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Hey Bloggers! Is it Time to Focus a little Less on Your Blog and A Little More on YOU?

Posted By Darren Rowse 20th of May 2015 Featured Posts, General 0 Comments

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Blogging has been very good to me over the last twelve and a half years, but it’s come at a personal cost that I’m sure many can relate to.

Gradually over that time I’ve allowed myself to become more and more inactive. Gradually over time I became less and less fit and gained more and more weight.

Along with the weight gain and loss of fitness came a loss of energy and mental alertness. If I’m honest it also began to impact my mental health which in turn impacted numerous other areas of my life from relationships to my personal confidence and even through into my blogging.

Four months ago I had a bit of a wake up call after my annual doctors checkup, when I was presented with a list of areas I needed to do some work on. None of the things on the list were super-urgent or life-threatening but the fact that it was a list was enough to grab my attention and sparked a few changes in my life.

I recently wrote about my ‘slow decline’ and the changes I made in a post over on LinkedIn titled My New Project: Project Me.

In short I began to walk each day and made some significant changes to my diet (you can read the specifics in the post). The impact was pretty immediate.

  • Most importantly I’m feeling so much better within myself.
  • I have more energy than I remember having for a decade.
  • I’m thinking clearer and have more mental alertness and stamina.
  • My confidence has improved so much!
  • I’ve lost 13 kilograms (almost 29 pounds) and am in desperate need to go shopping to buy some smaller clothes!
  • My blood pressure is down!
  • I’m no longer out of breath when I play with my kids.
  • I’m getting more productive and the quality of my work is improving.
  • My mood and outlook has improved and I’m finding myself smiling a whole heap more

It’s Infectious

One of the other impacts that I had not expected of this journey is that as I’ve shared my story (with the above post) and in conversation I’ve noticed that it’s sparked others around me to make changes.

I was at a conference last week when three people told me that they’d started their own ‘Project Me’ campaigns. Each was doing it their own way and focusing upon a different areas of their life but each was sick of the ‘gradual slides’ that had happened in their lives and was doing something about it.

Join Us?

I’ve been thinking a lot about this over the last few weeks and have been wondering if there’s some way we could support each other more as a community in this area.

I’ll declare up front that I’m no expert in any of this. I’m four months into this journey and have been learning a lot but still have a long way to go. But I do know that I’m much more likely to have success if I’m doing this in community and have a little accountability from those around me.

As a result yesterday on the spur of the moment and without any planning or forethought, I decided to start a little group on Facebook for those who want to work on improving their health.

I’ve set the group up under the name of Feelgooder (the name of an old blog I used to have that I’ve never done much with) with the goal of it being alive for three months. On 19 August we’ll reassess whether the group is being of use to people and I’ll decide if we continue it or not.

The group is a closed group but you’re very very welcome to join it.

The objective is not to prescribe, teach or share any one way to get healthy. Rather it’s a place for support, share, be vulnerable and have a little accountability.

So far we’ve got 230+ people who’ve joined. People seem to be at all stages of the journey with their fitness, diet and other areas of well being. There’s also people from all parts of the world and different age groups.

So far the group is largely made up of bloggers or online entrepreneurs. There’s no rule on this but it’s who seems to be joining so I thought I’d open the invitation up to the wider ProBlogger community.

Whether this evolves beyond the group or ends up just being a temporary community I don’t know but I’m loving the first couple of days and hope that those of you who feel moved to do so might consider joining us.

Is it Time to Focus a little Less on Your Blog and A Little More on YOU?

I’d love to see you over on the Feelgooder Group on Facebook.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I relate so much to this. Actually I just began to put extra effort on my blog in the last two months, even I already run it for two years, but right now all I can think is blog, blog, blog… And well, my daily routine of exercises plus some yoga, was put aside in order to concentrate more on my blog. But I’m feeling the effects on my body and mind. It seems that my body can’t work no more without some yoga, and my mind won’t work as well if I don’t have a quiet time to meditate or just relax every or some days per week…
    Loved the idea of becoming more healthy by small acts, and actually, i feel like doing some minutes of walking everyday would be , for me, a way of balancing body and mind and not collapsing of overworking with the blog sometime lol

  2. I love this post! I feel like I can relate. I used to focus so much on my blog that I put my health on the back burner. I would stay up until 3 a.m. to get it all in because I had a day-job. And since becoming a full-time blogger back in January, I had gained weight because I am sitting a lot. I’ve since gained Weight Watchers, and I walk 3-4 miles every morning during the week when I take my son to the bus stop. We can become obsessed about page views, and getting the next post out, that we forget that our health needs to come first. :)

  3. Thanks For This Great Article.
    Love the idea of becoming more healthy by small acts.
    Keep up This Great Sites.

