is one of those things that really is common sense, but that you sort of have to take a step back and realize that you can always make yourself more efficient. Thanks for the reminder!

    Keep up the awesome work!

  24. I picked up a copy of the 4-hour work week in the airport at the weekend and have been reading it solidly the past 2 nights. My productivity has at least doubled at work, just by removing igoogle as my homepage (no distracting emails and RSS) and dealing with emails for only 1 20-minute period in a day (batching).
    This definitely works.

  25. Excellent. Now I have a word for how I’ve been managing my blog and a way to do it even better.

    I have different styles of posts I write during the week and I tend to group the styles together for writing sessions–take care of all of the same types of posts for the month at a sitting too.

  26. @Darren thanks for passing along the advice. I am definitely *not* a batch-processor. Something I have got to start picking up, but it does take some discipline.

    One thing I must learn is to batch-process reading problogger ;)

  27. Great idea. Now I feel like I can finally make things managable.

    Krissy :)

  28. I RSS first thing
    I select topics to write about and save them
    I do email by mid-morning
    I do outline for post in the afternoon
    I do research for post early evening
    I write post in evening after kids go to bed.

  29. @Dave Navarro – “Act-don’t-react”…very well said!

  30. I have been doing this type of processing for years. I absolutely love it. It took me a while to realize that not every communication, every email, and every website must be read immediately.

    One tip that I would like to add

    Most RSS readers have a flag or start system that works quite well for batch processing. I understand you have your A-List and your Vanity list but in addition to this, you have your starred list.

    With your A-List you may not want to read every single post, as goes with your vanity list. A good method I find is to star the posts you want to read (that are not urgent or breaking news), and then go ahead and batch process those specific posts when you set that time aside for it.

    If you cover as many RSS feeds as I do, you can imagine that trying to stay on top of it all is a huge task in and of itself. This is especially true in the technology niche, as fancy new websites, gadgets, computers, etc. are coming out what seems like daily.

    Hope this helps add some substance to the post.

    Thanks for a great article.
    The Tech Juice

  31. I’ve heard of batch processing before but have never really read an in-depth summary of the process, so this was a very helpful and informative post. Thanks!

  32. Darren, you’ve written the golden guidebook for us creative, ADD types. Among my blog’s topics is actually sharing the process of the “focus-impaired” (some Type A friends asked me to include some educational pieces so they’ll better understand the strangeness of my people.)

    So at times I embrace and revel in the creativity-generating stream within my brain. But very often it’s such a hindrance to accomplishing all that’s necessary. While I’ve considered more than one of the things you’ve shared with us here, what seems so intuitive, now that I’ve read your piece, surprised me with its clarity and seeming “no-brainer-ness”!

    Gonna’ print this one out and see if I can’t remember to refer to it often. Fantasizing I’ll have some magnificent work-flow days now. Thanks!

  33. On the days when I can manage to discipline myself do this, there is no question that productivity just sky-rockets!

    The real trick is to muster that self-discipline in the first place, against the false-urgency of so many disparate calls on our time and attention in the course of the workday, yes?

  34. I write blog posts in a similar fashion – setting aside large chunks of time (usually early Saturday mornings at a local cafe) to write my daily posts for the week, along with any freelance work I have to do. It’s the other blogging chores that give me trouble – commenting, moderating comments, answering emails, etc. I tend to work in very small windows of time at each of those and it is a very undefined process (at best). Your post has inspired me to come up with dedicated schedule for batching these chores and knocking them out around the same time every day. Thanks for sharing your system.

  35. I love your ideas. its really very helpful for beginner bloggers. I am spending about 3 hours in blogging. Bcz i am a web developer, i need to work on my projects too. here are my activities

    1) Check email
    2) Check google analystics tools
    3) Write POST( 2 posts/day)
    4) social bookmarking
    5) social networking sites
    6) writing comments in other blogs

  36. I still enjoy “picking my own adventure.” Maybe it’s necessary for novice bloggers with next-to-no computer knowledge (such as myself) to just go with the flow until we at least figure out which are the high-value tasks compared to the low-value ones. Or even what the tasks are, for that matter!

    I look forward to the day when I know enough to start batching a whole bunch of different level tasks. Right now they all seem pretty high-value to me. Thanks for the great post!