  4. Very relateable….but not only on the blog aspect but the running of a website altogether and what comes with that (blog, marketing, social media) – more than a full time job. However in the end it is worth it and one day I hope it to pay off!

  5. Already joined Facebook Group. Some extra ordinary idea to refresh myself.

    Keep Sharing Sir,

    Thanks a lot.

  6. Any type of addiction is harmful..!!
    nice post, i think people have to learn something from this blog i.e. addiction is a bad thing which can be spoil many things.

  7. The other day my son came up to me. “You spend all day on this computer, blogging” he said. “No, I don’t,” I replied, knowing every word he said was true. It got me thinking. Now I make myself get up and walk. I give myself only so many hours a day for blogging and that’s it. Maybe I’ll be more efficient. I hope. Whatever the case, we all must walk away from these computers before they take over our lives.

  8. Its’ like reading my own story!!
    I think its time that I should start my project me. I should have make time for myself and for my family not just sitting and blogging!!
    My be it’s my wake up call!

  9. Very nice post Darren Rowse,

    Sometimes it is better for one to just take a break at least for awhile. Even if it means going on a vacation or just leaving blogging for a few week or there about would do a lot of good to the person because i myself also take time out sometime and stay out of blogging even if it for a week.

  10. Hi Darren,

    Good for you!

    I am blessed in that I’ve always been a workout nut. When I was 5 years old I started playing basketball and over the years I was into hoops, bodybuilding, running, swimming, biking and hiking. These days I exercise 1-2 hours a day. Me and my wife do beach walks at night and cardio with the doggies during the day.

    I can say, honestly, I have exercised every day for a good 2 to 3 years, no days off. Even if I walked for 20 to 30 minutes, I get it in NO MATTER WHAT, because I’d have little energy to do all the stuff I do online.

    I have a successful doctor buddy in New Jersey who works out for an hour nightly, sometimes at midnight after a long day at his practice, seeing patients. Folks ask him how he does it, and he responds as I do; no way in HELL he could do it unless he got the hour in, at 12 AM, or whenever. Movement inspires me to publish 1 eBook weekly, and it also helps me to do the blogging bit and freelance bit and networking bit.

    1 hour a day, minimum guys. Start with walking and if you want to ramp things up, a jog or a swim will do the trick.

    Congrats Darren! So happy you’re making your health, first :)


  11. You are absolutely right we must take some time out from our blogging to look at ourselves and I have seen many big bloggers have discussed about this topic and how blogging can impact their social life

  12. Darren,

    My solution to similar issues was to start a blog evaluating cycling gear.

    So I’ve got to ride in order to come up with great content.

    To your health!

  13. Really nice post, we have to spend sometime at ourselves. All the time blogging is not good for health..!!

  14. I’ll check the group out later (cant reach it from here) but can I make a suggestion? Include mental health too? Sitting in front of a computer screen can make you so down and lonely, especially if you dont see the sun much. So as part of this, what ever you do, try and do it with someone else!

    Not only physical exercise, but mentally stimulating too. If you’re going to do cycling, do it in an unusual to you place (if you’re in a city – go to a green space; if you’re in the country – go to a built up area); Take a guided tour round an art gallery; Join a swimming club, rather than swimming on your own; join a writing group (find your local nanowrimo group?); see where I’m going with this?

  15. Similar story here — living the good life as a consultant (lots of time on the road, restaurant food, etc.) kept adding on the pounds. Then, in May 2014, the doc told me I finally had developed diabetes. Whoa… time to make some changes.

    After some brief research, I started a special diet, which I dubbed the SEC diet (Stop Eating Crap.) And it worked. Dropped 40 pounds in six months. Felt MUCH better – more energy, no hunger, and even my eyesight improved. Nothing radical — mostly reducing carbs and sugar, and just eating more healthy food.

    Incidentally, I worked out for several years before starting the diet. No weight loss until I started eating healthy in addition to the exercise.

    Gave some details on this in a blog post “Losing the Lard” in January 2014. Happy to report I’m now down 50 pounds and holding steady. In fact, about to start Phase II to lose some more.

    So thanks for sharing your story, and for offering the encouragement to this community! It is a world wide problem. Finally, chubby bald guys still rule :-)

  16. This is so weird! I have so so often wanted to submit to write a blog post (not optimum title) but like “5 Ways to Stay Healthy at the Keyboard.”

    As I am a yoga teacher and avid blogger who sees the results of excess computer time, esp. for me hands and fingers literally cramping and pain.
    But I kept think, “nah they won’t be into that, they’re so techy they’ll think it’s stupid!”

    So I haven’t even finished article and I’m really happy to see you address this issue-as folks look up to you so much. AWESOME.

  17. Many people forget about themselves because they’re so busy with their work. Like Ryan, I’ve always worked out, whether it be playing sports or working out at the gym. I just can’t get enough of it. Why? Because it feels great when you’re doing this.

    I just turned 40 this year and I’m in better shape than a lot of 20 year olds. Plus, I’ve been eating a lot better than usually. Eating vegan type dishes does give me a lot of energy, especially when I do my hardest workout which is club boxing.

    I do have to commend you for being so dedicated Darren! Great job and you are definitely an inspiration for many!

  18. About six months ago I started a new journey online, I got hooked on it in such a way that I didn’t see the day go by, 12 to 14 hours on my computer, working on building sites. Started noticing joint and back pains, headaches, neck tension..Since I knew I wasn’t feeling none of that before I started going for an hour walk in the morning and one in the evening and taking at least 10 minutes break for every hour on the computer. In 2 days all symptoms were gone. We must pay close attention to our bodies when it’s trying to tell us something. Cheers!

  19. Good post Darren.

    Your health is your wealth. It’s easy to get so focused on your business that you forget about yourself. You definitely have to create a balance. I’m glad you’re getting your health back in order. 20-30 minutes a day is all you need. Walking and focusing on eating better. Keep it up.

  20. Joining now! Always love to be surrounded by likeminded people. Great to hear about your changes and that you are feeling so much better Darren!

  21. Thank you Darren,
    I feel related to this post, since a year ago I decided to be full time blogger.
    I put the blog as my first priority, I was reluctant to exercise, and even rarely hang out with friends just like before. And the worst, only in one year I gained 5 kg and I felt awful with myself :(
    Now I will try to have balance life and put my health first! Wish me luck :)

  22. Thanks for being transparent Darren. When I don’t exercise I feel it in so many other areas of life. Stress has an insidious affect on our well being.

  23. Sedentary lifestyle can bring so many complications. Scary thing is that until a health condition or something serious jolts us into noticing how unfit, overweight or inflexible we have become, many of us obliviously let it creep in to more areas of our lives every year. Great idea to start a supportive group, count me in.

  24. My experience same of yours, Sometimes it is better for one to just take a break at least for awhile. Even if it means going on a vacation or fishing. and I always drink fiforlif , is herbal for detox fat and cholesterol

  25. Hello Darren,

    I badly need to start my own “Project Me” as well.. I am heavy on weight, dull and lazy to think.

    Great that your post sparked something in me to start thinking about my own self.

    I have requested to join the FB group and I am sure I am going to learn lots from the experiences and doings from the people there.

    ~ Adeel Sami

  26. Totally agree! Oddly enough we usually find that personal blog posts get way more comments from readers, rather than a standard business one (even if its a particularly excellent post!)

  27. Hi..
    Thanks for sharing this nice post and this great article. Love the idea of becoming more healthy by small acts.Many people forget about themselves because they’re so busy with their work. Like Ryan, I’ve always worked out, whether it be playing sports or working out at the gym . and so i think people have to learn something from this blog .

  28. I am totally inspired with your article and it is really new change and opportunity to get success from blog..

  29. I have only been blogging for a short time i started 3 years ago then quit now i have been back at it for two months. I utilize all the social media sites including making videos on Youtube and i’m so tired. I get most of my readers from twitter but i have to tweet all day. what can i do to get readers and keep them? its a niche blog i write fiction and inspirational articles. I have six different stories going on my blog right now and i post each story once a week like a sitcom. i just want to sleep :(

  30. People surely forget the importance of taking self care.

    When you’re blogging, you’ll spend more time sitting infront of a computer and you’ll barely think about moving your body parts. Doing regular exercises is the best way to get fit and continue blogging without hick ups.