  37. Now that I read your post, it made me realize how messy I am. I’m Plurking, reading rss feeds, writing a bit, watching tele, mixxing and what not all at the same time.

    I think it’s about time to do things in batches and prioritize things.

    Thanks for the wake up call Darren.

  38. Great post, Darren!

    This is so important, especially with so many new media platforms and communication access points that we’re all compelled to try out and adopt.

    Let’s see…I’m tweeting, blogging, reading blogs and tweets, participating in 4 forums, fielding messages from 6 separate email accounts, and potentially handling 3 phone lines. Several work projects going on at once and new ones waiting in the wings. Family time, workout time, maintaining the household time, and sleep time also has to fit in there. Sounds crazy when you quantify your activities.

    Without efficient workload management, there would be no way to sleep. I try to move through things quickly, and have batched naturally with some items as a habit, but I haven’t consciously set up a batching pattern as you described. I’ll try it, and it I’m thinking it’ll save even more time. Which, I’ll of course burn up using more new media tools and social media communication platforms just released. :D

    Thanks Darren, there’s so much to learn here every day on your blog.

    Best Regards,
    Dave Cynkin
    CMO, Sleep Deprivationist & Thrillseeker
    BlogWorld & New Media Expo

  39. I so needed to hear this right now! Funny thing is, I do this in my personal tasks but not in my work tasks! I am starting to become overwhelmed with the workload in starting up my new websites and this post was the perfect reminder that I need to impose some structure on my workflow the same as I do on my personal tasks.

    Now I need to sit down and figure out the best way to do that…already have half an organizational system in place for managing my sites but need to figure out the rest: time management.

  40. I am guilty of ‘multi-tasking’ my efficiency down to nothing. It is great to be challenged by a pro!

    Thanks for the motivation.

  41. Thanks for the great tip, but I have a question. How do you handle your research and writing “batch” when you have inspiration problems?

  42. This is a really great post, Darren. Probably the best in detail, to-the-point overview on the topic of batching I’ve come across. Just wrote a blog post about it–as you know, batching is kind of the whole principle around my product, too :-). Glad to see the approach works for you!

  43. I’ve been reading your posts in my Google reader for a while now and I tend to lurk. :) This post was truly helpful as I have been juggling my blog, my 7 month old son, being a part time student, and trying to work from home. I’ve been tinkering with the batching concept and wanted to thank you for giving me an example to build off of.

  44. Thank you for your experiences of batch processing. I always use batch processing in such area:

    1 buy food
    2 check emails and IM messages
    3 read news
    4 prepare for experiments

  45. Amazing post. Extremely helpful in many ways, thanks

  46. I find that my curiosity of ‘What’s new and exciting in my Inbox’ seems to be a big time-waster for me, I could never resist running back to the computer and checking. I solved this problem by getting a smartphone that pushed my email to my phone. It doesn’t beep when I get a new message, but whenever I’m curious, I can just glance at my Today screen on my phone and check it. It’s never important enough to warrant an immediate reply, but at least I know it’s there. Now, some day I don’t even need to turn on the computer! Well, that’s a stretch. :-)

  47. GirlPie says: 06/12/2008 at 5:33 am

    Your swell post helps me realize that my love of doing business “as I like it” for the childlike freedom I felt is actually working against me.

    You’ve given that well-worn concept of “focus” a real structure that isn’t set in stone, isn’t restrictive. Ah, maturity, what a concept!

  48. Very helpful and timely as I drown in e-mails after taking the weekend off. Thanks for the tips.

  49. I need to apply this to my blogging – I might be able to post more often rather than the “I found time/spur of the moment” schedule I keep now.

    At my full-time job, we recently were Kaizen-ed. They are more suited to manufacturing processes, but they came to our finance department instead. They kept insisting that we do single-item processing because it was faster, despite our proof with their own stopwatches that batch processing was quicker. I wish I had the email address of the consultant that kept telling me to do one at a time… I’d send him this post!

  50. Words of wisdom just in the nick of time. Thank You! TYou are one powerful mind reader… as I was so close to picking up the phone and calling in an organizational consultant to my rescue. I have two Starbucks just blocks from my home that I will visit this week. You have convinced me that it is possible to put my arms around what feels like a total daily disorganized mess.

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