  31. Love the idea of becoming more healthy by small acts.Many people forget about themselves because they’re so busy with their work. Like Ryan, I’ve always worked out, whether it be playing sports or working out at the gym . and so i think people have to learn something from this blog .

  32. That’s very true, and the symptom mentioned in the post are very much common to the blogger community and it really heart, because there is no way out to get out from this symptoms, Its a factual known deceptive that we build going forward.

    The idea is a welcome one and must be taken forward for positivity.

  33. Having gone from a very active day with 2 or 3 hours of gym exercise to a stagnant desk chair potato immerse in the marketing and blogging sphere I can relate perfectly! People now tell me: “You’ve got the face of a man who hasn’t slept well and been on the pc drinking heavy coffee all day”, oh my… Is that obvious?

  34. Starting in July, I may limit my blog post to once a week and work out as much as I can. I started blogging as form of therapy, and working out has also been a great form therapy for me in the past. So I’m gonna balance both. At least try to.

  35. Everything has a price doesn’t it Darren. Good job identifying your need to make your health a priority before your body made the decision for you. Whole food eating and a tough fitness regime will keep you blogging for many years to come. Keep up the good work.

  36. Esther says: 06/07/2015 at 11:53 am

    I had this same realization in my last year of university, I had gained too much weight from sitting, studying and over-eating. I started researching calorie counting, healthier meals, and I exercised 3x per week. After a year I lost the excess weight and I’m happy to stick to it.

  37. I would definitely be interested in using something like this, not only for my personal web blog but for my company website, both run on WordPress.
    I’m going to give this a try!

  38. Nice to know about your journey from blogging to working on yourself to become healthier and better. I have been working out religiously but my biggest issue is diet, not managed to control it so far.

  39. What a great article.
    Gonna give this a try :))

  40. I so needed to find this today ..
    Today I go for a riding lesson in 25 years and I have adopted 2 horses. I cannot wait, I became so focused on building my online business I completely forgot about myself.
    I started working online due to medical issues, what….now I put more weight on, breathing difficulties.
    I am fortunate the blogging has really paid of for me but this summer its going to be more about me and fun for the family.
    joined your group and here’s hoping we can all reset that work life balance again

  41. Yeah, i agree on this one.. I just started getting into content marketing, and been spending so many hours typing, doing research, creating infographics and other stuff, that I feel exhausted after just a few weeks. I think it’s super important to find a balance between life and blogging.

  42. I really liked this article. As i am also writing blogs and contents and spends hours on their research and analysis. Sometimes its really hard to decide whether m finished with 1 blog or there is still something to write on…

  43. Hi.. You are absolutely correct. While working on a topic we spend too many hours sitting on place without even thing about own. It is bit tiring at times. We need to take out some time and take care of ourselves. Its very necessary.

  44. This is so very true in more ways than one especially for someone like me who maintains a stressful day job and moonlights as a blogger at night. Oftentimes, the time I have to exercise gets cancelled because “I don’t have enough time for my blog”.

    I spend time in the morning and evening to comment on other blogs, share other blogger’s articles, and research instead of exercising.

    Who am I kidding right?

    I’m still yet to discover how I can discipline my stubborn self but Project Me might be a good start. Thanks for sharing Darren!

  45. I have gone through many articles on the internet but this one is unique by its kind .I will surely gonna give it a try Darren,Thanks for the post

  46. Wow. This post made me think about my life. I’ve been spending my entire life in front of my computer trying to have “THE IDEA”, the problem is that the idea never comes and It’s becoming very tiring. Maybe it’s time to take a break. Thanks a lot for this text.

  47. Hi Darren, I don’t know how to describe it but i am in a same position as you. Before starting my journey as a software developer I am very fit and energized. Just before reading this blog i have decided to do some exercise and workout. So i wanted to be a part of this group. Thanks to realize me that i am not alone who is facing this.

  48. Good to hear about the positive changes you have made Darren! Working as online entrepreneurs we have to make sure that we do what is necessary to keep our lives balanced. Heading over to join the facebook group now.

  49. As a blogger I have to work hard to optimize a blog from creating content that is relevant to comment on blogs – blogs of others in the hope of getting backlinks and end – the end I was a little confused premises google algorithm changes because I’ve tried to optimization of my blog yet until now there has been no outcome but I remain optimistic that I will be able barada website in 10 page one of search engines for keywords kursi tamu jati jepara

  50. Its necessary to pay attention on yourself also because writing a daily post is not everything

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